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Everything posted by Eccles
OCR01010 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "Hot Ice"
Eccles replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
The...the bassline doesnt really appeal to me...I would have preferred something with more sustain to the stabbiness of the slap bass you used. When the melody plays the first time (and the other times when it plays in the mix) I would have preferred it to be more sustained, rather similar to the other times it appears. Though if you had done this it would have fallen into the 'too repetetive' catergory... I wasnt too keen on the flute used for the lava reef bit...makes it sound like supermarket music, to be honest....and I dont like it. Gotta say though, Im loving those drums The ending is pretty good...much better than a fadeout would have been. Though the piece sounded kinda short to me...dont know why that is. -
Pretty much what Suzu said. Though I think the recording was pretty okay...you got NO white noise in it, it was just a little muffled (though this may be my speaker rig) The main shortcoming (as has been said repeatedly ) is that its too short. But then...the guitar skills on this mix are amazing. I most certainly look forward to hearing more from you and recommend this to everyone.
OCR01007 - Moon Patrol "The Road to Tyco Station"
Eccles replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
...this thing has pac-man in the intro. +5 points straight off. And also Defender, slot machines and...I think Joust... ¿Im not overly keen on the mish-mash at the beginning...though thats pretty much a direct recording of the game, isnt it? Something like that. Its pretty repetetive...and only an okay track so that kinda grinds it. Its pretty okay and only gets slightly better when the drums kick in. not really a lot I can say cause there's not a huge ammount there to comment on, but a pretty good tune. Much recommended (and especially for those who love this game) -
OCR01008 - Final Fantasy VII "Of Transformants and Brevity"
Eccles replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Yay Vincents theme! Im not too keen on the intro, but when the acoustic guitar gets in, THATS when it gets good. The humming is great and really captures the ambient feel of the piece. Im not a huge fan of when the guitar gets filtered and distorted...but thats not there much so thats okay. Im not too keen on the crunching either...not entirley sure what its supposed to be, but it doesnt really do anything for me...nor does the low groaning/rumbling. In fact now as I listen through again the whole of the overlayed SFX dont do anything for me. And the heartbeat fadeout is kinda weird too. Im not entirley sure what to make of it...its not something I could sit down and listen to but it would most certainly be good for a horror game soundtrack or something. Silent hill-ish comes to mind...so if youre into that kinda dark ambient stuff then go for this one, but I can see it being one of those tracks where you either love it or hate it. -
OCR00800 - Chrono Trigger "The Trial in Concert"
Eccles replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Its a very good piano arrangment, there's no denying. Its a very VERY good piece of playing... but its too looooooong. As good as it is, I found myself wondering "Will it ever end?" after a brief while...and kinda stops it being as good a track it could have been if it was shorter. And this doesnt go away after a couple of listens through. Nevertheless, Its still good. -
OCR01006 - Sonic the Hedgehog "sonik special"
Eccles replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
The bubble synths at the beginning and that play throughout irritate me. I dont know what it is about them exactly...but they make me go >_~ and I dont like them. The guitar is pretty good...though the timing is a little weird at first it gets better as you listen to it again. The whole track is pretty repetetive though...I dont like that about it...it could quite easily have been cut right down and made much better. Prety good, but could be much better. -
OCR01004 - Altered Beast "The Fallen's Grave"
Eccles replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Pretty good, Coopy I like the feel of the piece...it gives it the ambient "creeping through a graveyard whilst kicking ass" style. The one thing I have against this though is it sounds like a long intro...maybe like you intended to have it burst into something bigger, but it just sounds a little empty... The piano sounds pretty good, but sometimes a little empty..though its not track-ruining... I cant see the edits from the original, but that's not a bad thing, though, the tracks pretty amazing. -
OCR00562 - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Brambly Rivers"
Eccles replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Right from the off I knew I wouldnt like this one. The drums are annoying... The choice of synths is good, but pulled of very very badly. And then at 0:50 some more synths come in that stab at your ears...thats always fun. They sound like you just took a MIDI, sped it up and these stabs were piano chords that you stuck with the wrong soundfont... The panning of the melody is done nicely, though...thats an upshot. The ending is also bad...just a direct cut-off after a few beats...I would have preferred this one last note to have been longer...then it would actually be a good enidng. OVerall, I really dont like this at all...and I cant think of anyone I recommend it to. -
OCR00788 - Streets of Rage 2 "Slow Moon Groove"
Eccles replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
This is amazing...it really really is. The instrument at the very begining (vibraphone?) is really good...nicely chosen. The strings make it beautiful as well...I really like it so much The only gripe I have is sometimes the bass is overpowering...specifically when it plays on its own. Nevertheless, this is a really good track. -
OCR00246 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "LatinSphere"
Eccles replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
