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Everything posted by SirChadlyOC

  1. Dyne, your creation of this thread suggests that you are no longer satisfied with The Orange Box, especially Team Fortress 2. Shame on you. As for Magic, I used to play a little bit about 10 years ago. I didn't even know the game moved to the internet. Sounds cool, but I just started playing Dungeons & Dragons again. Is that a joke? Or am I serious?
  2. I found Cybernator at a Goodwill store about a month ago ($3), but I haven't played it yet. I suppose the fact that it was released on the Virtual Console means that at least someone enjoyed it? Please?
  3. Clearly, this is not Mega Man. However, this update is much better than most of the recent ones. I wish all games had lots of co-op. Now I just wonder if I can convince my girlfriend to play SSBB...
  4. I just wanted to update this "Wii raincheck program" that megadave brought up with information from my boss at GameStop. All of this refers to just our GameStop in Ohio from what I know, so many other stores may be doing things differently. We are allotted 24 "rainchecks," that's it. Instead of being Thursday and Friday, we are only accepting orders on Friday the 21st, and we will probably hit 24 orders by 10 a.m., an hour after we open. All indications are that this will be some sort of disaster one way or another, mostly because of poor communication or lack of information. For instance, this article doesn't mention that there is a limit to the number of rainchecks, so many people will be out of luck, and they will be very mad at GameStop. Also, if every GameStop gets 24 Wiis each, he said that the total is only about 10,000 Wiis, which is clearly not enough to appease the masses. Needless to say, my manager is pretty upset at GameStop corporate over this whole thing. Yes, I know that most of their business practices are usually questionable to say the least, but this one seems to be more Nintendo's fault.
  5. Aww, crap. I like free things, but I'm not a big fan of moving out of the country to get free things. [sad puppy face]
  6. Wait, what? You get Wii points for registering your Nintendo games? What if I've already registered them? How many do you get for each game? Why haven't I heard about this before? Are you sure you're not making this up?
  7. Just an Ice Climber. Nothing to get too excited about.
  8. Actually, there already is an OCReMix group on Steam here, http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ocremix . It's currently pretty small at the moment (20), but we should make it much bigger and use it actively. I'm on there (SirChadlyOC) and play a lot. Most of the people on there are rarely on or play other games, such as Day of Defeat Source. So instead of manually adding everyone Steam account, join the OCR group and we can meet everyone that way!
  9. 1. Get girlfriend 2. Introduce gf to video games 3. Buy kiddy looking games "for her," I.E. Zack and Wiki, NiGHTS, etc. 4. Get all kinds of lovins for being such a great bf 5. Play "kiddy" games by yourself in the dark in secrecy 6. ??? 7. PROFIT!!
  10. I have a lot of respect and admiration for people who can make tunes like this out of something so originally simple and make it sound awesome. It requires a very special mind to be able to hear and create that sort of beat from a one-measure long diddy. I always thought AE and McVaffe were pretty good at that too, and they sure have a lot of fans here. I'm looking forward to the finished soundtrack, and it may be the first one I purchase outright since Mario 64.
  11. I just want to add something else to continue the debate of old nostalgic 2D games vs. new 3D games: Metroid. I haven't played Galaxy, so I can't really speak on Mario64 vs. Galaxy yet. M64 is probably my favorite Mario game so far, but I'd bet that Galaxy wins. I liked most Zelda games, but I couldn't get into MM or WW. Twilight Princess is my favorite. But Metroid is very nostalgic for me. Super Metroid is my favorite by a ton. Something about 3D Metroid just doesn't work as well as the 2D games for some reason, at least in my own biased mind. I even like the GBA Metroid games better than the Prime series. I guess the point of bringing up Metroid is that I'm curious if the people who like A Link to the Past also think that Super Metroid is their favorite. Discuss.
  12. The error regards data transfer from the GameCube game, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, to your Wii. Apparently, the glitch occurs because the difficulty levels were renamed in English (Normal -> Easy, etc.). The glitch occurs if you have an Easy-mode completed saved game file of FE:PoR, and it fails to load the file and freezes. There have also been occasional reports of the game telling you that your data is corrupted, and then deletes all your saved games from FE: PoR for you. Gee, thanks. TODAY'S UPDATE: I suppose shaking the controller for smashes is similar to using the C-stick without dual analog sticks. I bet it'll be hard for it to recognize which direction you MEANT to use, but I bet it'll be pretty cool regardless. Although I'm not sure if I'll use anything other than GameCube controls anyway...
  13. I think you were in a daze. I checked it within 5 minutes of 2 a.m. EST, and I recall seeing "H-he" as is written now. I also remember reading that and going, "OK, that's a bit if a stretch." It kind of reminds me of that HomeStarRunner/Strong Bad email where they told Coach Z he was going over the top with the "JEEOOORRRGGHHHBB" vowel sounds. Like just adding it in for fan service at this point. O wait, Sakurai's been doing fan service since the first update.
