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Ab56 v2 aka Ash

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Everything posted by Ab56 v2 aka Ash

  1. What you need, my friend, is a Vampire Killer.
  2. Please answer this question truthfully: What the friggity?
  3. 1. Leave one college and go to one that doesn't suck.
  4. Same can be said about sports. Even if you lose a bunch of matches, it's the practicing, the challenge, and the experience that overcome difficulty and frustration.
  5. I was able to do it before. I just can't seem to do it now. Edit: Err nevermind, you just clued me in on something obvious. I accidentally turned off the relic.
  6. Umm for some reason, I can't switch between Jonathan and Charlotte. I'm stuck with Jonathan no matter how many times I press X. I tried restarting my DS and I tried warping. I tried calling out my partner to warp too, but it didn't work. I can only use Charlotte as a partner, but I can't ever switch to her. Is there any solution to this problem aside from starting over? I just beat Death
  7. Oh, I got it. If you want to know how to do the puzzle, read below: Turn the lights off, double click the door in the mirror to reveal a Christmas tree, click the ceiling in the mirror to reveal a string of lights, double click the top half of the door to reveal a wreath, click the top spiderweb to get rid of it, and click the 2nd wind chime piece from the right to make it turn gold, drag it to the door knob, and open the present that you see inside to find hangman. At some point you can put a few drops of those liquids on the bottom left into the plant by dragging them above it, but I dunno if those have any consequence. When I did it, I got some lame Prisoner of Azkaban thing.
  8. You hate everything that's good about it? Jesus.
  9. I think all the people I'd care to listen to are already working on projects. You ought to wait a year or two at least.
  10. OLRina of Time is an experience. If you remix a game, please just do one game. Either Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask. One game takes a really long time and lots of dedication to finish a project for already. Now we have all these projects going for 2 or more games at the same time, such as Project Chaos (which WAS fantastic though), Pokemon, and Tales. Then you have giant projects like the Seiken Densetsu 3 project which has like 50 tracks. It'll be an eternity by the time we hear any of new ones. It's not in anyone's best interest to do too many games or too many tracks. Keep that in mind.
  11. So I haven't read much of the spoilers. All I want to know is whether this game really does provide a connection to the other games and makes the timeline clearer. If it takes too many spoilers to explain, don't bother I have the game but I have no Wii I can't wait until I finish finals next week and come home to maybe buy one.
  12. What'd you expect? He had cancer There actually was a message in this episode: reality > faith.
  13. The true face of WEB RAGE
  14. Ah quit yer bitchin, geo. I can't play until after finals (Dec. 6th!). That's if I manage to get one...
  15. ^Not any darker than previous Zelda games MY ARSE.
  16. I actually still have an old WIP of this track from before all the links to the WIPs in the CS thread got removed. This has changed quite a bit and certainly for the better. Nice Work!
  17. Knights of Hyrule my ass. I think they can give it up and say that Link is the only knight and all the other guys in armor are actors.
  18. ^Don't forget Minish Cap. He wasn't there either.
  19. Vaati sometimes replaces Ganon
  20. NO. How likely do you all think it'll be to buy Twilight Princess on Black Friday?
  21. Not to derail the thread, but I think this would be a good place to ask. Is Termina some kind of alternate Hyrule, or is it just another place in the Zelda world?
  22. Oh yeah, and does anyone else think this game is another perfect time to bring back Dark/Shadow Link? I love fighting that guy!
  23. I really wish Link would get more allies that last throughout some games aside from a fairy or the cap from Minish Cap. I thought Sheik was a really cool addition in OoT and ended up wishing the character wasn't Zelda. An extra character like that gives me a feeling that there are other things going on in the game and it's not just stationary until Link appears. My two cents
  24. Fierce Deity for the ultimate 3 Dimensional WIN.
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