It had my feet tapping...which is good cause I normally dont groove to the music Im streaming when Im in the fourth floor IT lab... Anyways, I quite like it. I like the choice of instruments, yes...thats prety good and I like the style you went for, but when it cuts to the flute playing the melody it sounds kinda like muzak that they play in supermarkets...and then the piano solo enforces this. Not that is necessarily a bad thing...Im just not in a muzak mood right now. Another solid remix from McV. Well done, sir...this is brilliant -
OCR00968 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "Welcome to the Metropolis"
Eccles replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
owww.... Now its good to begin with...then the main melody synths come in. They irritate me immensley. The whole thing sounds off beat when the (quite frankly, overused and irritating) "uh" sounds come in...I know it isnt, but they give that imperssion. The thing pans left to right frantically...occasionally pulled off well but for the most of the time it just makes it worse. The whole thing sounds hugely cluttered and repetetive... ¿Honestly pretz, what is this even doing here? -
OCR00811 - Final Fantasy VII "A World of Piano"
Eccles replied to Disco Dan's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
There's not really a huge ammount I can say here...but I will say I most certainly like it. I recommend it to everyone looking for a solid piano arrangment, cause thats what they have here... -
OCR00459 - Sonic the Hedgehog "Lightning Star"
Eccles replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
WOOO! I really like this one The only gripe I have is the slow half. While its not bad by any means, it sounds like a mix of two remixes...which I dont like, I would have preferred an all fast rocky one and an all slower Jazzy one than this. Nevertheless, Im keeping it because its just so awesome. -
OCR00667 - Seiken Densetsu 3 "Hostile but Cuddly"
Eccles replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I like this one a lot... I think the main synth you chose for the melody could have been better, but then when it is accompanied by the electric guitar (or what sounds like one) I also like the ending...the grinding to a halt and stopping...just brilliant I wasnt familiar with the track before I heard this one, but I listened anyways and wsnt diappointed...I recommend pretty much everyone to take a listen to it. -
*sigh* The harp sample is brilliant, as is the drum samples (though I think the hi-hat on every other beat is a little OTT sometimes). The piano samples are good, as is the synth that plays the main melody. Breaking the melody off for a bar to play the stereo effects, thats a nice touch, I really like that, especially when they go stereo...über sweet when wearing headphones) But then there's the infuriating voice sample...though mercifully, this is easilly cut out with Goldwave. Pretty good remix, though Jaded by the dumb intro.
OCR00943 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "Her Azure Eyes"
Eccles replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I must be one of the few people who doesnt like this one little bit. I dont like the way the strings start and stop like that... The flute, whilst being a good soundfont and no denying, annoys me with the timing it uses... The synths irritate me...the rubbery one that breaks in near the beginning (Im at college so I cant d/l and give an actual time, here) just...it sounds completley out of place to me. The whiney violin strings bug me when they go solo...they sound offkey or something (though this is probably just me) and dont really go with anything...when played with everything else theyre okay...probably because theyre pretty much drowned out by everything else. Overall, I *really* dont like this track...at all... But other people do...so I guess Im stupid. I dunno, if you want a 'crazy' sounding happy track then go for it. -
OCR00484 - Final Fantasy IX "Losing Me Is Not an Option"
Eccles replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
The drums are okay...as is the bass. The melody is too frantic for my tastes and while I know this is keeping in style with the whole Jungle/D&B thing you went for, but I would have preferred a fast melody as opposed to repeat fire. I dont like the equalising on it and would have preferred louder melodies (though this may be owing to my speakers) I dont like the samples you used for the actual melody...the guitar thing just sounded dry, weird and bad...the bells sounded tolerable, but then there's the repeat firing again...>_< And with regards to the voice samples... Firstly, get more than three. Secondly, make them good ones Thirdly, dont use them cause they ruin the track further. Overall...I dunno, D&B/Jungle fans might like it...but I sure as heck dont. -
OCR01002 - Final Fantasy VII "Light and Flakey"
Eccles replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Wow...just, wow. This is an amazing piece indeed. I love the choice of synths used...they sound brilliant when put together like this. Its a little repetetive, but then its pretty good, so when youre dancing to it you dont especially notice The only gripe I have is that I would have preferred the bell synths that play the melody to be more audible...I have a hard time hearing them over everything else. The ending is also a little brief...I would have preferred a fadeout. Overall, I recommend this to just about anyone...it's most certainly going into some of my mixes... Well done, sir, this is excellent and I look forward to more from you. -
OCR00748 - Final Fantasy VI "Ruined Skies"
Eccles replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Well the first thing that sstrikes me is that its too repetetive. And not by a little, by a lot. Not that it was a bad track or anything, but after a few times through I found myself thinking "okay, now for the next track, an...okay theres more..." Okay, personally...when you play it first time through on the piano, it...it SCREAMS to be grander. Maybe playing it on a lower octave as well or giving it some extra reverb or something...it sounds empty. Second time round... I quite enjoy the flute instrument used, also the distorted violin. They work pretty good and I'd rather the remix was much shorter and carried on these two, with backing by the electric guitar, which plays the third time round. I love this guitar...it sounds a little...high I guess, at times anyways and could do with being lower. The sine wave that plays on its own with the strings and backing synths I could have done without...and it doesnt get much better when the violin comes in and pretty much drowns it out. And the ending! ¿What happened to the ending? It would have been so much better if you'd have let that final piano note just ride out over few seconds instead of stopping dead. Overall I like the piece though...I just think it could have been so much better. -
