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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. You can't possibly be worse than me at demo Besides, I've gotta have something to claim.
  2. My two favorite from WC3: Element TD http://www.eletd.com/ <-- I used to beta test for the guy that makes this -- it's very well balanced, and IMO the best on WC3. Skibi TD -- Comes with Frozen Throne, and is a combo TD / minigame fest. GREAT fun with maxed out players.
  3. ^Add NG Sigma 2 to that nice list above, as it finally has Ayane playable.
  4. Damn, this looks good. Might actually get me playing an MMO if the release is as appealing as this teaser stuff.
  5. Pilotwings mode is definitely the highlight of Resort, IMO. After that, I also enjoy Frisbee Dog and 100-pin bowling. Incidentally, there are hidden targets in Archery that make the game a crapload more enjoyable...has everyone found them all?
  6. I'd get the 360 just because the support for expansion packs etc tends to come sooner for 360 than it does for PS3. With the exception of MGS4 (which admittedly, is ridiculously good) the genres of games you mention are mostly multiplatform. Might as well get the system that gets bonuses first. ^Assuming you don't need the blu-ray player of course.
  7. Gario, nice work -- the track sounds great. Also diotrans, excellent job on such short notice. Do you have anything on the site that I haven't caught hold of yet?
  8. Haven't heard them, but will give them a listen sometime this week. Anyway...make zelda mixes!
  9. Singing baroque stuff, playing baroque instruments...my roomie in college was an organ performance major...I was doomed from the start.
  10. Mine has arrived -- new artwork on the card, and it came with a flyer for 2 free sample decks (30 cards each), you choose the color when you go to the store. Not too shabby! Also, if anyone is still playing this, hit me up sometime on Xbox Live (MasterTenor).
  11. I really think Valve has done an excellent job with the new weapons. Banning them is lazy, IMO -- it's not like Smash Bros. where certain item bans (gold hammer, dragoon) are really needed to keep competition fair.
  12. Specifically, this model of recorder. I guess some people stop after 3rd grade, and some don't...
  13. Gario, try asking around in IRC also if you want to get responses by your deadline. ...I vote for anso to do female vocals also.
  14. ^That, pretty much. Send me a PM / e-mail (in profile) if you're interested -- I don't play as much as I'd like to, and am looking for opportunities to put it to use.
  15. I'm with atmuh on this one -- if you're really concerned about getting behind people, play spy. Pyro's AB gives him so much more utility it's a joke to use the BB in anything but very special situations.
  16. The thread title is hilarious -- "as soon as next week" on a blizzard product, my ass.
  17. No babies here -- don't want the little guys(gals) running around sliming all my stuff. Happy birthday anyway!
  18. Happy belated birthday, djp! Hope to see you on XBLA games more often.
  19. Anso, regarding the TE fightstick, you're probably ahead to buy the SE and order replacement joystick / buttons from LizardLick. Comes with the bonus of having whatever art you want, also.
  20. The crossover was awesome -- I can't believe they haven't done this a lot more with the two series considering how entertaining it was.
  21. Awesome pics. All the best to both of you -- congratulations!
  22. How did you pull this off? And is there a chance of you doing it again, then mailing me one?
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