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Everything posted by wildfire

  1. so somehow i went from 8 measures of ok to 4:30 of PURE AWESOME. seriously i can't wait for sunday. i'm so excited my heart is racing (that could be from the caffeine though).
  2. i have 8 measures of stuff that i like.... sighduck
  3. my problem was finding the rupees to buy the maps. that's what i remember, at least.
  4. i try to put a positive spin on things :P

  5. hehehe you're starting to sound like my compo cheerleader :P

  6. i was planning to do most of my track friday and saturday, and my friends invited me over to watch the game and have a bonfire an hour away on saturday. i think i may sit it out in favor of the compo though, if only to give me some relaxing alone time. i hadn't really counted on moving and school starting to be so stressful.
  7. I do not approve I kid, I kid. But my track is about 30s of crap so far. :-/
  8. I just started mine today. My goal is to get 3 minutes of basic stuff and go from there next time. Idk if I'll be able to work on it from tuesday thru thursday though, so hopefully I won't be too disadvantaged.
  9. I mostly use sytrus. Just gotta remember to use a ton of effects.
  10. Idk if it's better to listen to it or not. I don't want to make mine too similar. Expect it to be similar to my latest stuff, tho. That means expect awesomeness.
  11. I'll do my research. But do you really think I'm one to disappoint? C'mon.
  12. My friend (Sam/Disambiguity) and I are driving from Lansing, MI. I'm sure we'd be willing to share a ride with anyone who's not too far out of the way.
  13. 1. Chill Penguin - X1 2. Boomer Kuwanger - X1 3. Blizzard Buffalo - X3 4. Bamboo Pandemonium - X8 5. Crystal Snail - X2
  14. Thank you to everyone who voted for me! I feel like I'm THIS close to being able to consistenly produce good music and I'm very grateful to all my super supportive friends!!
  15. I'm interested in how many people voted. I'd like to know how much attention this got. Maybe we'll have another round soon
  16. I'm interested. But I've never played Mega Man before, so I have no idea what a maverick is.
  17. Nothing about OCAD is proper. I'm pretty sure that's one of our big selling points.
  18. I'll see if I can throw a wip together for that. I'm not claiming it yet though.
  19. Mine were the first two tracks of Super Columns. This was the first game on the first system I'd ever played. I guess it's fitting that I chose it for the Beginnings round. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg5-ELCZ9Ys&feature=youtube_gdata_player
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