OCR00619 - Final Fantasy III "Winds of Eternity"
Eccles replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I like it...I like it a lot The tempo change from the slow to the faster melody with the drums, that was pulled off pretty good. I like the samples used (back when VGmix was up, I remember saying this was your friend playing his actual sax) The synth that plays the background melody (or rather, the first synth you hear...its kinda hard when you dont have the timing in front of you ) I like what you did with that (Ive played the original and this is amazing) the wind sounds at the beginning could have been more of your typical westers thing as opposed to the swishing but...hell, thats just nitpicking, ignore it Its pretty good for just putting on and chilling to...most definitley, though I would have preferred better ending (as usual one doesnt immediatley spring to mind, but the one used was kinda 'blah') -
I think this is an okay track...not one of the best, perhaps but by no means one of the worst. I think the bass needs to be turned down when the synth is playing, though...it seems to overpower the whole thing. With that in mind, I quite like the synths. Ive noticed a couple of other reviews questionning whether they were in key or not, but they sounded alright to me (though Im not familiar with the track) so thats okay. I also think its a little too long with little or no variation throughout (I mean...adding distorted claps doesnt count as radical variety) The endings pretty bad as well...sounds like you got bored and wandered off...though that said its pretty good for putting into mixes because of the cut-off. But...even with all these things...there's an overwhelming urge to listen even more... Pretty good for fans of techno/trance, but probably not to everyones taste.
OCR00473 - Kirby's Dream Land "Bubbly Cloud Cafe"
Eccles replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Pretty good. I like the choice of instruments...they work well in keeping with the upbeat theme without making you fall asleep. Like the usage of steel drums and so on instead of something synthier. That said, the middle bit on the music box makes me drowsy...but thats a good thing and keeps in touch with the feel of the rest of the remix instead of, say, breaking out in a rock guitar riff (dont laugh it could happen) Though I must say that when it DID come to the music box I wondered where my tune had gone...its a little too quiet and could do with being louder...though that actually goes away when it gets loud again. Good ending, too, I was expecting a fadeout, but the grid-down and halt worked just as well. -
OCR00199 - Final Fantasy VI "Celces (Dance)"
Eccles replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Im always cautious about approaching remixes like this one with romantic themes like Celes for fear of messing them up and ruining them. Very much like this one did. Instead of the repeat fire thing you used for the melody I would have preferred a proper sustained trance lead...possibly a sizzlead (I know Im always suggesting it but thats because it kicks so much ass) but then I dont suppose I can blame you for the atrocity of the main melody...techno Ejay doesnt support more than 8ths does it Im not over keen on the robo voices and kinda weird scratchings...poartially cause theyre EJay and that bugs me, but mostly because they dont really link to anything in particular...it sounds like theyre just there for the sake of being there. The bassline I dont like either...the slap bass just sounds out of place in a techno mix like this one The ending is pretty bad too...a fadeout of just drums. I'd have preferred a proper ending...not that. Overall... Im sorry to say it but this is perhaps the worst FFmusic track on site...I cant recommend it to anyone -
OCR00990 - Final Fantasy VI "Rachel's Gift"
Eccles replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I really like this for the most part. The beginning wasnt pulled off very well in my opinion. If the strings/pads had been playing on their own without the kinda 'wah' thing they had at the beginning of each note then it would have worked better. I would also have preferred them to link to something instead of being simply a prelude for the orchestral. The bit that really made me sit up and go "wow" was when Celes theme kicked in...in my opinion thats always been the better of the two themes used, but thats hardly a poitn of criticism of the piece. Im glad you decided to use Celes theme in there and Im glad you pulled it off so well. The bit with the tubular bells playing along, that made me smile, even though it wasnt a huge amount...I like how it kept in touch with the style of the OST (or is it Grand finale...whatever, one of those) The ending is a little disappointing though...the orchestra suddenly stopping dead leaving the piano to cover it, didnt really go...not for me anyways. but this is only something like 5-10 seconds, hardly enough to ruin the entire track. Overall, I love it...its brilliant Recommended for anyone who's after a moody orchestral piece. -
OCR00163 - Final Fantasy VI "The Atomizer"
Eccles replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
¿Is everyone else reviewing the same track as me? Cause all I hear when I listen is appallingly random S*** I mean, it has the potential to be good...I mean, the real instruments are pretty good (for the most part...listening to it again the guitar pretty much sucks when t ad-libs), its just the rest of it that makes my ears bleed. Like the random screaming, the walls of sound, the lack of any form of coherency whatsoever, the random samples thrown in just to...I dunno, try and be funny or something. Seriously, words dont exist to explain how God-awful this track is.