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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Leona does a LOT of damage if people remember to utilize her Sunlight correctly. Between her E --> W combo and the Q followup, if allies can get 2 bursts of Sunlight off instead of 1, it leads to a ton of early damage. A good Leona player needs to wait between EW and Q for the Sunlight proc to get the good damage. Full 3 procs usually isn't possible, since the general strategy is to E warp such that Eclipse can't be dodged. So far I think that the way to build her is by starting with Philo Stone and Heart of Gold, then building into heavy armor or MR depending on their team setup. If you don't get the gold generators before 7:00, skip them.
  2. Nintendo really needs to release a new Startropics game. It's been dead for so long that it would essentially be a new IP that comes with a built-in fanbase. As far as re-releasing games goes, I'd love to see Bushido Blade 2 on PSN/XBLA. It's a unique approach to fighters that's a whole lot of fun.
  3. Related to both zoning and reaction times: the worst thing anyone can do is to be ultra indecisive. Don't walk out halfway to a lane and then decide that it'd be a waste of your time going, only to have to waste even more time running somewhere else. Keeping your down time to an absolute minimum is essential.
  4. Internet access in the hotel rooms?! It's like we're staying at a real hotel now. Not that I'll be in the room much, anyway...
  5. I just bought Sona, and she's amazing. Once you finish a few basic items and start pounding Elixirs, she can keep all three auras up 90% of the time -- not counting the effects of casting the spells, this gives 20 damage, 20 armor, 20 magic resist, and 20 movespeed just for surviving. I don't know why I don't see her on almost every team tbh -- though she's not a solo player at all, which probably has something to do with it.
  6. You could always, you know, pay your brother to set it up for you...
  7. Thanks a bunch, I am now gplus.to/BardicKnowledge -- hooray for nabbing your nickname!
  8. How do you get the short links? Same question as above except I'm going to wait for an answer, since I'm about to drive the rest of the way home (looking forward to being done driving for the weekend in a few hours).
  9. If you are running clairvoyance, then you should have the clairvoyance mastery, period. It's a _great_ spell btw, and if flash is phased out (as rumors suggest) then I expect to see much more use of it.
  10. I've started taking Clairvoyance when I play support, and it's amazing. Any time I _might_ want a ward somewhere, I just cast it. The CD on it is amazing compared to how rarely you can use Ghost, Teleport, or Exhaust.
  11. I don't usually spec the spy, lol. Everyone should call it when they're stabbed though, that's just good practice.
  12. The new generation of 2D fighters are worth your time, but either you play those games or you don't. For general recommendations: Assassin's Creed (whole series but especially II) and Shadow Complex are great. On XBLA: If you like retro gaming at all, consider Bionic Commando Rearmed (1), Prince of Persia XBLA, Mega Man 9 (better than 10 which is also good), and Castle Crashers (in the spirit of retro gaming). If you have a couple friends that you can convince to drop $10 with you, Age of Booty is one of the most fun games on the system and criminally underplayed. For $5, Marble Blast Ultra is probably the best purchase out there, featuring a fun multiplayer mode also.
  13. Random aside, Stevo's joystick is amazing. On topic: I'm running MAME32 Plus! Plus! and it works fine for me. I run Kawaks when I'm using GGPO to play Street Fighter online.
  14. I am back from "vacation" with my inlaws! Looking forward to playing some more games asap starting tomorrow.
  15. Dunno why there's suddenly all this hate for Braid -- while the plot was trying to be more complex than it actually was, the gameplay mechanics and puzzles were excellent...well worth the $15 price of admission.
  16. Missed this while I was out of town -- happy birthday to all of you!
  17. I'm with Jimmy on this one -- it's not that he doesn't have the right to sue and defend his IP, but to sue for an amount (presumably anyway, unless Kind of Bloop was some breakout hit?) higher than the total revenue from the album smacks of greediness.
  18. You're completely right, myrmidon is easily up there with the best of the heroes atm. Can't believe I forgot him!
  19. I think that Screwattack in general is super biased, but I also love the bluntness of the rating system. I don't care if someone thinks Muramasa is an 8.5 or a 9.3 -- I just want to be told to go buy it, you won't regret it.
  20. I really enjoyed the further discussion on the audience of gaming just now -- a pleasant way to end my night. Hoping to see some further discussion in the comments there.
  21. Anyone who sees this and plays RIFT, I have the coupon for a TF2 hat -- first person to find me either via PM or ingame gets it for basically anything, as it doesn't benefit me. Edit: New rocket launcher feels great, better than standard for everything except using an uber (where clip size matters more). New shotgun not as good as the standard imo -- 3 shots just isn't enough. Would be better on Pyro post uncornered airblast, but Pyro/Engie can't use it. Does anyone think that instead of giving the Demo all this knight gear, they should have just added a "Knight" class? Lastly, Engie is desperately in need of new gear now -- I really hope that the next update addresses this.
  22. I'm still playing HoN regularly, but am out of town -- I'm back on Monday. Rambo, Bonzai, Scytheful, Dhsu, and zircon are playing again in addition to those you mentioned. As for the ingame store, you're basically never going to get anything useful from it via ingame points -- it's not like LoL where you can play 20 games and get something awesome (runeset, new hero). The upside is that gameplay relevant things don't get sold in HoN yet. New heroes since you've been gone worth checking out: Aluna, windrunner port with a more engaged ultimate Silouhette, ninja semi-carry with grappling hook to trees Amun-Ra, hero with a passive that does 8 HP regen and more AoE passive damage than mock at level 7 on the same skill (not joking) Martyr, super support hero that makes it nearly impossible to kill one hero (and heals better than anyone else in the game atm)
  23. I'm still super hyped for AE -- my inlaws are in town and I can play again on Monday. Arek: I can do Ibuki's Tsumuji loop! MK xx LK Tsumuji, jab, MK xx special (can't loop again unless you're against Abel) works -- I've been closing with EX Tsumuji --> Raida, and it's amazing. One meter for half life against Yang.
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