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Everything posted by Hyperion5182

  1. Given its capabilities and current app load out. I want this over a smartphone. Especially since i work mainly around wireless connections all day. I'd have to talk to someone about the 3G thing if anyone could explain that in detail here i'd appreciate it. A hell of alot cheaper than a proper conversion to be able to properly play a PS3.
  2. Due to circumstance and timing the original plan of seeing the Mythbusters in Beacon Theater on the 23rd of march is out the window. I have to push up the trip by two weeks to the 10-11th. And so i'm curious as to what to do in the times i will not be running around doing what i originally intended 7:00 PM and later. Ideas appreciated!
  3. I'll say what i said on Youtube. Capcom is a shell of its former self. It's past time for it to die. Take it out back and shoot it.
  4. inorite? That virus/spyware infested place should have been brought down ages ago. And i'm sorry i'm not crying over the loss of all the streaming anime a lot of people seemed to have suffered but i am very much Anti-Piracy. This was coming with or without SOPA. The timing is a coincidence. A good one though
  5. I second that but i point you back to my statement: ..Too few people have the balls to take on a project of this magnitude. This... *bleeps self* I have heaped praise on Reuben for his interpretations. It is a standard i hold all MG remixes to, they are that damned good. Metal Gear has a required level that just being OCR level wont cut it. The few MG remixes on this site have set new standards for OCR in general. I wouldn't mind more Metal Gear mixes but the few we have are so damned good i don't care that its a small number.
  6. Its for real guys i'm seeing it on AOL and Drudge. I'm not one for the left. My principals typically lean right but this was something that came dangerously close to violating the constitution and a clear abuse of power. I don't plan to vote for Obama this year but the man's earned a bit of respect from me. This might be the death knell for both bills. Even IF it could get through the house AND senate (at this point i doubt it) There's no way they get the 2/3rds vote for a veto override. Which is clearly what is being silently threatened. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/14/white-house-sopa-pipa_n_1206347.html This is HUGE.
  7. ....Too few people have the balls to take on a project of this magnitude. This... *bleeps self* I have heaped praise on Reuben for his interpretations. It is a standard i hold all MG remixes to, they are that damned good. To Come within sight of the bar is an achievement. To be able to grab hold of that bar is high praise indeed. I hope with your next remix you're able to rip that bar off its perch and start beating people with it. Well done sir. This one's getting put in my top 50 playlist.
  8. Mass effect 3. And right now that's it. I'm pretty down on the market this coming year. 2011 was a HUGE year i dont see 2012 being that good.
  9. Sure. I was addressing larger issues at hand since they were brought up.
  10. Depends on what form the backlash takes and if there actually is one. I would hope there is but i'm not seeing this remarked on in anywhere near enough places. And i dont know if the right people are in the right positions for them to start actually using what they HAVE to make it work. Hollywood is responsible for practically destroying netflix with raising its rates. I was a former netflix customer (might try it again just to see their lineup) who got disgusted at 2 rate hikes (big ones) in under a year's time. This isnt act however 'conservative' by any stretch of the imagination. Its a money grab. Pure plain and simple. They're trying to hang on to the ability to squeeze sites like netflix and hulu. This is a violation of the first amendment and i pray and work for it's failure. Hollywood is labeled highly liberal for a multitude of reasons (Backing the democratic party for a very long time) Until rather recently actors had to fear being labled conservative for fear of being shut out of jobs (This did happen and still to an extent i believe does) Actors are highly political and in many cases activists in their own right. They tend to have views that lean towards the left side of the isle. I have NO problem with that label to be honest. But they preach a bit too much and dont always Do. Back on the original question the backlash depends on what the public will do. They post record profits but if you take into consideration the insane price of going to the movies the fact of the matter is they've probably been LOSING people slowly but surely. They dont need to lose slowly. People like us need to not go to avengers opening weekend. We need to not show up at ALL. Monobrow: Ron Paul is a Libretarian not a Republican. He's a deeper conservative and while i do not agree with several points i DO however agree with Roe V Wade for one reason and one reason only. THE JUDICIAL BRANCH IS NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE LAW! Roe V Wade was the opening of the floodgates to judges making law in this country the congress of the time did not call them on it did not impeach them for it and now judges all over the place are taking far too large a step. Seperation of powers is supposed to work like this Executive branch enforces the law and suggests the law Legistlative branch Crafts the law Judicial Branch settles issues within the law Abortion was an issue that should have been solved on a state by state basis or taken to the national congressional level. It should not have been a decision by nine judges who can not be removed from bench without MASSIVE cause. I do not like Ron Paul i do not think he is the right for the oval office. I do however like several of his positions on Fiscal REsponsiblity something we don't have enough of. And several of his other positions at least have merit and can be properly debated.
