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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Nah -- was thinking of these guys. Their show is cheap, and totally badass.
  2. We could go see a great show (in chicago) if it's friday or saturday night -- there's a long-running comedy show that everyone would enjoy, I'm sure. When are we thinking of doing this? I'd prefer early June, but might be able to make other times work.
  3. I will go to either Chicago, STL, or Urbana. Ohio is too far for me to drive, and I have no family there which makes lodging difficult.
  4. Finally started integrating Chun-Li's d+MK stomp as a pressure/wakeup game. It's devastating if they aren't ready for it.
  5. I have a tourney to play at the beginning of May. Haven't played it for a long while now, so I'll have to shape up beforehand. Living in MN makes competition not as rough as some other places though
  6. Thanks for the invite Powerlord -- also, the convo above is funny as hell, despite the problems it caused.
  7. I meant college-going people in the Twin Cities regarding pokemon -- sorry about the confusion. Also, DSi is dumb IMO. Unless they release some incredible stuff for the download service, I see no improvements over my DS Lite.
  8. Meh -- I'm filling my Sinnoh pokedex legit, but feel no qualms about forcing pokemon to evolve w/o trading them (no one here plays pokemon), or hacking wild pokemon into my game that I'd have to play through shitty Gamecube games to get to otherwise (Lugia, among others). Post Hall-of-Fame, anything's up for grabs to me!
  9. I was kind of hoping for a prize after witnessing Of course I'll still throw in my $10 anyway sometime after Wednesday Seriously though, what a bunch of crap about the laptop drawing
  10. I can get Arceus / anything else for anyone who wants one. Either PM me or (preferably) find me in IRC when I have some free time... Edit: hacked, obviously. I'll give it to you at level 1, because it's easier to catch that way...
  11. I really enjoyed this, especially 0:53 with the chiptune. Any plans to add in the 2nd part of Snakeman's theme?
  12. Squeenix's PS2 games tend to have better versions in Japan. These are the "Final Mix" for Kingdom Hearts, or the "International Edition" for FFX and FFX-2. FFX differences: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/197344/41079 FFX-2: not linked to avoid spoilers. You miss EPIC boss fights, and get a crappier music video. Kingdom Hearts 2: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_KH2_and_KH2_Final_Mix If your PS2 can play Japanese games, I HIGHLY advise that you get the international editions, as there's no good reason to avoid extra content. Especially in KH2's case, as KH2 Final Mix comes WITH Re: Chain of Memories on the disc. The standard FFX is also ridiculously easy if you get the super weapons -- the extra bosses would give them a purpose that's not instant-win. EDIT: Forgot to mention that all of the "International" versions can be set to full English, both text and voice acting.
  13. I'll throw down again this year towards the end of the month -- we're currently avoiding shopping and money spending to help absorb the cost of our new laptop. Will edit my post when I get around to it (probably on one of the last few days of April).
  14. Happy birthday -- I hope someone gets you a new 360!
  15. That's amazing. We still don't have good vehicle (or horse, for that matter) based combat in a zelda game -- a train doesn't seem like a good place to start for that.
  16. If I were you, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss FFX-2 -- despite its cheesiness, the gameplay is fun as hell. If you're into shmups, Gradius V is excellent also.
  17. People will figure out what tools work best in given situations over time. No one needs someone else to do the work for them -- in fact this is often detrimental because what works well can have variations for each different person (for instance, I'm not about to put in the time to learn all of Chun's 1-frame link combos, no matter how well they work). There's no one certain tactic for any character that's neccessary to win...
  18. The 5/4 time signature video is still (awful) awesome.
  19. Very good stuff -- looking forward to watching it tonight!
  20. This is awesome, as Layton was easily one of the best of last year.
  21. Nice matches, k-wix. If you're on XBL, are you up for a game sometime? I want to work on my Gief matchup (I play chun and gouken). Gamertag is MasterTenor. More on topic, that match vid shows that the shoto juice kick (immediate air hurricane) is still a nice way to get around, especially since it clears some AA moves. What do shoto players think?
  22. I hope they offer a button-based control scheme this time around. More importantly, I hope we can actually interact with the train in a meaningful way -- the boat in Hourglass sucked compared to sailing around in WW where you had full control of the thing.
  23. Seth's piledriver does less damage than Gief's does, as I recall. He also doesn't have Guile's speedy recovery on his Sonic Booms.
  24. There's the actual new Zelda game video, coming out on DS. Link needs to get away from vehicles though -- walking's still cool!
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