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Everything posted by Hyperion5182

  1. A few big things have been announced tonight. Forza 4: Fall 2011 Mass Effect 3: Holiday 2011 (confirmed) Elder Scrolls V Skyrim 11.11.11 (launch date) Del Toro is doing a Video Game...Title is currently 'insane'.
  2. Already got that one. 4 down 6 to go!! 1 for a TF2 hat!
  3. *sighs in relief* You have no idea how happy i am to read that bud. Shit like this frightens me and makes me all the happier of the choice i made earlier this month. It needs to stop before it jumps the rails. The last thing i want is this website being shut down.
  4. http://torrentfreak.com/u-s-government-seizes-bittorrent-search-engine-domain-and-more-101126/ http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valley/technology/130763-homeland-security-dept-seizes-domain-names- http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/11/27/feds-seizes-websites-suspected-online-piracy/ This is looking more and more like a nightmare. Could OCR end up in this position? No i do not support piracy in any form. But blanket shutdowns do nothing but hurt the people trying to pay tribute and i can see this being a target....
  5. I've noticed more that it bluffs rather than calls out your bluff. But i havent tried this on the harder difficulty setting yet.
  6. Hillariously funny good poker too aaand TF2 unlocks. (got 3 of 4 already) This game has an insane amount of potential. I'd love to see other TF2 characters and other guys get in on this. Alyx at the table? Doctor Breen!? The possibilities of this game are endless if they're willing to put time into it. One of the best five dollars i've ever spent. The group that's there is a real bunch of cutups. Even the Heavy gets into the act. Though i think i actually respect him more now than i did before and i'm a heavy weapons player myself. God i hope they keep working on this.
  7. I've always been annoyed with the original megaman to be honest. His size made him rather cheap his supers were predictable and easy to block and his Beam super while among my favorites basically took him to an X like level for it. I've always been of the opinion that it should have been X involved in these games rather than the original. Maybe you'll see him maybe you wont. Personally i want X. (give me the friggin falcon armor!)
  8. Read the whole thing. The original megaman i don't expect to see now. Volnutt (legends) is possible. However the involvement of the ORIGINAL zero leads me to think that X will be in this one.
  9. Megaman? No. Megaman X? almost certain. Megaman Volnutt? Possible. However my fuckin blade combo is finally filled out! HELL YES HELL YES!
  10. Can it happen? Yeah. Will it? not any time soon for several of the reasons employed in this thread. And a couple that havent been. Fighters the professional kind now, train for fights for significant periods of time. We're talking months and months of training. In the UFC 25 minutes is the longest a fight goes. A championship bout. usually they train for 15 minutes and if it goes that long they're fuckin exhausted. And we're talking about some of the fittest people on the planet. Your stereotypical gamer aint anywhere near in that good of shape. Your average fighting game currently is 8 fights. Standard configuration is best of 3 ranging from 60 seconds to 99 seconds. Less if you choose it. Infinte if you choose it. Assuming you take 30 seconds a round you get about...8 minutes of fighting. with maybe 15-20 seconds between fights and 10 between rounds. You have to be in serious shape to be able to maintain that kind of endurance. And in the case of the more supernatural games. You'd probably be unable to maintain that level of speed for any more than.. i'd say 5 minutes. There are physical limitations that prevent this on a serious level...unless the world got in far better shape.
  11. Is this in any relation to the stalled production of the 4th pirates movie? Could they be shutting that down as well? I haven't heard much on it recently.
  12. I cant afford that level of expensive headphones. But i do use a nice pair of Turtle Beaches that cost me 60. I have room size issues and slightly thin walls so the headset allows me to not only voice convo properly but the sound quallity equals any speakers i could buy under a 7:1 system =)
  13. Ok...This is getting crazier by the second. Arthur looks like an absolute beast. A full transfer of all his SNES moves and possible armor upgrades. (gold armor!?) After seeing Wesker i'm astonished. That's going to find a place in a lot of players hearts. Only one or two characters in the game ever get teleporting powers. That's got a whole different level of awesome. Also as for Chris he and Wesker Wont be the only RE characters. With this latest movie i half expect Alice herself to be in this...(and god help us if she is.) However Trish is an unexpected and VERY welcome delight allowing me to form a new team. Hell Sword is on its way especially if Silver Samurai or Haytato make it in. God i cant wait for the full list. And have they commented on DLC expansion packs?
  14. Even more reason why M. Night needs to Die in a FIRE D.I.A.F. D.I.A.F. D.I.A.F. D.I.A.F. D.I.A.F. D.I.A.F. D.I.A.F.
  15. This isnt quite what videogames taught me...but still.. http://videogames.yahoo.com/events/plugged-in/gamers-lend-support-to-widow-of-heroic-developer/1410899 Here. Here. What did video games teach him? Self Sacrifice. What did they teach me? Gamer's Are damned fine people and dont let anyone tell you different!
  16. So i was cruising the Square Enix website semi bored and i stumble on this gem http://na.square-enix.com/the3rdbirthday/ It is about GODDAMN time. I was debating PSP or DS. This sealed the debate once and for all. PSP all the way.
  17. One of a kind talent. I cried when this happened =( This still disappointments me. Hope you're doing well up there Kee. You're missed.
  18. I'm still undecided. The norm is not preferred, but finding good representations of some can be a challenge. Aya's good but there are a bunch. We'll see i guess.
  19. By accurate i meant clothes and what they were doing. I've got something in mind i'll have to see how it turns out.
  20. Nudes no. But i've been considering a few different things to experiment with.
  21. Does it have to be 'accurate'? Clothes and such? Or can we go a little freer and put them somewhere else?
  22. I've heard you guys have an IRC channel...what is it? I cant seem to find it.
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