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Everything posted by Eccles

  1. Took two of you to think of this, huh? incredible...
  2. I dislike intensley the synth crackles that dart about from ear to ear at the beginning. The rest of it's pretty good, though (except for the parts near the end that seem to be hugely disjointed) Its very good...most definitley above average (though I dont seem to be enjoying it as much as everyone else ) Either way I highly recommend it to everyone...even if you havent played the game, its still a pretty awesome track.
  3. It plays the opening few seconds twice...though this is probably my browser playing up (booo IE) Its pretty good...excellent choice of instruments (though the sax did sound a little cheesy at times in an 'and on offer in aisle four' kinda way) But it gets very repetetive to me...I kept hearing crescendos in my head and feeling disappointed when they didnt come. so overall...I dunno, Im not a huge fan of it, but that doesnt mean its especially bad.
  4. The intro screeching is...apalling, to be frank. The guitar sounds like a MIDI. Guitars, sorry. They both sound like MIDIs on a field trip (fyi-adding mad filt0rz does not make a MIDI voice any better) Interestingly enough, the only bit that sounded real (and therefore tolerable) was the point when the guitar goes off on its own little thing...shame really, it could have been a good remix if it all sounded like that. It sounds too much like a revoiced MIDI to me. I dont like it...not in the least.
  5. The beginning part is a little to repetetive for my tastes (when the chords on the wah-wah guitar do their thing on their own) In fact...I think those guitars could do with being toned down a little. The ending kicks ass though...The final clips followed by the SMW level complete...über schwa....
  6. The chiptune beginning earns this one a place in my heart... The blipping that seems out of time with the chiptune-ness, however...kinda irks me...I do *not* like that. I think the way the square wave plays the whole of the melody is a little unimaginative...I would have preferred a trancy lead to come in and take over...slowly fading in and eventually taking it over, y'know? The part where chords play...Im not too keen on them, they seem a little off key for the tune...too much so for dissonance, in my opinion. Repetition is this remixes demon...there's just too much of it... If the track were shorter it would have been far better in my opinion...but the lack of extreme variation throughout the piece makes it worse, I think... And the ending is a little off, too...I would have preferred the background synths fade out and the last note on the square wave to 'stutter' as it were But its still good though...of course its good, I recommend it to anyone looking for a kinda ambient trancey track.
  7. The opening seconds with the metalicised hits is brilliant...puts me in mind of "Belfast" by orbital...which is brilliant I wasnt too sure about the hits at first...the ones that play as the strings do their bit, but they seem to have grown on me...or gone away before I grew to hate them. The first time the precussion comes in it seems to be in a different dimension to the rest of the remix...a little reverb would fix this right up. Though when the song speeds up, the drums are fine. The melody (played on something that reminded me of a flute...and later on string like instruments) could do with being a bit louder...the drums seem to engulf it and it gets lost in the rhythms. I have to say my favourite parts of the remix are when whatevers going on in the foreground has the synths to accompany it...cause they give it that little extra oomf of atmostphere, y'know? I recommend to anyone...I havent played the dune game (yet) and I still think its a really good remix, so Id recommend it to anyone who;'s loking for something to chillout ot but a little upbeat at the same time...study music comes to mind.
  8. I havent seen Trigun as of yet (yeah yeah, blasphemy I know) so I cant comment on that aspect, but thats nothing major so no biggie. I really like this one... I noticed it was getting a little repetetive by about halfway through...but it was a good track so I hardly noticed it, which was further emphasised when you has the flutes and drums play on their own. Im not too keen on the ending, I must say...Im not sure but I think perhaps a couple bars of sustain on that last note would've really done a better job of it, but thats nto to say that the ending you have is a bad one...just not my cup of tea.
  9. Im not too keen on the rain sounds at the beginning... They're too quiet and sound a little like radio static or something (at least this is what I thought it was on the first listen) The equalising could do with being sorted a little in my opinion...the melody would be fine, but everything else is the same level and it makes it muddy I dont like it when the high power drums and the loud rumbling kick in...its too loud. Its not bad...I actually kinda like it... Yeah, I recommend it to everyone who's lookin for a chillout track...
  10. I like the intro greatly....though I feel more could have been done with the piano, cause it seemed a little empty and kinda blah, despite being good. The opening chords...I would have preferred to flow into one another...its not that the ones used are bad or anything, but thats just a personal preference of mine. The drums, I didnt like...they sounded raspy, though Im putting that one down to my duff soundcard (its been playing up lately) ¿The only thing I out-and-out dont like is the kinda "....oh" thing youve got going on at the ending. It sounds like "Ive got a good remix goin on here...but I'm going to the pub *submit*" y'know? I just think something better could have been done there... Otherwise is good, really good, yeah
  11. Gray, I know how this seem, but let me assure you... I dont carry grudges and even if I did they'd stay in the WIP...this isnt the place. My comments still stand with no desire for alteration.
