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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Try www.sendspace.com easiest way to host files temporarly
  2. So yeah... seeing PE3 for the cellphone does sadly kill my interest in it for me... Only games I've ever play on my cellphone are Tetris, Nibbler, and DOOM...
  3. I'd probably be both... Would be part of a Corp but would moonlight inbetween by pirating around every other week or so... Or if I couldn't do it, I'd pay some one to do it. Makes for some interesting plots imo..
  4. To my understanding, one of the major flaws of EVE Online is the traveling from one place to another. Some trips lasting 15, 30 or even an hour depending where you want to go via ship. From other places there's a joke where one can try beating the world record speedrun of Megaman 2 while "traveling" on EVE Online and still have some time to take a shower... Confirm/deny..?
  5. So hey has anyone tried going spelunking underground in groups..? I haven't been able to due to not having wireless access just yet; I know I can actually go underground but it for now it would be by myself. From what I hear/read its fun with some aspects of capture the flag?
  6. Speaking of Wifi usb sticks, would it be better over just getting the "official" NDS wifi usb adapter..? Would any wifi stick work with the DS? My network is all wired and besides for the ds, I have no real need for wifi; nor wish to deal with having to put security upon security just so no one bums a ride on my internet connection D:<
  7. May want to find a better place to host it as I actually tried looking for it but no dice... Since I'm in a good mood... www.sendspace.com www.filefactory.com www.rapidshare.com www.megaupload.com www.gigeshare.com
  8. One probable reason why many of us, including myself, remembers Onix's name as "Onyx" instead may have to do with with old shows when it first came out. We've bound to have at least seen one episode involving said subject. I have a habit of using the close caption, usually for the lulz and some times due to the shitty speakers from the old tv back then. I would still recall the caption spelling it as "Onyx" instead of "Onix". I believe now though it has changed but back then, fun engrish. Also still working on a great ghost team along with a so-called "Special Forces" team
  9. Hey sorry for breaking into this thread without adding anything relevant to this wonderful thread, but will some one please sticky this thread. I ask because the other thread "Internet Videos II" disappeared I'm thinking it has to do with s post count..?
  10. damn it I'd love to be able to have some of those earlier starters in the future... as of now I don't havea wireless connection and need to find that thing that I can connect via usb to my pc. Won't be for a good while for me though...
  11. Look at it this way, the more information people post, the more you'll be ready for the game when you do play online with others
  12. Some of the tracks are ripe for remixing. God damn it the game's like crack D:< but a good type and I can't play it here at work D':
  13. Same here mostly because despite what all others say... I actually want something different from the traditional "first bird pokemon being my ultimate flyer", which is why I'm planning on getting Murkrow then evolve it into Honchkrow when the time is right. Cmon the fedora hat alone grabbed my attention
  14. Budew can evolve into Roselia through leveling up during the morning, daytime or afternoon, when Budew's happiness level is at its maximum. - - - - It sure has gotten trickier to raise them :0 To be honest I'm actually considering starting over considering all the new stuff...
  15. Don't see how this would be a spoiler but nonetheless... I decided to do a bit of online research and discovered that in order to get Magmar or its pre-evolved form Magpy... ~ Wikipedia ArticleWhat the hell..? D:< I'd like to have some control over its stats from its baby form to its final form as Magmortar D:< Basically speaking, back in the day, I've always tried to catch the lowest lvl ones that I could possibly find so they'd be much stronger than usual when fully grown/evolved.
  16. You're not the only one man as I too went for the flaming monkey I however am not regretting it Past the first gym easypeasy
  17. Then I better wait till I have my own DS. The DS I'm using belongs to a very very VERY good friend and I bet she's gonna be wanting it back if she ever gets P:PV. On another note, Poltergeist Team ftw lol
  18. when I was building my system It happened alot to me when I started it up because of over heating. Being a noob at the time I didnt properly place the heatsink... The thing kept shutting down due to overheating. Fixed it and it started working up again for me. Maybe it's still an overheating problem; maybe replacing the heatsink could help or clean out any huge dust bunnies..?
  19. are friends codes tied to a particular ds for each game or is it independent no matter how many ds's you use..? I have never created or used a friends code so... halp plz?
  20. 23 here, , I felt that same golden feeling playing the old P:red when I played P:Diamond. damn it! Now I got the itch to make some hardcore teams!
  21. eh sorry for the extra post but yeah got my copy during lunch break Gonna go with chimchar, flaming monkey ftw D:< >
  22. It's funny as my friends are a mixed bunch, some nerdy some aren't yet I think it had to do with the "cuteness" of the creatures that put off a lot of some older players (not me, or my sister) from trying out the older titles. Serious competitions could have been had if every just tried it out... I'll most probably get it then during my lunch break Thanks!
  23. Is it really worth getting..? The only games I've played from the franchise had been the original red and blue games (way back I went for the red while my sister went for the blue, had a strong rivalry since then in other games) The others within the series I've tried a little bit via friends and emulators but were not enough to get me to buy them as I felt more changes were coming. I re-iterate, is Diamond/Pearl really worth getting now..? Besides the idea of online battling which is edging me to try getting back into it again.
  24. I may have to consider the swapdisc if I ever want to play Siren 2... oh well... Better than missing out of trying it.
  25. So all their work and studying within the university had not been in vain..? Best I can think of for now...
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