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The Dual Dragons

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Everything posted by The Dual Dragons

  1. Here's a similar type of thread: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1314655/board/nest/170765579 So I doubt he stole from your script.
  2. Good to know! Excellent! Let's hope it is as good or better than Demon's Souls then. I would prefer a bit more story in this new one though. Um.. Bigfoot just posted a link to the trailer. Don't need another one lol.
  3. Hmm I don't know.. hmmmmm lol Well, his trick list would be very small, unless he's learned some new moves since last I saw him. He's more of a gun man.. maybe a slow round-house kick and a regular punch but... eh...
  4. I might get this game because of REAL Dante and Wesker. Chris though? Does he really fit in a fighting game? hmmmmmm..
  5. Horrible... just... horrible lol Why would they reboot a series that is in no need of one? I would say a lot more, but I think this will describe my feelings well: http://i51.tinypic.com/4j00fr.jpg
  6. Things Video Games Have Taught Us - That we all get screwed up minds and that our new knowledge is extremely far fetched.
  7. Every time you kill something, you jump up and down to theme music. If you go back to the same spot you last fought 3 enemies, you'll meet their 3 ancestors who act exactly the same. (And the family tree never ends).
  8. Hey dude, great job with filling out the tracks for the project!

  9. House on a hill is growing immensely on me as well, I love the duo between Khan and Simone Simons. Oh and The Zodiac too, I must say Kamelot's diversity is extremely wide these days. And by the way: 3:52 in Hunter's Season - exquisite! I remember I saw some older footage of the band live and I was disappointed, then I checked out One Cold Winter's Night and I was left with this impression: Holy crap, one of the best performances I've seen in recent time.
  10. Oh man, when you mention Conception, the first song that comes into my mind is: 'Under A Mourning Star' which is pure gold. If Tomorrow Came is one of my faves from the album too, together with Necropolis and Poetry o.t.p pt.I and pt.II. And Bahamut, I totally forgot about the Gamma Ray release! I haven't checked it out yet, but I shall now. And I forgot to mention Helloween's upcoming album too. Can't wait for that one.
  11. Alright, now I've heard the whole album and it's fantastic. The album of the year for me, Ozzy's Scream ranking 2nd. Only Pain of Salvation's Road Salt Pt.2 and the new Symphony X can do better, and if they do, this is one heck of a year!
  12. This is gonna be badass guys *high fives with everyone*. We'll start remaking during the play-through of the new Castle game coming in... 20 days!??
  13. Sometimes you don't decide your own pace, a mysterious force behind you forces you to proceed against your will and often pushes you into a pit so you die. That after years of gaming you may be in need of anger management treatment. And lastly: that dirty words are spelled like this: @%^&$%(*&^!!!!
  14. Does the difficulty increase a lot from play-through 2 to 3? I haven't checked it out, if it's a big gap I guess the game will be beyond my skills. Round 2 was hell enough.
  15. I'd actually prefer to see a new talent rise up to the challenge. I know about a crazy drummer from Oslo Norway who hasn't come very far yet in his musical career, but he plays Dream tracks like crazy. And he pulls it off very smoothly. Imagine how many great drummers that are out there that are yet to surface. Anyways, I think Phil Rudd from AC DC would be a good choice. His drum licks are... perfectly pulled off. lol Here's me hoping Dream Theater wont go from: and to
  16. Thanks, glad you liked it. Anyways, you should check out Dan Forden's music from the Mortal Kombat games, he is brilliant.
  17. Neat track, never heard this one before. Good find! That is all.
  18. Hey! Stop, don't say things like that or I'll get A Nightmare to Remember.
  19. I forgot to mention that I finished the game 2 times and I thought it was a cool experience. The best part of the playthrough was to connect to other players and kick the bosses during times when I sucked too hard at the game to manage the battles by myself. Ohwell lol
  20. The Tales of Graces translation is sure coming along. They are putting some heavy effort into that one. The % is sky rocketing.
  21. So are anyone actually playing the game at this time? And did anyone get the second DLC?
  22. Alright guys, it's time for another round of Kamelot. Which in my opinion is one of the best metal acts at the time. I absolutely love all their work since Roy Kahn joined as vocalist in 98. And being Norwegian, I have a sense of pride knowing that he too is from the Kingdom of dark-green trees and I wish the band continued success. So now the new album should be released across the globe and hell yes, it sounds promising. The Great Pandemonium official video: “Poetry For The Poisoned” Track Listing: 1. The Great Pandemonium 2. If Tomorrow Came 3. Dear Editor 4. The Zodiac 5. Hunter’s Season 6. House On A Hill 7. Necropolis 8. My Train Of Thoughts 9. Seal Of Woven Years -Poetry For The Poisoned- 10. PT I Incubus 11. PT II So Long 12. PT III All Is Over 13. PT IV Dissection 14. Once Upon A Time I'll be getting this one very soon!
  23. Well, Dream is Portnoy's baby, so don't be surprised when he's back in the band 2-3 years later after his hiatus. At least that's what I'm hoping. OR he will start a new project that will bring something fresh to the prog scene.
  24. In a way, this thread is a Halo advertisement in itself.
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