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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. marry me; that's awesome. rayzastuffs 4 evah. ....Okay! Sorry Rayza, looks like I'm taken now. I know how heartbroken you must be.
  2. Noooooooooooo! But speaking of Niagra Falls, sounds like Shariq was recording in front of it. (And yeah, I thought it was Shar-eek too. wtf)
  3. Yay! Trailer! I love the way the Chrono Symphonic logo fades in at the end. You did a great job of syncing the events with the music.
  4. Hmmm... Why purchase a domain name from yahoo when you get one somewhere else (and for cheaper) *without* the annoying ads? I think it's worth making a switch.
  5. HAAAAAA! This is great. The intro is seriously creepy when double-time. And so are all your giggles, Aurora. What's next, ChipmunkMix? ....(won't go there)
  6. You talkin' to me? (is confused) I am a woman, I have always been a woman, and I will forever stay a woman...
  7. Bastardman? More like bitchwoman!
  8. Oh, you know it! Hehehee...and glad you enjoyed, Hemo. Kinda makes me pee my pants when I listen to the finished product. I didn't think it'd actually turn out well. But, creepy as AuroraMix is, I think The Wingless is adorable and I'm rooting for him in the date race.
  9. That's the idea.
  10. I was just thinking about that. Maybe all you guys out there don't realize it, but *Rayza* should totally win the sexy voice prize. So deep, so soft, so cool. Damn! You need more female listeners. Anyway, I'm not a man, but this goes out to you... Rayza! You know your eyes just pierce me like a Lazah! No we won’t be needing an Appraisah! To determine that you are a curtain- Raisah! With a voice that can stun even Brendan Frasah! And I hope that you’ll be a trail Blazah! To my heart (bongo drums) You know what you have to do now.... you need to make a RayzaMix to compete with the AuroraMix.. Okay, you asked for it. Wingless, eat my heart out! http://www.fayhaven.com/RayzaMix.mp3
  11. Hehehe... Well, despite the name butchering, I think it's cool. And stay tuned for their next episode at http://www.vgdj.net, because they said they're gonna do more!
  12. Hey everybody! Rayza and Aurora gave us a plug in their latest installment of "VGDJ'," the new ocr podcast. Have a listen: http://www.vgdj.net/Shows/VGDJ_ep_005.mp3 w00t w00t
  13. I was just thinking about that. Maybe all you guys out there don't realize it, but *Rayza* should totally win the sexy voice prize. So deep, so soft, so cool. Damn! You need more female listeners. Anyway, I'm not a man, but this goes out to you... Rayza! You know your eyes just pierce me like a Lazah! No we won’t be needing an Appraisah! To determine that you are a curtain- Raisah! With a voice that can stun even Brendan Frasah! And I hope that you’ll be a trail Blazah! To my heart (bongo drums) EDIT: P.S. Thanks for the Chrono Symphonic plug! I'm sure everyone will be doing a little dance when they hear about this.
  14. Hahahahaha, yessss! I do think the modulation was a little rough. Not in timing, necessarily, but the zillion harmonies just weren't quite in tune. The lead vocals tend to be flat on some random notes, like she's straining. But I think some imperfections actually add to the charm, anyway. Great work!
  15. House? Marriage? BABY? Congratulations!
  16. "Yeah man, Dr. Pepper's my brother!" Oh, the irony... Oh, ohhh... (wipes tear from eye)
  17. Site looks great! I have to admit, though, BliZiHizake and PLBenjaminZ's pics are somewhat disturbing. Sex changes, guys? Or maybe we're all just spending a little too much web-time together.
  18. I've been wondering why this track's been getting so many reviews these past few days. Not that it doesn't deserve them, of course, but it caught my attention. Now I know. metal conker: You really should think before you post, or your name will soon become metal conk-head. Enough said.
  19. Ah, by the way, Reu is only home for weekends, so that's why you haven't gotten a response from him yet. He's in teh army. ^_~
  20. Oh noes! Same for me, and I'm using Safari.
  21. Okie dokie, guys and gals. I fixed up the voice/piano balance on "To Far Away Times." Emailing it to Claado, so should be up soon as he gets to it. I turned down the piano, but mixed the overall track so it would still be the same volume as the one before. Hope it sounds better...
  22. I guess you didn't read above. I'm going to fix the levels so you can hear the vocals better. Check back in a few days!
  23. A little treasure to add to my collection... For some reason funk seems like the perfect choice for Starfox. It's cool, but not too serious. Classy, but fun. Spacey, but... okay, you get the idea. And the samples you chose are excellent, i.e. the lead synth with the wobbly vibrato. This'll sound great back-to-back with Love Hurts!
  24. Hehehee... Yeah, I really don't like that kind of voice. Vibrato should carry the pitch and spin it out into the space you're singing in, not *distort* the pitch. Some people have such wide vibrato that you aren't even sure what note they're singing. But I don't mind meatier voices, as long as they are even and clear. I'm a coloratura, so my voice happens to be somewhat lighter.
  25. In my original version of "To Far Away Times," the vocals were actually too loud. I may have overcompensated in bringing them down. I could play around with the levels some more, since you guys said it sounded a little *too* far away. And in response to your comments, Soraya, yes, I'm a vocalist. I study classical at Peabody Conservatory. http://www.fayhaven.com You said I sounded sharp in a couple places- which song was that for, and where? I'm not doubting you, just not sure where to look. Maybe I can go back and fix those places. I didn't sing anything close to a high C in either song, though, so I'm not sure what you're referring to... Both pieces were in mezzo range- too *low* for me! A high C is well within soprano range. Perhaps you meant the C above middle C? And the correct advice would be to sing from the "diaphragm," not the stomach. In any case, what I think you were trying to get at there was breath support. It's actually much *harder* for me to sing in this sort of style as opposed to classical. I have to make my voice airy-er and sing on straight tone. Without the vibrato, I lose a lot of support. So that could explain why I may have been sharp. Or it might have just been the huge-ass headphones I was wearing- couldn't really hear myself. Anywho, I'll do my best to mix this stuff right. I want to free the listeners of burden, and straining to hear the vocal line is definitely burdensome.
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