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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. I have it now, and it's incredible. My gamertag is MasterTenor -- I'm eager to play new people. so as long as I'm on, hit me up for matches...
  2. Added you for SF4 -- i'm MasterTenor.
  3. I'm about to finish the game now, and I'll say that Guadia Quest is probably the least exciting of the pack as far as the "challenges" go. I really enjoyed Haggleman 1 and 2, as I played the entire Ninja JaJaMaru-kun series extensively as a kid. No giant frog = fail though. Haggleman 3 is awesome, but not long enough. The idea of purchasing major upgrades in a Ninja Gaiden game is sweet though... If they do make another one of these, they need to parody some Culture Brain games. Flying Warriors and Little Ninja Brothers, anyone?
  4. For me, it's about interesting gameplay mechanics. It's the reason why the Final Fantasy series has been so popular IMO -- each new game has a different gameplay mechanic to explore. Come up with a new, interesting core gameplay mechanic, and people will line up to play your game.
  5. Hahaha. I like Cody in Alpha 3, but play him like a scrub. Gotta stick with A-Guy, X-Juni, or V-Ryu for good results from me.
  6. No one here plays video games, so I'm lightyears ahead of everyone else. Hell, my wife is way better than everyone else we know here... I'd play it more if I had more regular competition.
  7. Everyone: If you don't already own R-Type, get the XBLA version that came out today. The new camera stuff is amazing.
  8. rofl at brad being a "bad evil man." On topic, what have people heard about SFIV, and who are people going to play in the upcoming tourney? Not to mention that it's under two weeks until it comes out...
  9. I'd like to see a re-envisioning of the Mana series that doesn't suck. I was compeltely disappointed with Children of Mana for DS
  10. For 360 games, I've found that the best way to get in touch with people is via the IRC channel -- just ask around if anyone wants to play (especially SF2HD...it's quick and we're always looking for more players)
  11. FFXII did a couple of things very well, but the things it does bad outweigh it. For instance, I thought the programmable combat system was sweet. Not getting money from kills, and forcing a crapton of grinding sucked. Having random treasure chests that you can't open or you lose the best weapon in the game sucks. Giving no direction for finding extras without a guide sucks. I'm currently outside the Necrohol of Nabudis ready to fight Chaos, and just got bored of it because of the grinding
  12. ^Thanks! I've now got sound via General MIDI, but I'd like to utilize the nicer samples I've got. Happen to know how to make the jump from the general midi patch number to my Garritan (or any other sample library, in theory) sounds?
  13. Can someone walk me through the steps I need to take to sucessfully import a MIDI file made in Finale, and assign each channel generated as a result the appropiate Garritan instrument in order to get some sound out of FL Studio? I've got no idea what I'm doing, and every tutorial I've come across assumes that I have at least some basic knowledge with FL Studio or similar programs already, and I can't figure any of it out. I'd be happy to move to IRC instead of the forums also if that's easier for people...just let me know!
  14. That's sweet -- IMO the Windfish ballad is easily one of the best Zelda tunes.
  15. Amadeus is coming up in my Netflix queue to celebrate
  16. Closets aren't the problem in multiplayer. It's a totally valid tactic in every situation except one: Tanks can currently only hit one person at a time. That means that if four Survivors in the finale all stand on top of / next to each other, three of them will always be unloading auto-shotgun into the tank, and there's nothing he can do about it. Standing right next to the tank is easily the best strategy for beating it right now...which to me is a mistake. The tank should encourage the group to spread out, kite it around, and basically harass it to death. No team of survivors should be able to man up to the Tank and win -- it seems counter-productive to having the Tank around in the first place. One solution would be to have the tank hit one person and stun others nearby in a fashion similar to that of the Hunter's pounce...
  17. Wow -- that really hurts closet spammers. Thank goodness! Also, you're saying that fire damage now affects the Tank's health as opposed to a timer?
  18. Played The Maw trial today based on your recommendation, and it was well worth my time. If I had extra points, I'd probably buy it -- it's definitely an interesting take on the genre.
  19. ^sucks, but is hilarious. You just had a crappy day, that's all.
  20. Some PC games come with sweet posters. Notably, Morrowind comes to mind, and you can get it for $10-15 now.
  21. Yes, the CT mix is on their four-track EP, and yes, it's awesome. The group as a whole is better live though, which isn't necessarily a negative comment.
  22. I have MM9, BCR, and Pac Man WCE...but none of those are multiplayer over Live, so I didn't mention them. I have Geometry Wars Galaxies for Wii and DS, because I'm an idiot. But I probably won't get GW2 as a result. Castle Crashers just feels like an average beat-em-up in the trial, though I'm sure it picks up. It'll probably be my next XBLA purchase.
  23. Mods: I feel that at this point XBLA stuff deserves its own thread, as it often gets overshadowed by the full-retail 360 games. If you disagree, please merge this. I can't be the only forum-goer who has a ton of great games from the Xbox Live Arcade, and tragically few people to play them with. So, I'd like this thread to be a place where those of us playing obscure XBLA games that deserve more sales than they have can meet up and get some good multiplayer action going on. Also, if there's a great XBLA game I don't have, let me know! My gamertag is MasterTenor, and I have the following: Aegis Wing (it's free!) Age of Booty Assault Heroes Bomberman LIVE Carcassonne DOOM GripShift Ikaruga Marble Blast Ultra N+ SSF2THDR (of course) UNO While I'm happy to play any of these with anyone, I'm especially looking for more GripShift and Age of Booty players, as those games get loads better in multiplayer.
  24. The tunes sound great -- well done! Demos that are time limited with no warning The game feels kind of like a VG version of "Guess Who", the old board game.
  25. Watching Taucer's new sig to the DKC2 preview is hilarious, especially this late at night. Thanks for the laugh!
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