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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. Ignore this post. It's just... it's been driving me insane that the "history" threads aren't all next to each other in the site projects forum. I want them to be all purdy and lined up, since they're all locked.
  2. Ignore this post. It's just... it's been driving me insane that the "history" threads aren't all next to each other in the site projects forum. I want them to be all purdy and lined up, since they're all locked.
  3. Yeah, what TO said. Plus, the website at www.chronosymphonic.com has annoying banners at the bottom; I doubt it's actually being payed for... Right? Or am I missing something?
  4. Hahaha... Sorry, nousentre; I is taken. And if I got married, I wouldn't want it to be in Vegas. But thanks anyway! ^_~
  5. Let the ruckus begin. ^_~
  6. Ahhhhhhh, this is too good. I will miss this thread on my 30 hours of travel home. Goodbyeeeeee!
  7. Or wangless, I'm sure... She just insulted your manhood! znaps. u gon tak dat? Nuh uh! He said he *shan't* be wingless. So I added that he also shan't be wangless. There shall be bountiful wangs at Hooters. (....ew, I can't believe I just said that...)
  8. You know you wanna... I do know I wannah.. I also know I can't..ah. Its impossiblah. Zanen desu ne... Or wangless, I'm sure...
  9. You know you wanna...
  10. Aw, gee Aurora, don't diiieeee. But I am honored. And...(what's that, Polkaroo?) Polkaroo says he is, too! The things you learn about Canada... VGDJ is becoming a cultural hub. Actually, I introduced some of my new Japanese friends to OCR and VGDJ this morning and they were giddy as schoolboys. I'll only be here for two more days, but maybe I should wear a sign with the urls? ^_~ Excellent stuffs, and Myth, your interview was grrrrr8! P.S. Come to Otakon, seriously.
  11. Now kiss.. (smooch)
  12. Hi from Japan! Great show, guys. I think my family thinks I've lost it because I'm sitting here in headphones cracking up to Rayza's "I think I'll talk like this for the rest of the show" voice. OKBYE!
  13. Yep, sorry, it was kinda boring. I basically skimmed it.
  14. AHHHHHH! I second what Myth has to say. I'm also a huge New Age fan, and suffice it to say that I'm *really* digging this. The arrangement never gets boring, your vocal samps are used brilliantly, and the outcome is flawless. I have not a single complaint. Seriously... I LOVE this! I haven't been this excited about a new mix in quite some time. Kick ass! (Waits for Gray's review... I'm sure he'll dig it as well.)
  15. Hahahaha! That kicks, Rayza! I'd seriously buy a shirt with the two of you on it. But only if it comes in girl sizes. ^_~
  16. Linearity makes a good point. Though Shariq's more recent clip did sound rather rehearsed, it was short and sweet. And yeah, most people aren't gonna care a lot about all the technical details. I didn't really think of it before because I enjoy the show despite the longer parts. But newcomers may not have the same patience or appreciation that some of us hardcore (<3 <3 <3) listeners have, cha know?
  17. "Yeah, I think it's pretty neato!" Aurora, can I keep you? And good work- I wasn't bored! Definitely enjoy just listening to the two of you talk about random stuff.
  18. Hehe, that's kinda the problem. I actually prefer the original version, whereas Reu digs the orchestration. So we're gonna contact a few judges and ask for advice on which to submit.
  19. Oh, good! Because I really, really, really dig this mix, and now I don't have to feel guilty listening to it. Awesome job.
  20. I'm loving the artistic concepts you guys have going here. This project's gonna be totally sweet!
  21. Hear that? I think that's an invitation, Aurora...
  22. EDIT: Uh-ohs, Aurora. Now The Wingless is gonna run away sobbing. Look what we've begun!
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