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Everything posted by C7

  1. Up for me for a third?
  2. Hey, I'd love to join up on a team. I'll post my top 5 in a little bit, but I wanted to throw my post in here. I had a track on Rockin' Sockin' Cinder Blockin' and some other stuff on adamprack.com for the people who haven't heard anything of mine. Alright, here we go: 1. Chill man 2. Splash woman 3. Galaxy man 4. Metal Man 5. Ice Man
  3. A good, old-fashioned bm in music composition helps. Lots of score studying and listening (and playing!). I personally like reading through a score for something I've never heard, trying to form how it'll sound in my head, and THEN listening to the piece with the score. For pieces I'm familiar with, just reading along as it plays along is great. Also, try to break down some of the score to a piano reduction (yes, do it in your head, but do it on paper, too). Pull out some good old fashioned analyzation. Also, spend some time at a piano--particularly if it isn't your primary instrument. If it is, learn something else, too. It greatly enhances how you perceive 'it all'. Oh, and I keep a score for something I know and like on the back of the toilet for extended sessions. Seriously. I read Rite of Spring on the toilet and love every minute of it.
  4. I'm glad this thing's gotten some good attention. There was a lot of great work done in a very short time... I hope more comments keep coming in.
  5. Huh. I guess my tastes aren't anything like the other posters'. My personal favorites were Rexy's (though one of the synths was a bit annoying, the style more than made up for it), Inflatable Arson's, Hakstock's, and DaMonz' tracks. They're all just so memorable and had a lot of neat stuff in them.
  6. Freaking awesome! I can't wait to hear it all. Thanks for organizing all this and getting a whole album out in absolutely no time whatsoever!
  7. This is one sweet remix! I love it, though I do have to admit that i think the wub just feels a little out of place in this one. Regardless, it's still a cool track and totally worth listening to a lot.
  8. I just hope to see it up soon! I really wanna hear what others did with an awesome source. I hope it happens this week at least.
  9. I've always hoped I'd be able to find a chance to do a track from this game... it really has a fantastic score. Hopefully a lot more people will be able to give this gem some attention!
  10. I've always vastly preferred Fl over Reason. The interface is quite nice and makes for a very smooth workflow. It's also much more attractive than Reason... and lets you freaking maximize the window! That said, Reason has far better synths. So rewiring reason into FL or Sonar or anything is nice (though I don't think rewire works on 64-bit). So FL Studio with other synths and samplers plugged in is a very nice workflow. I personally have moved on because I wanted something closer to writing a traditional score, but it's a solid program. Ask zircon
  11. He's given feedback to at least some of them--but it's a one-man critique, which takes time.
  12. This is just really stellar stuff! Great job, I'm glad to be an owner (bought)
  13. Hah I wish I'd've remembered I had a wedding to go to out of town today. Would've spared me from staying up late to get it turned in, but it's there. This was such a fun source.
  14. Wow, I really love this! You put a ton of attention and care into this, and it shows. It's a great change of pace from much of OCR, and I'm quite glad to have something else great to listen to. There were some really nice, delicate moments that really sell this, and the loud parts take it home. Great work, please do some more!
  15. Haha this is a great way to get it filled. With concrete. I dunno how particularly suited my style is to Mega Man, but who knows.
  16. Haha I was skeptical at first, but you really made this one awesome remix! The stronger elements of the source make me remember back to fighting my way through the vr missions, but your additions are the real star of the show (for good reason!). You did a great job expanding on the original, though mostly through additive stuff rather than quite as much development. Great job, I'm glad to have such a fun remix!
  17. Hey, I liked it a lot! I would've preferred just a little more variation in styles--maybe different interpretations of oceanesque sound. But it was very well done with minimal mixing issues. Great job!
  18. Hey, there's some nice development in this. The textures and such make it sound like DKC2 in a good, no, great way. The piece has impact and is mixed wonderfully. Great work, guys, and I'm glad to have another great remix to keep listening to!
  19. This is really awesome! You've done some great work and you've put a lot into the sample work. The arrangement is great, the atmosphere is poignant, and you nailed it overall. I do have to say the trumpets don't hold up as well as the rest, but fantastic work otherwise!
  20. Wow this is a really well-done track with a great sound to it! I'm glad to have something else great to listen to!
  21. I know I've already commented, but moving back to the beach makes me even happier about ska and this piece still just rocks that hard. It is my most oft-played remix since it debuted. Great work everyone! Please have more!
  22. So I've been doing music for a while and am waiting for my Majora's Mask remix to be posted on here (it was accepted). I've done a few different things like commercials and helping out on some soundtracks, but I decided at some point that I'm more than capable of making a whole game. So that's what I'm doing. Blight is an independently-developed platformer that spans four kingdoms as you combat an industrialized race bent on draining every resource available out of the land. Players are helped along by a pendant that gives them the ability to harness a wall of power temporarily. This allows the player to block projectiles, clear pathways, disrupt enemies, raise dangerous obstacles and ceilings, and float temporarily. I'm making the game on my own--graphics creation, sound effects, music, game design and scenarios, etc. It's for PC and should be completed by the end of this calendar year. The game is made up of 16, two-part and lengthy levels split across 4 kingdoms. You can get things ranging from Soundtrack CDs, T-shirts, Signed Artwork, characters named after you, and bonus levels made for you. Help Kickstart Blight! Every dollar spent goes to making this release a reality. I hope you're interested, and I hope it's something you would show your friends. Check it out!
  23. Hey, not bad! I enjoyed it! It stays pretty chill the whole way through and incorporates some neat things throughout. Everything was pretty seamless and sounded nice. I wasn't as big a fan of some of the leads, but the rest made up for it. Nice work!
  24. This was absolutely fantastic! You can really tell just how much work really went into this, and it show. Great performances around, with the vocals being an obvious knock-out performance. Wonderful work--I want more!
  25. Man, I really loved this remix! There's a ton of attention to detail throughout and it shows some great musicality. The fade-out is a shame, but a minor blemish for a great remix.
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