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Everything posted by Eccles
oh I understand WHY she turns into a floaty woman in a box... Its just WHY a floaty woman in a box? Why not something like the Goddess in SH1? (As for the guy shot in the appartment being shot by Eddie, I'll have to challenge that one, since Eddie shot the guy in the knee. He tells you in the meat locker "He'll have a hard time playing football on that knee now!")
But why does she turn into a big floaty woman in a box!? It still makes no sense
He was smashed into the TV? Looks like a gunshot wound to me
Note: Gyromancy is like a ouija board with humans. A holy circle is drawn on the floor and the letters of the alphabet arranged round it. Somebody walks into the circle and staggers about, spelling out a prophecy on the letters they touch
I must've forgotten it
Nope. To be frank, I dont really recall an article about the fire. The only newspaper in the game (aside from the "BILL SKINS A FIFTH" ones in town, which always make me giggle) is in the medical room and that has an article clipped out, so you ant read it This is true. In the school, the little children with knives were replaced with bears. And not just in the school either, they're also in the teaser level at the beginning. This is because a few months before there was a shooting in a primary (elementary) school in Dunblaine, Scotland. Some lunatic broke in and gunned down a class of 5 year olds, so the censors figured it would be offensive to the families to have children being shot in the game. Incidentally, they left the invisible children in the game...there's only a few of them and you only find them in nowhere, but there are one or two hildren in the game. Apparently they were considered by the censors, not to resemble children enough. Also, I had this discussion with stan... Where, in the US edition of silent hill, does harry say "its like...I was there...but not really" Because it isnt in the Eurpoean edition, except for in the fucked up glitchy cutscene you can get in the Amusement park
*bzzzt* Im sorry, that's wrong. The talisman of metratron is historically used to protect people. The mark of samael is traditionally a summoning circle, designed to, get this, summon Samael.
dude...it was 7am, I was tired out of my skull...dont blame me u,u
Dude...the rebirth ending explains jack schitt. Alessa was burned alive to cause so much pain her soul left the body (which, according to some cultures, is what happens when the human body is put through immense pain) Cheryl is half of alessa. Again, I draw here on the notes in the school. The ones saying "Who are you" and such aren't meant for Harry, but theyre meant for Cheryl. Which explains the reply "m e a r e U" The second one is correct. This is explained, as ifrit said, in certain endings to silent hill 1 Except that Lisa was probably dead to begin with so she doesnt count. That doesnt make sense, y'know? Dhalia is trying to help harry...even though she knows it could stop her seven year pln to take over the world? I highly doubt people would do that. The other theory goes that it's alessa manifesting those things so she can guide Harry to her, since he is the good guy (and the only one who can kill her, which is what she wants...hence her "Daddy...thank you daddy...goodbye" which I have as my shutdown noise ^.^) The rest of the post warranted chewing apart, but I'll spend time on this one. Cheryl is NOT creating the alternative silent hill...okay? It may be a hard concept to grasp that this sweet little 7 year old isnt summoning hell, but trust me on this one...she aint. Lisa is proof that the world is something Alessa created. Since she only appears in the alternative world and cannot leave the hopsital; it proves that Alessa created her from her memories (since the alternative world is everything that alessa knows)
I would say no to that. Since Kauffmann seems to have no problem in the game (save for the one instance when you shoot a growler offa him) Same deal with Dhalia.
Everybody in silent hill 1 was in an altered state of consciousness when the game begins. Harry was unconscious at the wheel Lisa was also unconscious Kaufmann was taking a nap Cybil was in Brahms. similarly, when silent hill goes to the darkside with Cybil in it, she was knocked out thanks to the leech that got her in the sewers.
It was no comic. It was a clip from the UFO ending in SH3. No, the other comic that Dracko posted. I do believe I have 6 more pages of that lurking about my HD somewhere -edit- I also have the DVD on here...though I'ma dump it tonight cause I could do with 16mb more space
It was explicitlly explained in SH1
I didnt like James...really.
Cuddly Pyramidhead is the only Pyramidhead I like. The other ones give me rape nightmares. >.><.< SILENT HILL 2 HENTAI! Actually, I do have silent hill tentacle-dickgirl-vaginabreast hentai... sh2 first edition with 2 cd the game and the making of And is that available anywhere, did you have to preorder something, or what? Got it off-a ebay, I think... Anyway, it's called "lost Memories" and its got images from the silent hill games, including Cut-scenes, monsters, concept art...that kinda thing. It's not worth the full price, but I got it cheap, so thats great.
Yes it does, doesnt it? The DVD says it does...
Listen to cuddly pyramid head, children, he knows more than I do...
In one strategy guide they say Lisa turns into a zombie. People dont know anything.
Yeah, that's just crazy. Harry's flying around with the aliens. =) 'Tis a shame James wasn't in the SH3 UFO ending... But I can't complain too much... The UFO ending in SH3 rocked. Love that song!! He's in there twice. I do believe in the official Konami strategy guide it calls them bedmen. I'm just putting two and two together, here...y'know, with Angela and all...
dude...its a bed In fact... ^ From the SH DVD It's easier to see what they're trying to convey there, isnt it... I have no idea why people would suggest it's a door...but Ive heard crazier theories about silent hill (HARRY R PIRAMID HEAD LOLOLOL) so I'm not too surprised...
The fact that Angela would do all she could not to see the face of...you know who...made it so that pyramid head doesnt have a face. (Also, this is why the people in bedmonster are positioned the way they are)
Close. Silent hill is what you bring to it. Consider Angela... Now consider the bedmonsters and the pyramid heads. See what I'm getting at here?
I thought they only released the one CD... Though it would make sense. "Red Pyramids" isnt on my OST either.
y'know, Im beginning to think that my silent hill OSTs aren't from the series at all. I mean...the UFO themes to SH1 and 2 arent on the CDs...the SH1 CD is missing the out-take reel song and I dont remember seeing a track called BUTTERFLIES anywhere on the damn SH2 CD
See? Moths.