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Everything posted by Nineko

  1. No, it's not. But relax, a moderator is probably going to move your thread in this section, that is better.Welcome to OCR anyway.
  2. How can people use the files hosted on that EXTREMELY LOW QUALITY archive is still a mistery to me. I know about its existence, but I ignore it by purpose.
  3. You see, it's hard for people to remix a song if you don't post a link to the OST.Not your fault, I gave a look on zophar's domain but it seems that there are no GYMs available for those tracks. My suggestion is to go to http://www.vgmusic.com/ and look for some MIDI files, and then post them here as a reference. No one else can do this, since you're the one who knows the tracks you want to be remixed. Then, good luck on getting those remixes done
  4. "My Name is Nineko", anyone? Thank you, Rexy. Too often people forget that I, not Danny B, was the first one who did a vocal Marble Garden The point is, his remix is awesomely good. Mine sucks.
  5. WRONG.http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01242/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01243/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01244/ Back to the remix, this is really awesome.
  6. Here you go (some versions so Larry can pick his favorite one): LT: I prefer the Shark2 version, but the crappiness of the source image prevents the resize from looking sharp enough. Keep working on it. I gave it one more try, but it won't look better than this, due to the source pic: LT: I'd like to, but honestly need the avatar to look better. When you get a better source image, post this one again.
  7. I think it's obvious that I wasn't. Sorry, dude. I didn't really mean to be rude. But this issue really upsets me as well. What's the point in releasing a project with broken mp3s? Ok, it's a player-related issue, since some of them can read the tracks just fine, but a project should be 100% compatible. For people who use iTunes, Winamp, Quick Time, Real Player. And yes, even the black shit Windows Media Player. The bonus tracks won't play in Media Player Classic (at least, not the version I have).I don't care to go against "the big guys". There is a problem here. It is a fact. 1: Several tags are missing the closing byte. So some players will read the tags as follows: 2: Some headers are broken. This causes some players to crash (iTunes, Media Player Classic): Now, no one can force people to use a specific player. So the mp3s are to be re-encoded and re-tagged from 0.
  8. Hello? Were you reading the thread?I've been saying for about a page and a half that headers and tags are broken for several files, including the bonus tracks (but not only them). Actually, I pointed this out in #ocremix a few minutes after the project's release, but everyone was like "OMG YOU LIE THE TRACKS ARE WORKING FINE". Oh well, Winamp can read them anyway. Most of the times I get wrong titles and authors, but it's not a big issue.
  9. Being a Sonic fan, I got them all when I listened to your tracks for the first time But I didn't post them (and I'm not going to), I don't want to spoil these to other listeners.
  10. The bonus mixes have non-standard (or broken?) headers, I had troubles with them as well. My Winamp recognizes them as 32000Hz tracks for no reason. Also some non-bonus tracks have broken tags, but I don't really care. I'm here for the music, not to read tags Given that, iTunes sucks and you should grab another player. Defend check your PMs edit: Media Player Classic can't read the bonus tracks at all. Whoever encoded them didn't do a good work. Sorry to be rude, but this is a fact. Headers and tags are non-standard and/or broken too often.
  11. Because Windows Media Player sucks.It plays just fine on my Winamp.
  12. I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!! ^______________^ I'm going to post more costructive feedback later, for now take my happyness
  13. I don't know if it's just me, but all the pages in the Emulators section are blank. Try to click on any emulator and see what happens. If it's just me, here's my specs: Windows XP, Firefox 1.0.7, Italy.
  14. hey cool you liked it! well to be honest .. most of my .it files are bigger than the mp3 itself I can see why, since samples in module files aren't compressed. Sometimes I have the same problem when if I use several samples.
  15. This one is not bad, imo.
  16. Nah, I already pointed out this some time ago, when I noticed that the page for Sim City is still there even without remixes. I believe that Larry told me "these pages are still there to keep a trace of the website's history" or something like that.
  17. From GenDisc: Here you go (some versions so Larry can pick his favorite one): LT: I prefer the Shark2 version, but the crappiness of the source image prevents the resize from looking sharp enough. Keep working on it.
  18. Can I help? Maybe not as a remixer (I suck), what about the website?
  19. it's not because of chipamp. winamp randomly fucks up with the file types in the "open" dialog, especially if you have lots of plugins. someone found the cause some time ago, but I forgot. it has something to do either with the number of registered file types or with the lenght of the filter string. there is something too long anyway.
  20. Alright... give me baby one more time Sorry for the late response, I'm really busy with TV stuff and everything. But I think these are OK now, I tried to balance brightness, contrast, and gamma correction in the best way I can. Anyway, Larry, there are 3 or 4 sets of these avatars available right now so you may also pick some from each set if you think they look good in one of the previous ways (because, the source pics are not all bright in the same way, so also the edits can be better in different ways. lol engrish, but I'm sure you got what I mean). And Coop, feel free to rework them as many times as you want, it's not like they are copyrighted LT: Good try. I prefer your Boswer here, so I took that. Otherwise snagged the Coop, which were a little too bright, but weren't too dark and were fine overall.
  21. He has a lot of cool stuff. Speaking of Kirby games, I suggest you to look at here: http://shariqansari.com/kirby/media.php
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