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Everything posted by Vig

  1. I don't know why TO was talking about Boobass, because this track delivers neither. Moving right along. The song aint bad. The arrangement's actually pretty good. My biggest problem with it is that there's very little dynamic variation so the track gets rather monotonous. A little more vibrancy pleayse. NO
  2. Yes you can collab. By which I mean, i have no authority in this competition, and you probably shouldnt listen to me.
  3. i think this idea woudl work a lot better if remixing were allowed. a voice is not an independant entity in a song; the instrumental music has a tremendous influence on the effectiveness of the voice. for instance: Neil Diamond (or name any of countless pop singers) might have a "good voice," with good control, projection, intonation, etc, but what does it matter; he sings shit. there's no emotion being conveyed. i could make an easy argument that larrytamer has a better voice, because while he doesnt even sing, DAMN does he get funky when he gets down, and when he gets down, he gets the ladies melting in their ladypants. afk.
  4. had my head boppin, shoulder poppin. Unfortunately it's straightforward and suffers from some very basic mistakes (piano solo @ 2:00 is incredibly bare) NO
  5. There are a lot of great ideas in this mix that are executed without full effect. The beginning is incredibly lame, but then the dark transition section kicks ass. On the whole, the drums lacked punch, and that slowed the mix down. Is it just me, or are all the best sections pretty much original material? With a little work this could be really great. NO
  6. hate to single someone out, but that flute intro is kinda shakey. doesnt attack all the appropriate notes and it sounds messy. I can't decide on this one, so i'll come back, but i'll say some of the composition ideas are really good, but the track as a whole comes across as a bit rushed and messy.
  7. beautiful intro. In fact, the whole track is ridiculously smooth and airy. I'm floating just listening. Or maybe that's my prescription cocktail. No, I'm pretty sure it's the song. I dont mind the tone of the vocals at all; what bothers me is that her intonation is occasionally off. But it's really nothing to complain about too much when the track as a whole is quite strong. YES btw, sharp ears larry, on catching that alleged mouseclick. it's really quiet. i definitely wouldnt have heard it unless i was blasting my ears
  8. Slick opening. synths, etc sound good. ugh. too bad it's a rip. creativity is required at OCR. sorry. I'd give you a No Override, but apparently Larry has a hard-on for you, so i'll let it go to another vote. NO
  9. I still have and listen to one of JRedd's submissions that didn't make it on the site. Let me tell you, that's a rare occurrance. He strikes me as a talented artist with a unique creativity, if a somewhat rough execution. This track falls into that category. There are a ton of really interesting ideas presented, and lots of great textures that make for a track that really grabs the listener's attention. While the production is a tad rough, looking at the big picture, this is a really solid and creative track. YES you've got me regretting voting no on "Dire Dire Consequences," and wanting a resub.
  10. not thrilled about the instrumentation up front. The synths are simple and fairly raw. Halfway through, i havent heard anything particularly interesting. This is actually quite generic and predictable. I may be exaggerating by describing this track as "cookie-cutter," but not by much. Straightforward beat, conservative composition, plenty of repetition. I think the only reason it isnt dismissed outright is that the production is a little better than most of the really noobish stuff we get. You folks seem to be passing it with little positive to say besides "eh, it's decent." I'm not terribly impressed. I want something more creative and complex. NO
  11. Who do you think you are, Keith Jarrett? Well you're pretty convincing, so I can't complain. In fact, this pretty much has me splooging all over myself. A pity you dont have the time to fully explore your ideas to their potential and have a more leisurely dynamic. YES Anyone who votes no is off the panel, fyi.
  12. okay, so this is an easy YES if we can get a real thing. however, at 22khz and 96kbps this is a NO OVERRIDE. Lets get in touch with the megas and resolve this situation.
  13. you've got a good dynamic going, but yeah. This one isnt even close. gotta arrange the thang. NO
  14. This is a great track. Atmosphere is fantastic. EQ sounds fine to me. I think zircon made some valid points about the arrangement. Drums COULD be more interesting, middle section COULD be thicker, ending COULD be better. However, none of these things come close to putting this thang under the bar for me. It's beautifully layered, and the instrumentation works. Here's my own creative input: So the piano and guitar sound hokey. I think you could have done better if instead of trying to "pass off" the piano and guitar especially, you had gone the other way and made it super mechanical but in a complex way, it could have been really interesting. regardless, yES
  15. The stuttering could be more effective, but it seems a bit sloppy. Some of the guitar stutters are offbeat, and it sticks out. When the track ends, it feels like it could be only half done. It's just begging for some lead to come in and rock you right in half. The expansion is good so far, but it could go lots further. I think the song should be at least 2 minutes longer. barring that, i'd take some of the suggestions from the others about filling out the space in the time you already have. Good track so far, but something's missing. NO
  16. isnt 22khz the recording resolution, not the encode? doesnt this mean that to get it to 44.1khz they would need to re-record, not just reencode?
  17. Excellent guitar shreddage as expected. More electronic sound overall than I expected. Still somewhat raw, but the synthetic instruments add texture. It's a good direction in general, separating this track from more straightforward metal submissions. The arrangement is simple, but dynamically effective. Certainly no straightup cover. Even the production is a solid step above what we usually get from metalhead remixers . The guitar wins. YES
  18. The drum exits and entrances are rather akward, as are most of the transitions after the intro. Don't get me wrong; i really really dug everything up until the drums first exit. It works as a great and very moody intro. Unfortunately i feel like it never really takes off from there. On the whole, the track relies a bit too much on the drums dropping in and out for dynamic variation. I would really really like to hear some more substantial ideas developed here, because your concept is great. NO
  19. The arrangement and partwriting are fantastic, which is to be expected from a fellow berklee guy. I don't think anyone is arguing against this point. Lets refrain from being samplewhores plzkthx? Complaining about GM is one thing, or mediocre samples used poorly, but these are okay samples used very well. The quality of the samples doesnt come close to dragging this track down to NO territory. YES
  20. i was "feelin'" the intro...some interesting harmonies going on, but the body of the track is repetitive. simple as that, and not terribly creative. NO
  21. the partwriting on the piano is not terribly realistic, and aside from that it's not terribly well-written, from a harmonic standpoint. lots of akward notes, and akward jumps. sequencing is mechanical, especially the retards and accelerandos. mishmashy and akward. aside from that, little cohesion, direction. NO BTW: Space-dye Vest is a pretty good song by dream theater which has the same feel..well, no...the same instrum..no...well...it has a piano. and it probably inspired this song. The More You Know.
  22. It's a banjo. a poorly recorded banjo. It's odd..the sequenced instruments sound mechanical, and the live instruments sound sloppy. the performances are sloppy, the tones are thin, the intonations (and toungings, in the case of the winds) are well..sloppy. sometimes a tuning issue isnt enough to warrant rejection, but unfortunately in this track, the tuning issues, when compounded by weak recording and performance, definitely pushes this to NO
  23. Well concieved and thought-out. the arrangement is solid, despite a few questionable notes. reminds me of "intense color" by SGX. i agree with larry that it sometimes sounds distant...this is really my only complaint on the track. I think it may be a balance issue..i can barely hear certain synths that would add much to the texture if they were more present. Could be better on the eq/balance end, but certainly nothing bad enough to drop into 'no' territory. YES
  24. Spacious and gentle, as Zyko said, but I also find it to be well-directed. I never found it to be repetitive or aimless. Excellent. YES
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