  12. The beginning...no, that doesnt work for me... The piano is very clean and it works...though its very simplistic...I think so much more could have been done with that. The drums make me weep...as does the entire remix from the point when they come in to the point when they cease their assault my ears. I think whoever did the drums could do with learning what the term "to be in time with the music" means and stick to it because these most certainly werent. Ignoring the section with the drums (because thats the only good thing you can do with it) the whole thing just sounds like one huge intro...throughout the piece I was...well, I dunno. I was expecting something to actually happen as opposed to what seems like the same eight bars repeating over and over. and over and over. and over. and over. The equalising needs sorting out, I find...namely the crescendo near the end of the drum assault that makes my speakers preamp and crackle like crazy. I find myself wondering why this is here since it doesnt comply to any of these 'OCR standards' I keep hearing so much about.
  13. Beautiful...thats the word that describes this...beautiful. I notice at some points the flute sounding instrument sounds as if it has a synth playing along with it...which I actually found to be enjoyable As Matt said, the guitar work here is brilliant, though I disagree when he said more could have been done to make it sound real..it sounded perfectly fine to me. The piano piece was excellent as well, which is great and as has been previously said, I kinda expected some sea sounds or something to come in, but its no big that they didnt. While the track is perfectly long enough I found myself thinking "aww...is that it? Where's the rest?" cause I kinda expected more. On the same vein, I dont really like the ending... Though now I listen to it a second (and third ) time, I find it to be okay...though I would have preferred something else (and once again I am at a loss to explain exactly what) Overall a really good track...good for chillin out or usin as study music or somethin..nice work
  14. Im not usually a huge fan of remixes that hit the ground running like this one...but this really seems to catch me for some reason...mainly cause its so easy to put into mixes... There sometimes seems to be a kind of metallic, out of tune grinding (so far as grinding can be in and out of tune) which I dont especially care for, but its not like this ruins the track... It seems a little long sometimes..I wouldnt mind, but there's very little variation going on here... The ending is pulled off pretty good, too...like that Id recomend it to anyone...spefically people looking for jivey stuff...cause...cause its by Jivemaster, duh....
  15. Wonderful instrument selection...love it. I love when it goes jivey, with the swing drums playin....brilliant I have to say I prefer the first part of the song...where the original melody is played on the electric(?) guitar...though Im not a huge fan of when the acoustic plays it...its the way the notes sound to me that does it...they sound obviously plucked...which Im not a fan of. The ending is good...and puts me in mind of those french films when something slow like that plays while a broody poet reccounts his life...like that. And the ending is pretty good too...the little one beat stab (for want of a better word) cant fail in making me smile....
  16. hrm...that first sample didnt do anything for me. The second one that came in and played the main melody (that sounds like an old atari ST) is much better...and then the sizzlead kicks in and the mix takes off...though I would have preferred the rubbery synths to have been quieter, letting the sizzlead and glockenspiel-sounding things do their thing. the transition is a little ouch...its...not badly done, so to speak, but most certainly not perfect, but when it goes back to the higher BPM, it seems to work...I wonder why that is... Overall...its okay... Nothing mindblowing, but then again nothing so apalling you cant listen to it more than once.
  17. True, but other piano pieces have more variety in them. Again, I stress this isnt a bad track by all means...but I find it a little too long for my tastes
  18. There were no judges at the time.
  19. It sounds to me to be too close to the original...but its here so whatever (not like the original was bad, anyways ) Not really a whole lot to say about this, really... Its a brilliant remix and perfect for, as the title suggests, summer digs... I did think at one point it was gonna repeat a third time...but you actually pulled it off very well, so thats cool And if Im honest, I much prefer the part without the melody...but this may be because Ive heard it a couple of times before. Overall a very very good track...recommended to all
  20. this I like...this I like a lot... I especally like the synths that play the melodies...they're really good. There's nothing much more I can find to say about this one...but I strongly recommend everyone get it...its just so good.
  21. Briliant piece... i would have preferred the vocals to have been louder, perhaps...they get drowned out by the steel drums and...is that a sample of someone blowing a bottle top? The fadeout seemed to come a little quick and if I had done the track I would have tried to get a proper ending in...but that said, the current isnt bad.
  22. On second thoughts I get the impression my write-up was a little too harsh. So Im confirming what Kamikaze noodle says... Its not a bad track, I just really dont like it
  23. Hrm... I didnt like the way the melody take stabs. I also dont like the part that plays on what sounds to me like some kinda distorted sitar. Oww...no, sorry...the scratchings and fast paced sections do absolutley nothing for me...I do *not* like those at all. The pads are good though...like those. ...sorry, BD, but I cant bring myself to like this one...not one little bit....*sigh*
  24. Oddly enough, I cant find a huge ammount to say about this. About three quaters of the way through I didnt like the juddery effect the synths had...though now I listen again, that was probably my end playing up. Its pretty good, though not a lot of variation, even for an ambient track. But its good for background music and stuff so...yeah.
  25. oddly enough I agree with mustin that sometimes its a little loud. Specifically when the piano kicks in...and actually, the entie track from then on. The drumloop does begin to grind after a while, but then there's so much going on in the track that you dont really notice it. Listening to it again, I think the drumloop is sometimes too loud...that it stands out too much over all the other stuff, specifically the guitar chords. Pretty good... Good to dance to at beach parties and such, so I recommend it to all
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