  14. That's bad because clone characters provide slightly different styles of play without feeling like a completely new character. To me, clone characters add a lot of depth, and being able to select them via original characters would remove some of the clutter. Most changes are really small, but some of them have great impact on playing styles, such as Falco's gun vs. Fox's gun. Admittedly, some differences are lame (Pichu, lol), but the option for a slightly different feel to a character offers good potential and spices things up occasionally. TODAY'S UPDATE: I can't tell if this new assist trophy is totally awesome or is a totally lame advertising tactic by Nintendo to get people to buy more Virtual Console games. I suppose Fire Emblem was totally sweet, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Maybe someone with more knowledge of Japanese Nintendo games can come in and tell me I'm an idiot for acknowledging the true importance of Saki Anamiya. OK, GO!
  15. Wednesday's update has to be the second-most depressing update (aside from the delay announcement, of course) I think. It even beats Lucas's announcements, which seem to confirm the death of Ness. I was pretty much hoping that the same "press buttons to change colors" mechanic would be used to change costumes, instead. Samus -> Zero Suit, Peach -> Daisy, Zelda -> Sheik, Fox -> Falco, Lucas -> Ness, Pikachu -> Pichu, etc. I'm now guessing that this whole theory is now proven false, if not at least highly unlikely. BOOOO!!
  16. Dude, that sucks so bad. There must be a lot of good games you're forced to miss out on. Although I suppose if you were to get therapy for it at some point, the DS may be a good place to start. Ya know, with a controlled integration sort of thing. Start with crappy pixelated graphics, then move to decent graphics, then move to the DS where you physically create the blood. After some slow experiences like that, move to TV shows like Law and Order, then CSI, then R rated movies, and finally finish with Braveheart. Maybe visit hospitals or something after that, if everything goes successfully. CAUTION: Consult your physician before starting any therapy techniques. Do not try any theraputic techniques without the close supervision of a trained professional. ON TOPIC: I'm looking forward to getting New Blood for Christmas. I'm pretty excited about the Co-op stages. It sounds really challenging, but really rewarding.
  17. I don't know, he looks so sad and upset that I think I'll leave him alone so he can go sulk in the corner and dream of happier days.
  18. Myself, I'm happy to hear Atma's rants, even if I don't agree with many of them. I'm as big a Nintendo fanboy as the next (I don't even own an XBOX or PS system), but I've got to say he's right. Too much anonymity is going to blur the difference between playing strangers on the 'Net and playing high-leveled computers. Why go online in the first place if it feels like you're playing nameless, soulless machines who are better than you? Please Nintendo, quit removing the humanity from multiplayer. That said, Atma, drink less coffee. Or more. Whatever gets you to swear less
  19. I'm not sure how this handicap system is any different from the old system. Can someone remind me how it used to work and what makes this so different? For example, I know that he said that making yourself waeker isn't thrilling, but isn't that exactly what is still happening? I'm confused... EDIT: Oh wait, now I get it. The previous system made you send your opponent less distance, but now, you yourself get sent farther because your damage is higher. Is that right? Sorry for the idiocy, everyone.
  20. Simple. Corn-meal O's. Frosted N's. Every box has a prize, just like to good-old days: one plastic YES. Only one per box.
  21. My theory is that we will still have clones, but they will be in some sort of different section. My original thinking is that the clones would be like alternate costumes for players. For example, a Link "costume" would be Young Link. Also, selecting Zero Suit Samus will be done the same way, by selecting an alternate form of Samus. Some players won't have any clones, I'm sure, but I think they will still be selectable. What makes me think this mostly revolves around Luigi. There is NO WAY that Luigi could be removed from this game, but his style of play is so similar to Mario (but not quite the same), that he would constitute a clone. I think seeing Lucas' moves are just like Luigi's, in that they are just a bit different from Ness to feel like a different character. Therefore, I bet Ness is still in, and either he or Lucas is the clone. Also, I'm predicting that Daisy will be playable in Brawl as a clone of Peach.
  22. I forgot that Fire Emblem can be played with GameCube controllers, so it became an easy decision for me. I hear that a lot of people (myself included) are having trouble with the data transfer thing between Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. For me, it said my data was corrupted, and it deleted all my info, including beating Black Knight on hard mode There are several BIG changes that will go unnoticed by anyone not extremely familiar with the Fire Emblem series, such as supports and height differences. Also, the biorhythm is much improved. I'm on the Endgame of part 1 in easy mode, and suddenly, the last stage is really hard. Of course, it could be really easy if I wanted it to be because there are some godly characters to choose from that are sitting at camp (spoilers avoided).
  23. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is released in the States today, and probably some other places, as well. I'm looking forward to it a whole lot. Anyone else picking it up? My only decision now is whether I will buy a classic controller or not. It sounds more comfortable than a horizontal Wiimote, but it might not be worth it. Thoughts?
  24. For those who are looking for a cheap, yet reliable SD card, the official Nintendo Wii cards are actually SanDisk brand. Since you have many months and weeks before Christmas and/or release day, keep searching internet retailers such as Buy.com for an SD card sale, and feel confidant buying SanDisk.
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