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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. yeah, Jereziah is the new Akuma. Seriously, it's damn near that bad.
  2. Is taking your first level in stats instead of skills viable? +2 all helps a TON more in the early game than it does late game, and will make you much better than basically any hero you run up against 1v1. Especially for a STR/AGI hero, it seems like a decent idea to get bloodlust or at least scare them into healing early.
  3. Happy birthday, OA! Hope you find the time to do something exciting to celebrate tomorrow!
  4. The Tengen Tetris for NES is my favorite version of the game -- unfortunately, not on the VC. As for advice: If you grew up playing NES games, get Ninja Gaiden (2 preferred). If you didn't, get The Legend of Zelda IMO. Of course, you could just homebrew your Wii, and emulate everything
  5. Good luck with this -- I love the concept, and hope that you get something really great to demo for Gabe, Tycho, and the craploads of fans at PAX this weekend.
  6. Accursed is damn near impossible to kill endgame. I was literally standing there taking hits from 3 level 25 heroes, including behemoth...and not dying. His ultimate is auto-triggering, and refills his health faster than the fountain. We need more awesome STR heroes imo.
  7. ^Same -- it doesn't seem fair that I have NO hats, and 60 axetinguishers.
  8. Congrats! My advice: When you write thank-you cards post-wedding, be sure to include specific points ("We're enjoying the X" instead of "Thanks!") for as many as possible -- especially relatives that will buy you stuff in the future.
  9. Great job, both of you! The two albums are the only CDs that continually live in my car -- my favorite part about them is that they don't get old on repeated plays the way that most other albums do.
  10. ^Hey now, both of you are at fault -- Baha shouldn't have expressed his frustration so directly, and Halt should be better (you'll get there). Much <3 both of you
  11. Posting to remind zircon that I won my first round match against Jakesnke -- good matches all around!
  12. I loved playing yesterday, even though Donut is a cut above the rest of us (too much denying!) I can't believe how much more fluid the game is than DotA -- you've really gotta see this one in action to believe it.
  13. Plot is alright, but mostly it's kill everyone. Comparisons to SM abound for obvious reasons, but the background aiming thing is so awesome it will make this game stand alone. That being said, I liked the basic beam weapons (mostly because of ice) more than the basic guns here. Overall, I'd say SM is _slightly_ better...but not by much.
  14. If jakesnake doesn't get a hold of me by tomorrow afternoon, it'll have to wait until Monday as I'm out of town for the weekend. Looking forward to playing everyone!
  15. Put homebrew on your Wii, and turn it into an emulation box.
  16. There's enough payload as is -- just put in regular dustbowl if people want to play it that badly.
  17. As long as the levels have no pipes to explore, and only scroll in one direction, humans won't stand a chance. If you pit an AI against a human in say, the Ghost House levels from SMW, humans would have a better chance.
  18. After playing it for a few days, I've decided that I like KOTH -- as long as it's not on Sawmill. CTF works surprisingly well there though.
  19. DarkeSword used the word "cinematic" to describe this, and I've gotta agree. The arrangement on this mix is incredible -- thank you so much for submitting it! As far as the production issues go, in my opinion the arrangement transcends any problems with the production -- especially given that the production issues cited are small. Glad to see this mix get the nod!
  20. I'm in -- my gamertag is MasterTenor. Unhittable super isn't a big deal -- it's the fact that blocked air fireball will let him hit you with it no matter what.
  21. I'd be willing to take a look zircon -- either e-mail me or call my cell (it's on Facebook).
  22. Happy birthday! Hope you're out doing something exciting!
  23. The key to beating Emerald Weapon is setting Lucky 7s before the battle begins. I've never finished Ruby though, and because you can't cheap out on that battle, I think it's harder.
  24. Enjoyed 23 -- we finally will get to find out Juuzou's motivations, which they've been holding over our heads far too long IMO. Good stuff!
  25. Most of us are eager to have new players in all of the games we get -- don't hesitate to send any of us an invite to something.
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