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Everything posted by Vig

  1. I think the glitchy sounding intro would have worked better if it were even more glitchy/gated. I think it would work a LOT better, in fact. It Doesn't sound too muddy to me, though the high end is kind of lacking. I think this track actually has a lot of good going for it. The instrumentation is actually quite effective in some places. However sections like 2:25 just sound bare and akward. The synths sound raw, but i dont find them objectionable in any way. I'm going borderline YES
  2. Why will no one replace you two? After all, you guys didn't even create the show. Shouldn't it be passed on to someone as it was passed on to you two?
  3. Very dark. Darker than most goth rock i've come across. Good job. I think the vocals work well. It's common in some of the more ambient goth groups to have vocals mixed in such a way that you can't hear the lyrics. (check out "Judgement of Paris") Solid submission. Certainly accomplishes it's gothy goals. YES
  4. the intro is great, though the guitar is too loud. Oh crap...is this going to turn into a gabber mix?...Sigh. Fortunately the gabby sections are moderated by a number of more acoustic interludes which provide much-needed dynamics. I think YES
  5. The beautiful strings having me creaming my pants as quickly and in as great a volume as the next judge, but it's worth noting that the track is less than 2 minutes long. There is not too much in the way of idea development, and even considering the minimalist instrumentation, I think there's a lot more "Justus" could have done to make this a more complete expression. Of the ideas and emotions present. I'm going YES, but I'd really like to hear some other opinions, so I'm not going to lock it.
  6. Um...uh...yeah. Holy shit. How would you guys vote if the strings didn't sound so good?
  7. moreliek o kewl i get 2 be-cum a judge. No kidding.
  8. Just a thought: The idea of enduring great hardship for some abstract or fleeting payoff is hardly foreign or unusual when observing human behavior.
  9. Wingless is right; Videogames suck and are for people who can't get laid.
  10. comes off as kind of simple at first. However as Darkesword noted, the texture is damned cool, and the arrangement just gets better. There's not a ton going on, but there's really plenty of nuance. My overall thoughts on it are that it isn't remarkably ambitious, but what it does is very tight, and there are plenty of interesting ideas introduced. Solid stuff. YES
  11. Your scale is all fucked up. As far as I'm concerned: 5 = Tom Waits 1-4 = Everyone else Now, all wankery aside, lets vote on the mix, shall we? Voice sounds great. Apparently this goes without saying, so I won't belabor the point. In the first minute i notice that it's a bit too much louder than everything else...the pads and drums (in the first minute) are really cool, and i wish i could hear them better. It's a damn shame you lost the project files. The drums are akward at times, and the arrangement could be a lot more than it currently is. It's kind of funny; I rarely hear songs like this, in that The vocals are clearly the foundation of the piece. Everything else is fairly decorative. For example, the bell synth and pads are very pretty, but dont do anything to push the arragement forward. This style i think is a virtue for the first couple of minutes, but then it becomes a vice. After awhile i'm waiting for more direction...more compositional ideas. So yeah, the vocals are clearly the strong point, and they largely carry the track. However, the vocals are very good, and the track works an ambient/minimalist type deal. after much consideration YES BTW I like tracks where the voice sounds good but i can't understand the lyrics. this qualifies. YAY.
  12. Great production, sequencing, etc. unfortunately there's really no arrangement to speak of. Horn lines add flourish, and the solo is a nice distraction, but that's not nearly enough to qualify as an arranged track. I'd love to hear more material from you in the future that's a bit more creative, but this is not in line with the site's mission NO
  13. When have we ever voted NO without explaining ourselves? Has this ever happened? I'm pretty sure it hasn't, so why not drop the attitude?
  14. yeow! those are some punchy hats. It would be nice to hear the other instruments too. Dont know if i have any new comments. There's no bass in the second half, wtf. 4:15 would have been the perfect time to come in with a bass. fix those two problems and you've got yourself a mix. NO
  15. WAAAAAAAY too much fuzz. Sounds like you've got some interesting Flaming Lips-esque recording techniques going on, but what are fancy effects if you can't get the basics? NO
  16. another very decent first mix. First of all, let me say, you have an excellent sense of dynamics here. The distorted guitar (well, sample thereof) provides a constant driving energy, and the song builds very well around it. In order to build the dynamic, you add in lots of different parts which unfortunately become very crowded. The instruments don't leave any space for one another, and it sounds like a hundred voices chattering all at once rather than having a conversation. The trick is to maintain the excellent dynamic curve without overcrowding the track. Hope to hear more in the future. NO
  17. I would say this track shows promise in the remixer, so congratulations on a good first submission. The arrangement isn't bad and the basic concept is fairly interesting. You do however, make some beginner mistakes. A lot of the partwriting is rather jumpy and akward. A lot of the transitions are sudden, and the drums are painfully repetitive. Not bad for a start. NO
  18. oh my. this song is too slow to have drums like that. Because it's so slow, all the sequencing sounds really akward. Ideally you could stagger the string note changes. by which of course i mean turn up the release on the pads, and turn up the attack, and STAGGER THE NOTE CHANGES. the other instruments sound mechanical too for the same reason that they are tooo sloooooow. NO Oh yeah, when you do the song of time, that doesnt work because there are lots of bad notes. get rid of that.
  19. not your best work, although I appreciate the new ideas. I'd say my main problem is not the drums, but there's a bit too much fuzz all around. The distortion gets crowded. I would definitely vary the instrumentation more from section to section. also, the sequencing and composition is often rather choppy and akward. this is particularly true during the bridge sections where you not only change key, but also change the chord progression, but only for a few bars and then abandon the direction. In these sections, the new progression really only is indicated by the bassline. It might sound less akward if you had higher polyphony. maybe introduce a harmony instrument before the changeup so you have a link between the two sections. NO compositional ideas like at 1:25 are good ideas. Do more to express these ideas to their potential, and dont let them hang like they had no purpose.
  20. !!!! that is a harsh guitar tone. You've got some mean band-pass on there. Aside from that, the arrangemnet is overly simple, and kind of mangled. You've got to do some serious EQ tinkering before anything else, i think. NO
  21. The arrangement isnt bad. The biggest problem as far as I'm concerned is that the piano is playing too many parts at once, and it sounds cluttered. You might try delegating some of the piano parts to other instruments. There's other stuff to fix, but that's my number one complaint. so, hop to it. NO
  22. woah that opening is rough on the ears. I'm not hearing the complaints as strongly as the others. The instrumentation is simple, but the arrangement is not sparse. There's plenty of dynamic variation. I think the guy does a good job of making the track evolve within his limited instrumentation. Not sure about it, i think it could afford to be shorter. back later.
  23. Fairly stiff and harsh, which is something to pull off, considering it's drowned in reverb. The track needs more layers, and it needs to be smoothed out. Those staccato strings are way too much of this song. Dynamically, the track repeatedly loses steam. It goes around in circles. Go somewhere. NO
  24. I like the ideas here...The first problem that strikes me is that everything sounds very dry, and the high-end is very dominant. It makes the music hard to get into; It almost sounds metallic. Please work on the EQ, then we'll talk. I think this is a solid idea. NO
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