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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. My wife and I went; I got the "mature" bag they were handing out, and she took the kiddie one. Full list in the quote box: All in all, a total haul for us. I'll be getting the entire Blackest Night event, and The Stuff of Legend when they both release in July.
  2. http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=16474166159&sid=3000&pageNo=1 They're putting up a test realm to test the new patch -- it must be bigger than we originally thought. Still no new date though
  3. Holy shit, that's amazing. I've only finished IN on Normal with Reimu's homing missiles...
  4. My entry has been sent, but due to Malak's inability to participate, I might send a message with a correction. In any case, my part is done, the list is posted. PM CapcomContest via Unity (go to his profile page, and click "Message this user") all of the list from my first post, putting your name at the top.
  5. Agreed. I wish that they wouldn't have said "maybe before the end of April" as now I could care less about playing it until after the patch.
  6. By my count, we're currently at 7 total people with gamertags AND unity names posted. We need Dyne or Penfold to get us Unity names, and then we're solid. I'll post an organized list once we reach that point.
  7. I mentioned this in a first-post edit but just to be clear: You MUST join capcom-unity if you aren't a member already, and let us know what your username there is. Mine is Bardic. Once we get 8 people with all of their info, I'll make one big post that you will be able to copy/paste into a PM to capcom's gamertag as a contest entry.
  8. Here's the link. The short version is that we need 7 other people to change their mottos until the middle of May, and then all 8 of us can enter the contest using each other's names. I'd imagine that not a lot of people have the coordination to pull this off, and so I'm turning to the OCR community in the hopes that a few of us are willing to go in on a contest entry together. It's a free chance for 8,000 points that not a lot of people will enter -- if anyone else is up for it, post here with your XBL Gamertag (mine is MasterTenor) and I'll PM everyone once we have 8 total names. Edit: You've gotta have XBL Gold, because you have to d/l the BC demo. Sorry silvers! Edit 2: If you haven't already, you MUST post your Capcom-Unity name also. Mine is Bardic. FINAL EDIT: Here's a list of enough gamertags / Unity membernames. Put yourself at the top of this list, and PM the Capcom rep like the contest instructions tell you to. Remember to leave your Motto changed to "Bionic Commando = RAD" until after the contest is over! XBL Gamertag -- Capcom-Unity name MasterTenor -- Bardic TenTonHammer23 -- TenTonHammer23 Malakhim -- Malakhim vader217 -- vader217 ArekTheAbsolute -- ArekTheAbsolute SoloGamer87 -- SoloGamer Hum4n After All -- Hum4nAfterAll CoolHandTomas -- CoolHandTomas
  9. My worst HC death happened shortly after I made fun of my brother for the same thing: "Bardic died from a Trap" <-- act 2 urn
  10. ^Win. CvS3 would be amazing. Choose between SF4's system and KoFXII's system? hell yes.
  11. I'm gonna take you for a ride. Raw awesome, and the netcode is going to be the same that drives SF2HDR.
  12. Tensei, I'll play around then. Are you guys doing any practice runs tomorrow / Wednesday?
  13. Saw the video, and it looks hilarious. I'll definitely be picking this one up when it comes out. Really high quality voicework also -- it's nice to see a game that knows how to be funny in the right ways.
  14. I'm going to play an elemental damage paladin -- still deciding on whether holy freeze or holy shock is better. Freeze makes me live longer, but shock = more damage. Any opinion from anyone?
  15. Hahaha, awesome strip today. Incredibly accurate for most places (read: GameFAQs) also.
  16. Finally got around to throwing down my $10. Sorry I took so long!
  17. I'll be there, account name is Bardic. Looking forward to the new patch!
  18. Didn't read the whole thread this time, sorry if I repeat things. My take: If it's on the disc, it should be ours w/o an additional charge. If the game hints that it exists without it (I'm looking at you, Oblivion Mages Guild Orrery), then it should have shipped with the original game. If it's small and stupid (Horse Armor) then include it as part of a standard (free) patch eventually. Knights of the Nine satisfied me -- it was long enough to warrant some additional payment, and it integrated itself into Oblivion better than the others. XBLA games are amazing -- keep them coming. TL;DR version: Expansions / meaningful content yes, stuff on the disc (or stuff that should have been on the disc) and small useless crap no. XBLA games are their own animal, but <3 them also.
  19. According to the relevant wiki:
  20. Those of you going, let us know how it is! Also pics if possible.
  21. Just read this, and the deadline is passed! rats.
  22. Many people here are bound by the school calendar, making a Sept/October meetup difficult. I'm an ISU grad though, and will look you up the next time I go to DM!
  23. Does early June work for everyone? May has school finals, which suck for most of us.
  24. I'd like to give a HUGE shout-out to all of the forum lurkers that have contributed. It's awesome to see your generosity, and I'm sure that the regulars would agree. Here's hoping we see more of you around the site! Aside from getting more involved on the forums, a lot of us play Steam games online -- check the threads for Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead, and coordinate things in our IRC channel, which we'd love to see you guys a part of.
  25. The Pac-Man map is absolutely amazing. More of it! The catapult map kind of sucked, and we need more "both teams push the cart" maps.
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