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  1. haha sorry it was just a really lame attempt at sarcastic trolling too
  2. thanks guys! i don't know what a yashaman is but it doesnt sound very popular here sorry for this thread please delete it if it is necessary! //sarcasm
  3. Playing Secret of Mana with three people is one of the most fun gaming moments I have, but it usually just depends on the type of game. Games with epic storylines or gameplay are great fun to play with friends, but long RPGs I definitely prefer solo. I'd love to spend nights just taking turns and going through entire games such as Metal Gear Solid, various Zelda games, Shadow of the Colossus and countless others.
  4. Like a lot of people here I started coming to OCR after reading about it in the July 2002 issue of EGM.
  5. You? Talk too much? No ways...
  6. good dubs are pretty friggin' hard to find
  7. It certainly doesn't suck by any stretch of the mind, but going back to play Shadow of the Colossus is not as easy as it was before.
  8. Yeah, as already stated there are a decent amount of people here from Texas. No idea if they'd be down for a meetup though.
  9. Haha you are totally right, Coop.
  10. hahahaha what the hell
  11. Looking forward to this! I know you can do it, JaDE!
  12. How's the replayability on Muramasa once you've already beaten it?
  13. Just got mine in as well. I love the art on the case and the cd itself, and the music of course is excellent too!
  14. Hmmmm. Judging by a different fun little cel-shaded DS game I think it's possible the graphics could be just fine. Can't wait for this game!
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