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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Level 1 X-Factor combos are almost never practical just because you're giving up a TON of lategame damage scaling. Spencer on point works as a battery though -- he rarely uses meter. Hahahaha, that was the most annoying thing. Probably the best match I've played of Marvel thus far though
  2. Haha, this. Too bad Nintendo isn't doing anything for the anniversary.
  3. I'm really good with Laura/X-23, but my other characters are lacking -- you may recall that I dropped Trish's air super two or three times. Edit: In the spirit of the above, I've got a new X-Factor combo with her that hits for 1,000,000 damage at level 1 X-Factor. Costs three supers to do but I kill almost any char in one hit now (except Sentinel...ugh).
  4. My guess is that most people didn't read the whole article -- just saw that there were all of the art assets on the disc and squealed about DLC on-the-disc when that really isn't the case here (as you two have said in the article as clearly as I know how to say).
  5. Same to you, Sindra -- I'm MasterTenor.
  6. Definitely agreed -- I watched the entire Wednesday night fight stream and still want more. So far it looks like every character is decent, which is an incredible feat of balancing.
  7. I'm stuck in a blizzard here, so will be playing most of the afternoon.
  8. I haven't had any problems like that -- check your disc for scratches.
  9. Fuck yes, awesome game. Took me forever to realize that it's possible to upgrade yourself out of order
  10. So, after playing against Eternal Zero today, I'm dropping Phoenix from my team. She's awesome, and I love her, but she doesn't have any health whatsoever. Spencer is filling the gap currently, and it turns out that he fits me very well -- I picked him up and immediately started going even against Zero's Sentinel. Now, Trish is the weak link in my group (but her assist is amazing). Edit: ggs Global-Trance. Hopefully they patch in spectator mode soon so we can have large lobbies -- as things stand now I wouldn't want to ever be a group larger than 4.
  11. Arthur and Chris complement each other well, as you can get a TON of projectiles out on the screen with the two of them working in tandem (I'd think Chris would be better on point, but could be wrong). I still like Laura/Trish/Jean, but also really like Spencer -- I need to find a team for him...
  12. GT, request sent here, I'm MasterTenor. Great games tonight Vimk and Malakhim! Nice reminders that while Phoenix is amazing, her health _really_ makes her high risk. X-23's snapback --> (very nearly) unblockable level 3 super is safer for the meter usage, and more practical. I generally think that if I want to use DPm at the end of my match, I can use two supers during standard fighting (usually ending Laura's combos). What do people think about getting 5 meters, switching Phoenix in until she transforms, then immediately switching her out again? I realize that this is vulnerable to snapbacks but few people online seem to use them...
  13. Great stuff, thanks for the work. Looking forward to Jill next month! One good counter to Jean is to let her run out of time, not allowing her DPm to activate. Sounds crazy, but is MUCH safer than chancing X-Factor Dark Phoenix. On that note, my current team is X-23 / Trish / Phoenix, with X-23 on point. I'm currently using Trish's airtrap and Phoenix's fireball for assists, and it's working out thus far. IMO X-23 is a better point char than Trish thus far -- Trish's double jump aircombo requires a delay that makes me drop it more often than I'd like (though calling X-23 low assist + Trish's triangle jump works well when she's in play). Phoenix only comes in when the others are down (though I do use her assist), hopefully with 4 meters...though Jean can turtle up to build it if she needs to. Currently, I try to save X-Factor for Dark Phoenix. The team is working pretty well for me thus far -- more of you guys need to get online!
  14. Do yourself a favor and immediately jump into characters you know nothing about. You'll always be willing to go back to people you're comfortable with. Trust me -- I learned from Tatsunoko v Capcom where I knew absolutely jack about 1/3 the cast. Once you get comfortable with the Capcom side, you just won't want to deal with learning the Marvel chars. Don't make that mistake! Also in case anyone doesn't have me listed already, I'm MasterTenor, 360.
  15. I'm still looking at two fast/sexy teams, one Capcom and one Marvel: Chun / C. Viper / Trish (probably swapping Viper for Jill eventually) X-23 / Storm / Jean
  16. Thanks for the reminder -- saw this yesterday and forgot to grab it. I loved the stuff last year!
  17. I've gotta say, I love hearing familiar tunes in new time signatures. 7/4 is especially fun because it provides a sense of forward motion that an original in 4/4 won't have (see also "Blue Skies Over Guardia" by DarkeSword). More awesome rhythmic stuff in the future would be good, team. Just listened to this again, surfing here from the post about Tin's Grammy win. I'd completely forgotten about the rock half of the piece, and it's definitely the right way to go imo -- trying to do a similar style to the original work just won't be as good in this case.
  18. The continuation of "Playing Like a Designer" went up late last week -- it's good stuff. Also, it features "Morning, Thinker" for the closing credits which earns it extra points.
  19. Hey, great news that I had meant to check up on -- thanks for following up for everyone!
  20. I don't think any of us here are good enough to form opinions on tier lists the first week, except maybe A_Rival (who doesn't play regularly with us). There are some players here where I could take on two characters in SSF4 with just my Ibuki, and she's not op... Sentinel does look good, but not nearly as good as he was in MvC2. Wait until we all have it and see. I'm actually looking forward to seeing C.Viper in action btw -- she seems more suited to a Marvel game than SF4 tbh.
  21. I may start using BB if that gets patched into the main game -- it's about time they made it useable again.
  22. Much of the recruitment for projects is done via PM and IRC, which may be why that forum looks underused. If you're interested in something, join IRC and introduce yourself!
  23. Cave Story is such a tightly-made game though -- I dunno if the game lends itself well to a sequel. More power to him, but it's a hard game to make a good sequel for, given how high the expectations will be.
  24. Shariq summed it up with "Yeah!!" Seriously, some incredible piano playing -- thanks for sharing it with us. This is my favorite piece of Nintendo music from the current generation, among all of their franchises (and imo the best Mario piece post-SNES). I wish this was two minutes longer, and that you gave yourself some time to further develop the jazz form, perhaps returning to the earlier straight version near the end. That aside, your playing is very emotive and you obviously know what you're doing. Next time, try to get us a little bit more mastering work (stereo recording, etc -- the judges covered this). While I think the jazz ideas worked extremely well here, I would like to see you use your classical training and give us something that the musicologists in the room can really mull over. Maybe a sonata form using the two themes from Dancing Mad?
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