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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Damn, looks like there are all sorts of cool tricks waiting for us in a few weeks!
  2. People will RAGE when they try closet camping and get a spitter. There's no campy spot in the demo...but the rage will happen. Charger will probably be the first one nerfed though, as he has quite a bit of HP currently -- what advantage does a hunter have over a charger currently, if any? Sniper rifle is still very underwhelming, but I've only gotten the "old" one, not any of the new scoped guns, so I'll reserve judgment...for now. Finally, the sword / machete seems much MUCH better than all of the other melee weapons, and they need to be balanced out.
  3. The body-armored cop zombie is a real pain to take down -- much worse than I thought he'd be at first...especially if you're the only one around at the time.
  4. Just pronounce the first R's as a one-syllable "errrr" instead.
  5. I threw an arrow You ran in and were eaten Not my fault, loser Getting beaten down everyone here is a noob fuck this R-R-R-RAGEQUIT!
  6. Our group also noticed a significant improvement to the enemy AI -- Advanced is a challenge now, whereas in L4D1 anything but Expert was a complete joke that we could basically waltz through. I didn't notice a magnum or super-pistol of any kind. Will look tomorrow Oh, and any of you who are undecided about this, decide to get it fast -- it's going to be a TON better than the original...which was basically multiplayer game of the year last year.
  7. I particularly enjoyed Damnit Hellbringer Why can't I just be Malphas You are so awful
  8. When Flagship Studios was still trying to sell Hellgate London a year or so ago, to test the netcode for it they had a small team make a game. That game was Mythos, the game Flagship should have made in the first place. The team that made Mythos (which was an excellent game in its own right) lost the IP rights when Flagship broke apart. They moved on and created Torchlight instead, which is absolutely incredible. It's got the free movement and UI of basically Diablo 2, but with the simple appeal and quest design more similar to Diablo 1. They've also made some really unique improvements that streamline the "quest, town, quest" process, such as sending your pet to town to sell items for you while you keep fighting (losing the HUGE advantage of having your dog/cat around for a minute or two). Both DarkeSword and I have it thus far, and I love it one day in -- I'm playing an Arcane-focused Alchemist and having a blast. The only downside is that there isn't any multiplayer...but for $20, you certainly get what you pay for.
  9. No int chars bash naturally, and the only int hero I could possibly imagine bash being a legitimate option on, even then super-luxury, was old zephyr.
  10. Forcing a Succubus to burn a spell / regen item isn't a bad thing by any means. Similarly, some chars don't have many active spells early on, so you can make them burn through their regen items very quickly. Also the glaives + stats build is outdated now that the aura grants stat-drain instead of glaives. Considering how few heroes get shroud, this shouldn't be a big issue? Agreed. Don't join a game if you can't dedicate 60 minutes to the game. APM isn't really that big of a deal in this game, is it? Especially compared to an RTS, I don't see the point of tracking APM as opposed to KDR or some gameplay related number.
  11. Silencer is really OP if you let it go late -- if you're against him he needs to be ganked constantly. Also, the idea of permanent stat-draining seems really overpowered if the hero who does it has 18 kills and 15 assists or some such....a free +30 int by the end of the game?
  12. We're not _that_ serious, though we do like winning a lot. For those who play currently: Vindicator (Silencer) is fun as hell. I love his curse, as it basically forces someone to burn a spell or die. Ult, then curse = death if they anywhere near low. Oh, and stat-stealing is amazing.
  13. it's exactly like DotA, arcana. But if you haven't played it, saying "It's like WoW's Battlegrounds in an RTS engine" is a pretty accurate description.
  14. Only if I'm going Valk -- she's the only hero I'm really great with. Edit: Also who is dots? I've seen him online, but don't know his forum/IRC name.
  15. If you're planning to backdoor though, none do it better than Scout. Considering that it's a viable strategy, it's something to be considered. So if he sucks at teamfights, every time the two teams clash they lose a tower? Seems good to me.
  16. Actually, in the SF2HD remake, they gave Ryu a FOURTH special move: the fake fireball. It adds multiple levels of depth to his game, while not changing the way he's supposed to be played. Why are people so opposed to adding depth to a hero? More options is almost always better, gang.
  17. Also zircon, behemoth doesn't get his ult at level 4 -- check your post in the HoN forums.
  18. Orbwalking is useful on many of the ranged heroes, not just Arachna. Valkyrie needs it just as badly if not more, because her attacks DON'T slow -- but if you orbwalk her (force move RIGHT AFTER she throws), you can get 2-3 attacks off instead of one, which usually will get you the kill after arrow + AoE. Anyone who plays a ranged hero on a regular basis should learn it. Edit: Also Tensei, any thoughts on which of the AGI semi-carries is best? Or a ranked order? You seemed to do that for the STR carries...
  19. To be honest, matchmaking and lack of server access hurt left 4 dead bad. Even using the OCR server for inhouse games is a pain in the ass to setup -- there's a reason everyone went back to TF2 after a few months. Won't surprise me to see PC sales over the long-term suffer because of no mod support and no private servers.
  20. Elec's biggest problem is that he takes up a melee slot in your team. If your carries are Valk and Arachna I guess this isn't a problem, but it forces you to build around it.
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