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Everything posted by Eccles

  1. The chainsaw is too slow and has a range that means you have to be practically INSIDE the enemy for the 'saw to have any effect. The rock hammer is the same weapon. Only less powerful and you cant move when youre holding it. Sorry, but give me the hammer or the rifle any day. Or the chainsaw in SH2... Its got a long range, its powerful and... You can swing it about, screaming like a maniac
  2. Not bats,butterflies. The same as in the apartment building. Moths. Since they gather around lights. ...I hate James so much. He's such a whiney bitch...
  3. Yeah...the voice acting was pretty attrocious. Like I said before, only Lisa actually sounded scared. Everyone else was like "...meh, all hell has been let loose. Whens lunch?" Uhm...Alessa and Cheryl are the same person. The cult burned Alessa as a child to drive out her soul (its believed that if a body is put through enough pain then the soul will just up and leave, leaving behind a vegetable of a human), Alessas soul left her body but manifested itself into Chery (because she knew that harry and his wife would take care of her, and also that Harry visits silent hill a lot, so she can claim the soul back in the future) Cheryl ceases to exist pretty much as soon as you see the first corpse chained to the fence in the teaser level. She vanishes and her soul goes back into her original body...Alessa. Thats why you find so much help in the game. Alessa doesnt want Harry to go through the alternative silent hill but she has no choice, since she's blanket bombing the town (so to speak) so that she gets EVERYONE involved in the cult. Thats why she supplies him with bullets, guns and health drinks etc. You are told a couple of times in the game that Cheryl and Alessa are the same person. Its hinted at in the school when you see scrawled on one of the walls "m E a R e Y o U r": "Me are you are" Say that over and over You are also told by Dhalia that Cheryl and alessa are the same person As for all that about the soul leaving the body, I pieced that together with what I know from superstitions and folklore and such. Silent hill did a pretty good job of sticking to folklore, except when they said Flauros was a medallion designed to guide the way...Flauros is a bizarre god who has the head of a cat, body of a human...I cant remember what he was supposed to be the God OF though...
  4. ...dang. And after I make that big ol' nerdy post there, you go stump me But as I understand, yes Laura is just there to annoy you...and to torment the people in the game. Look at how she drives Eddie mad...and how she irritates James. She makes Maria and James fight...I think she's just there to turn the characters against one another since there is power in numbers.
  5. SH3 is pretty disappointing...but the UFO ending to that game is the best cut-scene in recorded history. "That does it...Im going to silent hill...and IM GONNA BUST SOME HEADS!" "Now, lets all sing the silent hill song! #Silent hiiiiill, no utaaaaa, minna de utaouuuuuu!#" (I have GOT to find the sheet music to that and play it with claire...its too ballbreakingly hilarious to pass up) Now...when you think about it, that makes much more sense. Alessa. You've got the wrong end of the stick, here...everything in silent hill is Alessas doing. The floors all over alternative silent hill are metal grating...just like in alessas room. Everything is burned...just like Alessas home. Even the people who appear in silent hill are related to alessa in some way. Dhalia and Kauffman are responsible for her being burned. You see them in the next to last cut-scene when you witness Dhalia, Kauffman and three doctors standing round Alessas bed. Those three doctors...there's two theories as to what happened to them. 1) Theyre the three doctors you fight when you go round Alchemilla (there are only three doctors, but a myriad of nurses) 2) Theyre the corpses hanging on the walls (in the teaser, the school toilet and the boat hallway). There's another theory as to these little guys, but Ill come to that after. I get the feeling that Lisa was dead to begin with. She only appears in the alternative silent hill (as i said, everything Alessa knows is in the alternative silent hill) and she doesnt leave the hospital. She never says why, but I get the feeling that its because Alessa doesnt know about Lisa other than in the one room of the hospital...think about it. Throughout the game, Lisa NEVER leaves the consulting room because thats how Alessa knew her...the kind nurse who looked after her in that room. The only time Lisa DOES leave the room is when she turns up in nowhere...and you can see how fragile Alessas creation is because you kill her, just by pushing her away (She doesnt bleed to death for no reason...watch the