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Everything posted by Nineko

  1. Listening to a slow version of Ice Cap is something that you don't expect. I don't like this remix very much, I think it's repetitive, but it deserves a listen anyway to respect the effort put in this by the remixer.
  2. Chun-Li's music has never been my favorite in Street Fighter 2's OST, but this ReMix is interesting, congratulations to McVaffe. I especially love that section completely made of sound effects starting at about 1:00, it's hilarious In fact, I'm looping that section in Winamp Definitely recommended, even if it's a bit too short.
  3. This ReMix is a good example of what OCR should be. You take a source tune and you turn it to something different. The arrangement here is really interesting. I'm not a big fan of hip hop but I can easily appreciate the effort put into this. Come on, tell me that this wasn't unexpected. The ReMiXeR here did a good job twice. At first, he had an original idea, and then he turned it out in such a good way. Relaxing remix. Short but good.
  4. What can I do, I'm biased towards ReMixeRs who use a tracker, and Mazedude is certainly one of the best I've ever seen. How he can manage to achieve such good - I mean, AWESOME - results is a mistery to me. This song, while not in my favorite genre, is really interesting. And, if you are a Doom fan, you should get this now. Only weak point of this, the low bitrate of the MP3, that hurts the sound quality a lot, but it was needed to shrink down the filesize. Oh well, still a masterpiece.
  5. This is one of the best ReMixEs ever written. It has a great energy, the title doesn't lie: you MUST dance. I always find myself headbanging when I listen to this ReMix. And that happens quite often The calm sections here and there are good to recover a bit, and be ready to dance again. Absolutely recommended.
  6. This ReMix is very long, so one may be led to think that it's boring or repetitive. I don't think so. Ryu7x is a skilled ReMiXeR and he managed to keep the song interesting for almost 6 minutes. If nothing, this is good background music, in fact, I have this MP3 on the CD I use in my car when I drive. And when this song starts, I always start to drive a bit faster. Nice arrangements here, especially given that the original wasn't very long. A good piece by Ryu7x.
  7. A very good ReMix, of my favorite genre. Perhaps the EQ isn't perfect (too much bass), but I really love to listen to this. I would surely recommend this.
  8. Any help on how to run Fast Tracker 2 with DosBox? It runs ok with the PC Speaker, but it crashes if I try to use the Sound Blaster, and the sound is all screwed up with the Gravis Ultrasound. I would really appreciate that, since right now I have to use it in a DOS partition on my other computer. oh, and for games, I recommend Epic Pinball and Stunts.
  9. Great idea. I rarely write reviews, but I'll try to do something. Also, don't forget that the first part of your post will be displayed in the remix's page, so quotes and smilies are to be avoided.
  10. Next time accept me as your co-coordinator.
  11. why not I've been away from chess for too long I'm in
  12. This source tune, while awesome, is somehow obscure, so you should post a link to it, I'm sure that not all the remixers here know it. You know, a lot of time ago, SoloGamer requested the same tune on OLRemix. Some people, including Xenon Odyssey and myself, said that were going to remix this, I even promised to do so, but I never managed to do that for several reasons. Anyways, here is a link to the original thread on OLRemix, where you will find lots of links to the source tune(s). I was too lazy to copy and paste them from there, so I linked to the whole thread instead. http://olremix.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=207 Good luck on getting this request accomplished.
  13. I LOVED EPIC PINBALL!!!!!!And yes, I agree that Enigma and Super Android were two of the best tables, I played them almost all the times. Them, and Cyborgirl. Yeah, the other ones sucked. For people who remix by using a tracker (lol, Overcoat and me) I can provide a module file with this soundtrack.
  14. The only real deadline for this is in like three weeks, you don't even need to join by posting in this thread, just submit your entry to Pixietricks if you want to join secretly, like I'm going to do.Ohwait.
  15. Don't forget that Rexy often enters the PRC contest, and no one ever had to discuss her counts.And I used to both run and join PsRC on OLR, still with no problems.
  16. http://olremix.org/remixes/65and fyi, its proper italian spelling is "a cappella"
  17. Dinobot, from Sonic 2 (beta version). LT. No sir, I don't like it. Ugly sprite. [/Ren & Stimpy.]
  18. This is how I usually proceed: play the instrumental version in any reasonable player (Winamp, Media Player Classic), and listen to it by using headphones.Then, run your favorite recording tool (Goldwave, Nero Wave Editor, and lots of others), using your mic as source. In this way you won't re-record the background music. Then, use the same wave editor to mix everything.
  19. Actually I think that it's not implied that a favorite thread always leads to flamewar, and I agree with Youkai's point. Favorite threads about OC ReMixes should still be avoided, but who cares if we say that we love Marble Garden instead of Green Hill? I think that the Sega guy who drew those levels doesn't care at all
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