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Everything posted by Tex

  1. Definitely one of the best collabs I have heard.
  2. Sometimes I loop this one. I love the guitar sequencing in particular.
  3. Ok, but it does not means you should insult people for such mistake.
  4. D)curiosity I do not care about ratings/reviews. The only way to figure out if a game is good or not is by playing it.
  5. This is much better. The vocals gave the power this song needed.
  6. Why the mix title is a such overused sentence? Why? Why? Why? Eh... the track is pretty cool. I listen to it a lot actually.
  7. Fortunately I got Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder Cats before it went down.
  8. http://www.ocremix.org/remixer/shnabubula/ Looks like the gif. file attached to it was pruned, but it seems easy to solve by providing another picture.
  9. This word 'mashup', the meaning was unknown for me until now. Oh, ok. Have fun with your copy/paste job.
  10. Guitar noises added over the original track = cheating
  11. My bad for not voting. In any case for those who enjoyed my track, this is a slightly better version of it. I didn't had time to improve it before the deadline, so I decided to work on it a little more, even after sending it to thasauce. This PRC was fun. Lots of cool/creative reinterpretations of the source. Good job.
  12. The piano sounds like it was ripped/borrowed from the original. When it plays the main melody in particular; sounds almost (if not, exactly) the same as the original piano sample. Moreover, this whole track is way undeveloped. Weak stereo field over almost every instrument going on, except the suspicious piano. Lots of empty spaces to fill, but not a lot of new ideas. Not very well executed sampling transitions from one part to another. Not a very good ending. Kinda WIP style to me. Unfortunately it did not had some more rework before being posted.
  13. I totally forgot I was looking for the OST from Outlaws. I like it a lot.
  14. But the older decisions were the best.
  15. Tex


    Someone call an ambulance!
  16. Tex


    I took up the challenge. Nothing hard really. Once you manage to get him stable, no problems will be found. You do not even need to perform a complete walk because his knee helps anyway. It is only a matter of patience. As you can see, I keep going foward without the need of jumping over the obstacle which shows up after the first 50 metres. Looks like the creator of this game used that new Bone Tool to make his body works like a skeleton; I know about it rather well.
  17. Not enough reinterpretation going on here. Way too short. If it is intended to be in a game, then there are no problems with it, but I do not think it fits with the standards of this site. Plus the guitar lead which plays the main theme (00:24) needed more power. You guys could do much better than this.
  18. Now I have a reason to check out this project thingy.
  19. (ThaSauce link heads over to PRC133 -- and at PRC134 it says your birthday is November 30th) Hahah. Nice. The guy who composed this song is Hiroyuki Iwatsuki, who also did the soundtrack from Wild Guns. Besides, for those who want to support/spread this compo by wearing a picture, I made one myself. Good luck. Everyone.
  20. I am hoping it does not turn out that way.
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