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Everything posted by wildfire

  1. I accidentally made mine kinda long (7:30) :-/ Good thing trance is supposed to be repetetive and kinda long, right?
  2. Just got to rearrange some patterns and rerender it. I wish this weekend wasn't taken up by moving, I coulda done so much more with mine.
  3. I'm moving my furniture across town on Saturday. As of right now, I have around 4 minutes of decent material. Hopefully I'll be able to get a bunch more done, but if not at least you all know why.
  4. I only started yesterday, so I don't have a ton to comment on. Other than how awesome my song is already.
  5. On skype i'm ladywildfire05, but i'm not on often. i'm not sure exactly what tracks i'm picking, but i'm pretty sure it/they are from the game gear sonic titles. And i'm planning on doing some sexah untz with them.

  6. awesome! two questions: opening cutscenes before the title screen count, right? and can we use multiple themes?
  7. SuperiorX, stopping off at Columbus is a bit out of our way. We could stop if need be, but the Indianapolis crew is probably your best bet if you choose driving. But you should definitely go! In years past, activities start mid-afternoon Thursday, but nothing super important is scheduled for then usually. Events end around noon on Sunday.
  8. I forgot to include style samples in my first post. Oops! My SZRC tracks: ZWNED A Chaotic Mess My Wispy Breath Other stuff: Deep Ridge Undertow
  9. I'm still in. Put me in whatever category you see fit, mindwanderer.
  10. my friend and I are also planning to drive (from lansing, mi). if anyone's on the way we could possibly coordinate rides too.
  11. Me, Obtuse, and my friend were planning on rooming together, and we're possibly looking for a 4th (i'll check with everyone to be sure). My sister may or may not go, but I figured 5 to a room wouldn't be too bad. I don't plan on spending much time there anyway.
  12. BAs far as I know (and please tell me if I'm wrong) but Obtuse, myself, and my friend need a 4th for our room at mag. My sister may or may not be joining us.
  13. I did almost no work for that mix, just vocals that i didn't write, so that's why I wasn't sure. But I'm ok with being in either category.
  14. I'm interested! I'd probably fit into the novice category.
  15. This is the main reason why I lost interest in this compo and my last track wasn't that well mixed. It's pretty hurtful to hear people imply that you're not as good.
  16. If you want, I can offer my vocal sorta-talents as a "secret weapon"
  17. Oh noes! Poor Brandon! Anyway, I had a ton of fun going up against you. Good luck in the rest of the compo!'
  18. Is there already a thread going where people can share all the free soundfonts, samples, vsts, etc that we've all collected over the years? Cause that sounds like a smart idea.
  19. I don't really know how I feel about this thread right now...
  20. submitted! i wish i had a bit more time or patience to get all the mastering exactly how i wanted. as it is, it's a bit unbalanced in places. can't wait to hear my fellow pancakes' entries!
  21. That crackling happens in almost all of my mixes. It's like mastering the track on hard mode.
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