  11. Since we've crossed the line into politics this is the average of where people SHOULD be on Right/Left Right: Smaller Government 'Talk Softly Carry a Big Stick' (Defense stance) Fiscal Responsibility. Left Larger Government Defense position is debatable. (I wont provoke the mayhem) Communism based economics. What we mostly agree on. (supposedly) Bill of Rights. 1-10 amendments on constitution. SOPA is not a good thing and would DEFINITELY break the first amendment. There is the potential for it breaking other amendments as well to be honest. SOPA i believe is the last gasp of Hollywood to stick to old dying ideals and not convert to the modern age. I would have thought iTunes, Hulu, Netflix and others would show these people the way of the modern age. Its the same conversion newspapers refuse to make and its pissing me off. (Newspapers are still viable if someone's willing to revolutionize the way they work. I have an idea of how to do it but i don't have the cash to even consider trying.) On Demand Content has been popularized by Hollywood all the way back to Betamax. This is the end phase of the On-Demand Content model, that was popularlized by Hollywood. In the form of VHS videos and the backing of DVD and Blu-Ray. If This fails it will FORCE Hollywood to finally get its act together on the new age of this content. I have been working this from the local side more than the internet side. Hollywood is trying to force not only bad movies down our throat they're trying to make us pay out the ass for them. Its time they learn they're not as valuable as they think they are. Video games far surpass 95% of the movies that have come out over the past 10 years. (The ones you'd put ahead are on everyone's list.) And tickets at the theatres are costing more and more. Enough is enough. I've had a ban on going to the theater for five years. I was considering breaking that for the avengers. I wont now. That movie i was REALLY looking forward to seeing. This crap has put me off it. Take a stand against hollywood. Stop going to the theaters. Maybe they'll finally get the message.
  12. ....Damn. Just...WOW. I gotta wonder what the guys who thought this song up think. Because that was awesome!
  13. Oh come on! there was literally nothing on around here and i've gone through my DVD supply for a while. But seriously i was flipping it on and off not really paying attention until that happened. Besides...its not like i have that much respect on here to begin with i'm a lurker who posts sometimes not an active/remixer. xD
  14. The VGA's were on tonight I watch them because not much else on to watch They end the night with an announcement on MGR. First things first. We now know what happened to TLA. (Team Little Angels) They're working on MGR. (platinum games) MGR will NOT be stealth action Raiden is the Primary it looks like The style is clearly that of an Action game in the vein of DMC and others. And by god the trailer they showed tonight looked AMAZING. I know a lot of people probably wanted stealth action but Hideo's going for an entirely new look on the Metal Gear series. Hideo's got the story and the team that did some of the best mechanical work in an action game in a good long time. Gear up boys. This might even get a PC launch.
  15. I'm on the other side of the state. If you at all could change your trip however... http://ffdistantworlds.com/index.php?option=com_eventlist&view=details&id=45:pittsburgh-feb-25-2012&Itemid=62 I fully intend to attempt to make this. It looks like a great weekend and potentially an awesome meetup point.
  16. Hmmm. At this point if he's that adept at it. I'd start pulling oldschool RPG's off the Wii and going to town. Not sure what V.Console has for them but one recommended SRPG I'll add in C.T. Super Metroid, Earthbound, and FF6.
  17. Second that. Let me look over my library and i know there are some more. However if you can go PURE VGM instead of remix. Get the full length ff8 graduation party music. *checks library*
  18. This has both the 30 sec spot and the 15 sec spot for Bayonetta. These didnt debut in the US but pretty nice commercials overall.
  19. Mass Effect 1 and 2 Final Fantasy: 6 7 8 and 9. I'll add 12 onto that list if you know the Ivalice world. Bayonetta. Yeah i'm going there. Its an action game. Its fun and the story if you pay attention is actually one of the more inventive ones i've seen. Dragon age 1 isnt bad story wise but eh.
  20. A new judge...how cute. I have a gift... *picks up a giant spiked mallet...* Just kidding! XD Congrats.
  21. well i grabbed one entered a key and have gotten no response on my account or anything else. Am i missing something?
  22. Unfortunately due to RL constraints Magfest will not be happening for me. I thought i might be able to but while i have the time i wont have the cash. I'm gonna have to settle for hopefully seeing you guys at the distant worlds in Pittsburgh in early march.
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