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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Are you guys talking about the very young kid that was running around doing nothing but healing zircon 95% of the time yesterday?
  2. Top 3 players each round get free random XBLA game. The One plays for the large prize -- The Mob divides the prize amongst remaining members if the One loses -- the prize is usually between 1000 and 10000 MS Points. All players as The Mob or The One that win also get a random free XBLA game. Bigger prizes to be added once the show is out of beta. For playing Extended Play, you earn additional entries into the sweepstakes for a big screen HDTV, Zunes, and other big prizes.
  3. For those of you who have XBL Gold: don't miss this the next time there's a primetime show. It was awesome -- gameshows are good to begin with, and actually playing one was sweet. Got to yell at newt and bahamut over the mic, which made it better still. I'll update this after tonight's show and let people know when the next primetime event is (right now, there's E3 trivia just for fun over the next half hour). EDIT: The next primetime (live) shows are Friday June 12 at 9:00 PM, and Saturday June 13 at 7:00 PM. Extended play (for fun and no prizes) happens for 1-2 hours every day -- check the schedule via the Spolight menu.
  4. happy birthday! Wait till next year -- 21 is always a fun birthday.
  5. ^Pretty sure it was all one round -- the two of them were just devastating.
  6. I'd like to push the date back to the end of June (the 27th-28th) if possible -- lemme know. I can make the original Saturday, but will spend Friday on the road from MN.
  7. Happy yes, but it implies that there was another adventure for Issac, should they choose to have it. Maybe Issac passes the power of the Golden Sun to his descendants?
  8. Happy birthday wes! Do something exciting with the rest of your night
  9. Holy crap, that's amazing. Read it again, haha. No IGN link yet, but I'll add something to this first post soon.
  10. Love the co-op trailer. Hopefully this actually gets finished, but I've learned from fan projects to not get my hopes up.
  11. IMO Calling police would have been way useful, as they could have determined that the paperwork they presented to enter the house was invalid, and then charged the lot with breaking & entering. As usual w/ the Internet, I'm no lawyer though
  12. The problem isn't having to dash after a focus attack: FADC means something else entirely. Also, Rog (especially) and Chun have NO disadvantages to their ultras compared to Fei/Cammy. As a Chun main, I know she has a load of ways to setup her ultra easily (EX Legs --> Ultra is easiest), and can punish a whiffed move from full screen. Rog's setups are even easier. Fei/Cammy can ONLY combo into ultra from a Focus Attack that stuns, and they can't get the full ultra animation if the first hit connects while the opponent is in midair. Edit: Cammy can land hers off of a jumpin. It still sucks compared to the rest of the cast.
  13. None of the console exclusive characters (except Gouken, and Gen's AA ultra) will do their entire Ultra animation off of a mid-air connection. This hurts both Fei and Cammy a ton, as they are only getting fractions of what a full ultra would do.
  14. Happy birthday neko! and congrats on the huntsman
  15. ^Hey now -- I enjoyed both Jurassic Park and The Andromeda Strain as books -- you just had to understand the "fiction" emphasis on science fiction.
  16. I'm still playing a decent Chun on the 360 -- find me on IRC if you want to play me (or send me an invite when I'm dicking around w/ Bionic Commando).
  17. Define "completely random" please. How does one go about getting the new stuff now?
  18. Anyone know of any really nice deals on a new laptop? My friend is trying to replace his, and I told him I'd check here. Unfortunately, the deals on laptops just don't exist in the way that they do for desktops...
  19. Quality voiceovers for this would be epic. Looking forward to playing through this again!
  20. The track in the Youtube vid sounds like Jeremy Soule's work from Morrowind. Anyone else hearing it?
  21. I'll play medic if the team still needs one. It's all I'd feel comfortable enough playing competitively.
  22. So, who picked this up, and what are your gamertags? The single player feels very limiting compared to the multiplayer game (which is awesome) -- but I haven't gotten very far into the campaign yet. Hopefully things pick up tomorrow, as I'll be putting it aside to play TF2 on Thursday.
  23. Is there a release date known for the game? Trailer doesn't have it...
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