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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Really scary stuff going on -- I hope that the crisis is as well managed as possible over there to minimize damage/casualties.
  2. Poor character development in Other M yes, but the over-arching Federation plot development regarding certain events in Fusion was actually very well done. Show us what happens post-Fusion, Nintendo!
  3. Find an interested staff person in IRC -- currently afaik only site staff can create / manage social groups.
  4. I'm definitely getting them, can't wait. Jill potentially adds a lot to my rushdown teams, and Shuma will be a nice addition to the roster even though I don't have specific plans for him yet.
  5. Of course the videos will be better than the songs: More of what she's good at in the video.
  6. Too much complaining going on in this thread, not enough gametime! Seriously though, I start my spring break this afternoon and am hoping to get in some games before Tuesday when I leave town.
  7. I dunno about that -- it can be used very effectively when it's treated as a compositional tool rather than a way to fix singing problems.
  8. Get a hold of Karen Collins' book, "Game Sound". Kiri Miller also does video game music research, though she doesn't have any books on games published. If you're in the midwest, she's giving a guest lecture here at the University of Minnesota on 3/28: "How Musical is Guitar Hero?" which looks like it will relate to the work you're interested in doing. If you can't make it, I can take some notes and send you a summary of her lecture -- I'm a UMN musicologist on the Music & Sound Studies committee that invites our guest lecturers. More tangentially related to your work is a book highly regarded by composers in the game industry: Aaron Marks' "The Complete Guide to Game Audio", now in its second edition (I own the first one and can't tell you what's changed). Additionally, I hope you're aware that Elektroplankton and Korg DS-10 are less "games" and instead are considered to be utilities -- especially the DS-10. Talking about either of them in terms of games (measured progress, plot, development of the player character, etc) will only go so far. I'm presenting a paper on video game music at this year's Music and the Moving Image conference -- the abstract will be made public closer to the conference date in May.
  9. Am I the only one that always starts with all three starters (via starting multiple games on a 2nd DS and trading something over)? I just hate having to choose
  10. Listening to the tracks now -- the Phantasy Star track sounds great thus far. Be sure to let us know when the album becomes available!
  11. If you can get through Very Hard mode, you shouldn't be losing all of your ranked matches -- you must be getting some terrible luck out there.
  12. Arek's connection to me wasn't too bad -- imo his internet is fine to play. Get online moar!
  13. Haha, I love wrecking a phoenix play by doing that. I need to be thinking about snapbacks more often. Especially to snap in doctor doom, haggar, and sentinel in addition to phoenix -- gotta get rid of those annoying assists.
  14. Nah, once somebody gets in on that team I'm basically screwed. It's just gimmicky and a fun alternative to my usual team.
  15. Had a few more good rounds with zircon just now -- my new Team Ragequit (Arthur bottle toss, Haggar lariat, Storm Whirlwind) is a blast to play. Use Whirlwind assist to push them back to keep throwing daggers, and Haggar if they superjump. If they have a projectile that beats daggers, go gold and throw lances instead.
  16. Honestly, something like L-cancelling where everyone basically has to do it to be competitive is redundant -- just auto-do it and make everyone competitive by default! Tripping is total BS though, agreed. On topic: I can now put two trap-bounces into my Trish combo -- happy. I can also do one and chain it back to the ground to do ground super DHC ground super. Lots of possibilities with Trish!
  17. If you can beat the computer on very hard, you can win online games. The AI is vastly superior to the majority of players you'll run into -- it tends to block much better against complex things. Edit: Also, anyone who doesn't know what's going on, hit me up for online games and we'll set the clock to infinite and talk through stuff. Happy to help people get over the initial hurdles!
  18. I need to step up my blocking game and learn how to pushblock effectively. Got my bum handed to me by GT, A_Rival, and antigrav. Good stuff all around though! Oh, and my last match with Arek had an epic finish. Gotta play everyone again soon...after I really learn Arthur.
  19. I'm certainly not a lawyer, but that's a fairly compelling argument, I'd say. There are no options should you choose to say "whoa there, I can't accept this" by the time you actually see that screen. You either accept Sony's contract and get a working PS3 or you have just bought a $300 brick. Apoc is right in that you certainly can't return an opened new console.
  20. What's your tag? I'm MasterTenor -- add me.
  21. You could start by linking it in your post so those of us reading it can watch it, lol.
  22. Were you a Cap player in previous Vs. games? I think he's vastly improved here -- the new shield toss mechanics are fun as hell to play with. Also you are still yet to play me -- we gotta fix this sometime.
  23. Haha yeah, the history of the Vs. series is that they're all terribly broken. Agreed that the variety 3 has had is amazing thus far given their track record.
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