scene again. Harry pushes lisa away and bashes her head against the wall. This causes massive bleeding from a gaping head wound. Lisa doesnt become a Zombie nurse, she doesnt have the brain leech that all the others do, she just becomes doused in blood) This also explains why Lisa kills Kauffman and not Harry in the ending sequence. Even though Harry killed Lisa, she's still being controlled by Alessa...who wants everyone who tried to hurt her to end up dead. Thats why she burns Dhalia to death (kind of an eye-for-an-eye dealie), Thats why she has Lisa kill Kauffman, Thats why she has Harry kill himself (in the bad endings, Harry makes no effort to escape and just sits there, dying in the fire-rain). (to a lesser extent, it could explain why she made the children in the school into bug-demons...she was jealous of them, so she made it so you can kill them...a theory my friend suggested is that in the alternative silent hill, everything is the same as normal, its just you cant see it. Like the fire-stairs in SH2) The other theory I came up with is concerned with the corpse in the school. Think about it...throughout the game, youre given clues as to what to do. The paper telling you to go to the school, the paper telling you to check the doghouse, the location of the three Keys (a nice little wizard of Oz reference, there). And when you get into the school, these notes arent written in pen, theyre written in blood...same deal with the bloody keys on the piano. You find a whole pile of empty health drink containers in the passageway to the alternative school, then, when you find the corpse in the toilet, you get one last clue (LEONARD RHYMES, THE MONSTER LURKS) then the clues stop dead. I think that that corpse was one of the doctors who was in charge of monitoring alessa in the hospital who decided he'd had enough of it, took his gun and went on the run...like harry. Except Alessa got him and murdered him. Then stuck drips in him as an idea as to how futile they are to a burned corpse (Look at it in 1st person view. The body in the toilet has two IV-Drips attached to its waist) I could say the same about the other two corpses that hang like that, but there are ZERO clues to point to why they are there...simply as gross-out tactics I suppose. As for the SH1 glitches...if you find the apparition near to the merry-go-round and splash it with the red-liquid then you get a fucked up cut-scene (it counts as you having saved Cybil and doesnt alter your game...in some cases, it can actually benefit you...resetting your game timer to 0 (which is how I managed to complete the game in 2 hours) and also resets your save-total (which is how I managed to complete the game with 1 save ) The other glitch...if you attack Cybil with the Katana as your chief weapon (IE-you use the Katana more than any other weapon you have) and kill her (with or without the sword...as I said, so long as you had it equipped for most of that fight) then you will wake up in nowhere without a head. (This only works if you have the alpha version of the game...where you slide forward whenever you swing the sword...they took this out of the beta version) phew... Any questions?
  6. I'll stick with the coffin idea...
  7. Which is why I came up with the theory that the first time you play silent hill isnt the first time Harry goes through silent hill. I also suggested this because of the eerie calm that harry has throughout (and all the other characters in General...only Thesally Lerner did a good job of making lisa sound actually scared) I mean, think about it...giant bird thing kicks all the windows of your building in then attacks you and youre forced to gun it down and all you do is stand there and go "...this isnt a dream!" There is an old theory..."Hell is repetition" (made popular in the movie 'Lost highway'. If you enjoy being messed with psychologically, this is the one for you). So following the hell-purgatory-heaven idea (silent hill 1 is about punishment, silent hill 2 is about forgiveness, silent hill 3 is about pleasure) its natural to assume that Harry is in Hell (in fact, several places in the school say so. "Notice:Hell is coming" "Notice: YOURE IN HELL") and that he's doomed to repeat the same thing over and over, with no real memory of it. You could also theorise that this is what the deal with Next Fear is. Harry thinks he's out of hell...but no, he wakes up and he's right back in the middle of it. On an entirely unrelated note...what in the holy hell is the final boss of SH2 about? I figured it might be representative of a couple of things...the pyramid heads torture rack, a hospital bed and a coffin...but that still doesnt really explain why its flying upside down, hurling vortexs of bats everywhere...its just crazy)
  8. mmmm. Getting the videos still...this sites download speed sucks ass.
