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The Dual Dragons

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Everything posted by The Dual Dragons

  1. Alright, I am a huge story fan.. Normally I don't want to touch story-less games or games based on pure game-play.. But this title has me on the edge of curiosity.. So I thought I'd ask if it's worth playing, of course most people think so, so I guess that question is a bit thin. So, maybe this one is better: When you play the game, does the music and setting feel so great and the fighting feel so awesome that you become mesmerized by it? Keep in mind that Ninja Gaiden Sigma made me angry due to stupid dialog and ridiculous story scenes.
  2. I heard you have to create all your players in the game, no important characters join? If so.. that's a huge minus to me. Hope I heard wrong, did I?
  3. Alrighty, I did some heavy research and ended up finding this guy: http://luckykin.com/ Brilliant.. now I too can buy the good versions of Classic PSOne games lol.. hurrah! He sends mail back extremely fast.
  4. Yeah, I read that the patch is installed to the homebrew channel.. Then the patch is somehow started when the game is booted and translates the whole game as playing? Very advanced but excellent! I love original discs, it will feel pretty official this way I think.
  5. European people are always treated like retarded kids.. If you played the PAL games from the PSX and PS2 era, you'd be scared. Like Devil may cry, Dante runs like he's taking a stroll in the park. Hits like he hasn't got a muscle in his body, it's horrendous, the color red is almost pink. I remember playing the PAL version of Castlevania Curse of Darkness, I was so pist, I thought the game sucked, because I used 10 min to run across the hallways. Then I got the NTSC version.. and I finished the game 12 hours faster (AFTER getting tons of weapons, something I didn't do with the PAL version).
  6. I've finished Phantasia with Absolute Zero's translation, no problems at all.. So I wouldn't be afraid of it freezing up. And yeah, the Phantasian Production's version has a lot of candy, like replay value (10x exp etc), better in-game fonts. But I seriously doubt it'll ever come out.
  7. Thought I'd make a quick summary of the translation projects going on behind the scenes for various promising Tales games that didn't make it across the globe: Tales of Graces Got a neat progress bar on the right side of the page, they're sure coming along! AND they use the Riivolution patch system that requires the original disc to work, which is great! Tales of Hearts They already have a demo patch out, can't wait for this one. Tales of Innocence & Phantasia These two are finished and ready to be experienced, get it! Tales of Phantasia lol The Translators Razzie award goes to! Nah, they are doing a good but very slow job for a game we already got a translation for.
  8. I bet Germany has Hitler's DNA in a magical tube somewhere in the capital city. Waiting for the right time ro revive him and start WW3 AHHH!!!! Can't have Wolfenstein bringing in bad vibes then can they! j/k lol
  9. I sent an email to the support center lol Hope that works but I seriously doubt it. I just don't get why they don't unify the stores. Like when you access the PSN store you could get a short list of all the stores, and check out them all. If a Japanese guy who is working in Europe wants his Japanese game, why shouldn't he be able to get it? It makes no sense to me. As long as he have his VISA or Mastercard everything should work.
  10. A little lol Well he asked for Metal ReMixes, we got a lot of them so there you go
  11. www.thedualdragons.com
  12. Ok, some months ago, I started buying PSOne classics, and I have access to the stinky European PSN store, that is selling all the PAL versions of all games. And for those who know the difference between PAL and NTSC knows that PAL sucks 100%, everything is in slow-mo, the colors are not as good etc. So I got a US PSN store and I bought FF VIII. Everything worked perfectly. My VISA card connected with no problems. Now, months later I've gotten a new VISA card because my old one expired, and today I connected it to the US store, but I can't buy anything now!?!? Because of an update they did, new user agreements must be the reason. I can't even download the FREE stuff. Not even a Wallpaper! And I live in China right now (I've been living here for a year), so most of my PS3 games are Hong Kong versions, like Assassins Creed 2.. I bought the expansions from the Hong Kong PSN store. Everything worked perfectly at that time, now: Nope.. can't even connect my VISA card.. So what is going on here people?! This may sound very wrong but here I go: THEY ARE ASKING FOR PIRACY! Because clearly, they don't want to earn money.
  13. Is it possible to change a username? I guess we'd have to start off at point zero?

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  14. Should change the name to The Dual Dragons? lol That's what we've been calling us all along, thus: www.thedualdragons.com.. And the "THE" over the DUAL in the logo.. and welcome to The Dual Dragons website LOL

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  15. I take this ReMix album as sort of a statement. I can 100% understand that people may not like this, and I am not a huge fan of it myself, but I think using primitive midi sounds can be a personal preference to some. Like the Final Fantasy VII soundtrack, it has tons of samples that most would say YUK! to today, but I think those samples were what inspired the tunes to come out. And I think the Advent children remix tracks that are in the CGI movie barely brings any of the charm and attitude of the original midi tracks. A lot of the past FF tracks would not sound as special or nostalgic if orchestrated, that's my thought at least.
  16. Well, again I don't think that's the case.. must be a very low percentage rate. Because I have a PAL TV in Norway that runs any game on the PS3 (PAL, NTSC US and NTSC JAP). It's not even SDTV, it's the most standard TV you can get. And now I'm in China, used this old crappy TV for a long time, worked fine, then I bought a HDTV. I guess the only ones that notice this problem are people with SDTV's of certain types.
  17. MAN does that suck!! Ridiculous! Let's take a moment and hate on Sony lol
  18. SDTV users are out of luck? How so? Doesn't matter what TV you have, plug in the PS3 into any TV and play any game from any part of the world. No difference.
  19. Agree with most of the titles you mentioned, but SO4 isn't all cliche. The characters may be unlikable to many, but they're not all cliche. And I don't think going to planet Earth of the past and ending up blowing it up before returning to the future is cliche. Tons of unique stuff in SO4.. And the way the main character becomes 'EMO' to most people, he became extremely rich and interesting to me. PS: Not to pick a fight, but I pull my hair playing Persona, I've given Persona 3 a shot.. and I can't stand the whole school concept.. makes me sick to my gut.
  20. I know, the title could have been a lot better lol But I guess he is trying to tell the people that don't know who he is, that he was the creator of Final Fantasy lol Who knows.. maybe for nostalgia reasons, to create anticipation. But the game looks awesome, has a serious feel to it, looks like it'll have unique game-play mixing action elements into a action battle system. This will be bought on its release day IF it get's a US localization
  21. Bump.. added a trailer link to my opening post.
  22. Indeed, with the extra costumes, Flynn and Patty as playable characters, and a bunch of skits + some scenes etc. how big would the down-loadable file be? 7-800mb tops?
  23. Well, in Norway new games in general cost around 100 bucks. From good UK stores the price is around 67 bucks (40 pounds), often with free shipping. From ebay stores in the US the price is around 70 bucks included shipping from personal experience.. so I don't see much point.
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