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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Did anyone else play enough to unlock the developer's jetpack? Maybe I have too much time on my hands...
  2. Both that, and the fact that they can't really tease us with what comes next, since it's either 1) an unlikely sequel to the prequel that takes place before X1 or 2) X1.
  3. I'm going to watch X2 again soon to be sure, but I really think this is the best X-Men movie. I was extremely skeptical of retelling this story, but it is done incredibly well. Surprisingly, the three characters who appear in as "adults" are all played be very talented young people here -- if you fear going to a movie where you're going to hate Magneto, Xavier, and Mystique, be afraid no more -- all three of those roles are incredibly well played. TL;DR -- Go see this _now_, it's amazing.
  4. Gaming music two weeks from now? Definitely looking forward to it. Also, there was a paper at the NYC conference you guys might be interested in reading -- someone from Harvard presented on the difficulties of identifying as something other than a straight male in online FPS games -- and how the nature of server jumping in these games means that they either have to continually out themselves (as a girl, as gay, etc) or continually retreat into a closet, since players assume that other players are straight men by default.
  5. As zirc mentioned, Apple iterates about once every other year -- maybe a little shorter timeline than that. No one complains when Snow Leopard replaces whatever came before it, and everyone is looking forward to Lion later this year. I would _much_ rather have Windows 8 come out instead of having MS call it Windows 7 Service Pack 2 and go through the whole mess of having to define those terms to computer illiterate people again, even if the update from 7 --> 8 is only as much (relatively) as it was from XP1 --> XP2. I understand that there will actually be more offered than that, but clearer numbering is definitely the way to go in any case.
  6. I'm going to see it tomorrow morning (cheaper then). Review inbound Saturday afternoon!
  7. This is excellent -- more companies should patch out their DRM a few weeks after the street date. It's only there to get the crucial first week window anyway, as it's always cracked after the game has been released for a few days (and usually, high profile games get cracked before release).
  8. This is incredible -- definitely keeping my eye on this for full release.
  9. I love this -- keep them coming! Also thanks for knocking Wisconsin and not Minnesota.
  10. I enjoyed it, but want to get back to talking about the games themselves asap.
  11. Start with DarkeSword's list of soundfonts -- squidfont is especially good.
  12. I agree that world conflict issues are far more important than Sony removing the ability of users to install Linus on their PS3. Sony's behavior affected many Linux users in a more personal way than those other world conflict issues, however. Somali pirates aren't directly taking things away from me that they promised I could have last year. Caveat: I don't support the hacking activity at all, but Sony is definitely in the wrong over the OtherOS issue.
  13. If anyone (preferably someone I've either met before or know from IRC) would like to go in for a 2-pack with me, that would be awesome. PM me if that's you.
  14. It's a little above your price range, but they're also fantastic, as you say -- the AKG-K240 headphones. djpretzel recommended them to me a while ago, and it's the best audio decision I've made in a long while. The comfort alone makes them worth the extra cost, but they're also some of the best sounding headphones I've ever used -- better than a lot of the headsets in the studios I've been to. Get them for $100 through the OCR Amazon store and help the site out while you're at it
  15. Great stuff with everyone I had matches with today -- also, I suck and need to practice badly. Once AE drops I'll put in the actual time, just going to enjoy being a casual player until then.
  16. yeah, I pretty much quit playing HoN because everyone got really upset over the smallest things. Hopefully DotA 2 has a system in place to prevent this...? In any case, I'm really hoping to continue playing my Ibuki soon! Probably going to give both Yang and Oni a shot also, guess we'll see.
  17. Totally true, it's a community that could stand to see some improvement. Not as bad as MOBA players though, geez.
  18. I wish I could go, but it's way too far (and therefore expensive) for a non-academic trip. Have fun and do well! I'll watch you on the stream
  19. Your best bet to get that achievement is to make a song with very little going on (e.g. mostly silence). 11 minutes is a long time to maintain your focus otherwise.
  20. I'll have it on both 360 and PC -- hit me up anytime!
  21. That is awesome -- have a great time! Oh, and if you do well I'm uploading my video of cheesing you out with Ibuki U1 after dash-through.
  22. Ultras aren't a replacement for supers, especially for certain characters where the super is a totally different move (Ibuki comes to mind). The ultras are a fun comeback system -- much easier to get around than X-Factor in Marvel 3 also.
  23. I'm really looking forward to playing on PC -- it should in theory have the least amount of lag.
  24. I will be playing a ton of it when the AE patch drops. Sticking with Marvel until then though.
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