  9. Connection speed is not only slow, its non-existant for me. (Oh yeah...I also need some good video editing software. Movie Maker just doesnt cut it)
  10. ifrit...bear my children please. -edit- GADAMMET... Not saving. If anyone can grab these suckers for me and send them over tomorrow or something (Im goin to bed soon) that'd me much appreciated
  11. I found the glitched cut-scene. ohhh, tis fun. I also found a way to glitch harry's head off.
  12. Badump. Its request time. Okay...I'll need all the videos from silent hill one and two (and...maybe three...if I can stand to look at them *shudder*). I need ALL of them...the opening, when harry wakes up in the diner, all the endings, EVERYTHING... I'll also need some clips of in-game play...if anyone can help me with that then I'll be glad to help out. Its for my AMV...which actually WILL do something unlike this game, which seems to have ground to a friggin halt (If youre curious, the track is Papa Roach's 'Last Resort'. Ive gotten most of it planned out...now all I need to do is synch it together.)
  13. So I take it that you've finished the script. Yes? No? I'd love to read it. Not as yet...Ill have it soon.
  14. How's that going anyway? It's been almost a year since you started it. Ctomm still helping with the soundtrack? Any updates? Zero updates so far... We'll also need voice actors...children, older women and a couple older guys. Its slowing really slow...which sucks ass.
  15. How could I forget that I'm making my own with some friends (its going towards their graphics and media projects, so it needs to be as heart-attack-inducing as possible. And I got a bunch of theories about SH1, yeah...I just specialise in getting all the outside references and such
  16. Well Im talking about silent hill 1...in which the melee weapons were pretty crap, to be honest. Save for the sledgehammer, I didnt use them...I stuck to mainly the shotgun and the rifle (Cause Im a cheat and had bullet adjust 6 on )
  17. Yes, with regards to the pipe....dont use it. Youre better off using your handgun/shotgun until you get a decent melee weapon IE-The Katana (in the beta version of silent hill so you dont fly about the room whenever you swing it) or the Sledgehammer (in alchemilla's basement). I advise against using the secret melee weapons (Chainsaw and Jackhammer) because they have zero range and for what they do you may as well look evilly as your opponent) The pipe really isnt the best thing, even in the school when you have those bulky bear things to deal with (or the slippy schoolkids...depends which version youre playing. Stupid fucking PAL edition ¬_¬)
  18. I dominate silent hill 1. Ive gotten pretty much EVERY move/book/whatever reference in the game, know the plot inside out and have some crackpot theories of my own. How can I help?
  19. I I ^ Know what they are? Two I's. Do you have those?
  20. Dynamite Headdy. That's the hidden boss...
  21. The CEO of treasure INC
  22. A little too repetetive for my likings... Until the later part on the...it reminds me of a music box. Anyways, when that starts playing its thing the repetetiveness goes... It also ends on a kind of a "....oh" kind of note. but the samples are good...real good, I dont care what nasty Mr. Ginnsu thinks, I like the samples. Overall: I would've liked to hear more, but what we got here isnt so bad. I wub it to pieces^_^ -Claire xXx
  23. While I agree that its cheerier than the other remixes of SotB, I also agree that its too repetetive. I also dont like how synthetic it sounds... ...nah, I couldnt really get into this one like I could the others. That little run on the panpipes clenched it...I dont like this one.
  24. No no...this is SotB1...its just the amiga version, which had a more simplistic and all round weaker soundtrack to the C64 and Genesis versions. While the c64/genesis soundtrack was heavilly based on melody, the amiga/cpc versions were more kinda...ambient white noise, kinda soundtracks. I recognise it, certainly...and I quite like it. Being very minimalist I cant really give much on it...though I can say Im not too keen on the crackling that you have before and after the music...no, I dont like that at all, sorry You cant really dance to it...and I also find that you cant especially sit down and listen to it like you can with some other tracks. Study music is what this is...that or something to be used in a haunted house (I swear Ive heard something like this played in alton towers)
  25. Although I despise this game to this very day, I absolutley love the soundtrack... This one is pretty good...the flute at the beginning is perfect (though perhaps with a bit of vibrato it would have been made better, Im just not sure) The drum selection is perfect...though I wouldnt go so far as to call them drums...it sounds like a filtered version of metal pipes being hit, which is by no means a bad thing, especially in this case...I absolutley love it. Im not a huge fan of the way the drums kinda...stutter out for want of a better word. Perhaps putting them in time would make me like them but you didnt so Im not too keen... But nevertheless, I really love this Recommended to all!
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