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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. I think I can do that. But... I dunno, none of the art matches... Might it be better for each artist to produce their own front, back, and inside art, and we can offer sets for people to choose from? That's what DSoP did, and it seemed to work out well. I just think it would look silly to compile all these things together when they are totally different styles.
  2. Tell him not until he does more things to publicly embarrass himself, like call in with something crazy.
  3. I think the cover art that's been produced is great, particularly Eon Blue's. But so far I haven't found any of the inside CD art very professional looking, to be honest. Maybe Eon Blue could create something to match his stuff? By the way, Claado, I'm gonna be rerecording a tiny segment in To Far Away Times within the next couple days, because we noticed some clipping. But you'll get it soon!
  4. THEY'RE NOT CARTOONS! You guys are goin' down... But how could I be mad listening to that snuffly little voice... P.S. We're shouting "Wings and wangs!", for anybody that couldn't make it out in the clip.
  5. lollz. Any mean person want to take this one? Nooooooo, Rayza sounds smooth, all dee time. Well, I'm off to Otakon in the morn'. Expect a voicemail from the crew sometime Saturday.
  6. LAOS, you dog! I was totally gonna be the first poster on this one. Hehehe, no, ees okay. 1:57- Ba dooby doo, (hoo hoo!) BRILLIANT! Me roffles. This is a real gem, blad. Whenever I'm down, I'll be listening to this (and Hillbilly Rodeo, of course) for a quick boost. Quite the talent you have, sir.
  7. I just realized that in the Episode #012 shownotes, it's written that Otakon's in Boston, but it's really in Ball-tee-more. You crazy Canadians, getting our B-cities confused.
  8. Funny jokes you made there, nousentre....! Sorry, I'm training to make a career in classical singing, so it peeves me when people can't differentiate opera from nonclassical styles. But anyway, gonna have to turn you down on proposed remix. I'm already involved in way too many projects right now, and I'm trying to cut down.
  9. Now now, everybody, play nice!
  10. Lolz. Hero among underage girls and desperate choir directors alike, right? (Well, okay, I'm not underage. ) Beatdrop, your music always kicks. 'Specially love that Sonic 2 Strip Mine mix, but Reprocessed has made its way to my new car mix already.
  11. You obviously haven't heard much classical singing, then. Elsa uses hardly any vibrato, among other stylistic choices, and that's a fundamental part of opera and classical singing in general. It's used to project the sound in large halls (yeah, no mics, hehe), and also to warm, define, and strengthen tone. She has good control, which shows she has training, but I think her voice is in a league of its own. Very interesting style!
  12. ROFL, Aurora. Just ROFL. And if you won't PM this to him, I'll do it for you! (sends)
  13. Seriously. I genuinely miss The Wingless. Maybe he was so love-sick he couldn't take it anymore. Aurora, you must doooo something! Send him a love PM! (Hehe, get it? Not poem, but PM?)
  14. In no particular order... Industrial Strength, Reprocessed, The Chemical Imps, Jade Spawn, and Infected Lab. (Aria of the Damned not included, because I can't really judge my own involvement...) But keep in mind that this is all totally subjective. I really enjoyed all the tracks, and I admire the work everyone's done. Not just saying that! It's quite true.
  15. There's growling at the beginning, tooooo! And I said growling and goth, didn't I? ^_~ But regardless, it's definitely not operatic.
  16. Errrr, I think you might have confused Darkness Dawning with Aria of the Damned...? The "opera-like" singing is in Hemo and I's track. Unless you think growling goth is opera-like... By the way, I loved Industrial Strength. One of my top 5 favorites of the album.
  17. He didn't know your mom was gonna answer.. My apologies. Here is us$3.500.000.00 for your troubles. Right after you transfer me a harp and cookies.. It's a deal. And I shall offer you this fair maiden as your future queen.
  18. Yo, so... Prince Azuzu called my house a few minutes ago...
  19. i care... Yayyyy!
  20. Eeeeehehehe! My favorite moments on this week's show: "Helllo...My name is...Injected...and I did a remix called...purgatory. It's good." Sounds like Rama was having trouble saying "Final Fantasy Tactics." It kept coming out more like, "Fahl Fancy Tactics." And ew....what's with all the ahh's and groans? I swear I pay more attention to the comedic value of The Rama Report than what he's actually saying... Best. Freudian. Slip. Ever. Rayza trying to tell us something? Stinger. ROFL But like anybody cares... ^_~
  21. I'm sorry you feel that way, DistantJ; the Japanese wasn't meant to come off as pretentious. As a classical vocalist, I sing more often in other languages because most opera and art song repetoire comes from Italy, France, Germany etc. So I guess it just felt like second nature. I chose Japanese for this mix for a couple reasons: I didn't want the lyrics to detract from the overall ambience of the piece. Since they are supposed to be sung from the point of view of fairies, I was going for a mystical quality, and Japanese is a language most people on OCR probably don't know. The original composer (Koji Kondo) is Japanese. ^_~ I've been studying the language, and also some Japanese art song, in preparation for a performance I just gave in Japan. Mixing in it = more practice, and fun! I hope that gives you a better understanding for what I was trying to do, even if you still don't like my choice.
  22. Aw, thanks you two. Group hug! Edited for your reading pleasure... I third that. ^_~
  23. You can ruffle our feathers any day, pr&tz.
  24. I get it, Claado! Good one. ^_~
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