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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. http://fontforge.sourceforge.net/ Fontforge a free font editor that lets you even modify existing ones
  2. http://www.typenow.net/themed.htm Look at the "Terminator" font as it looks very very similar if not an exact copy in style... edit: damn I forgot that the A in the font is lopsided to the right... Maybe u can improvise on that..? The "NAMCO" font looks also similar to the font used in the "entertainment system" line...
  3. just throwing it out... the point being it offers relocation assistance... http://www.idsoftware.com/business/jobs/index.php not trying to be funny or anything incase it doesn't work out, but I used to be in a similar situation as you were (mainly no "real" paying jobs at the time) I pretty much put together a resume and did a random shot in the dark. I now work for a company making very good money.
  4. I bet it's "on-rails sledding".
  5. I kind got that too, if that being the case, the video was suppose to be some warped guilt trip thing...?
  6. You can still comment on it, did a test and asked just what Miamiguy asked "Why?"
  7. I'd use it if the links were organized in a neat list instead of being scattered through out the thread; think LAOS's internet videos thread, though even that has fallen apart somewhat due to dead links and the listing itself not updating...
  8. Or some one else did, died and left the blame on the protagnonist. Constantly haunted with supposedly being responsible for something he had no hand in. The accusations echo and ring loudly enough in his head to the point where he accepts the false reality as a truth; one which manifests itself into a physical pain in regular life. Read somewhere when mental stress manifests physically like a nasty tooth ache when all the teeth are perfectly healty. Needs a placebo effect to allow him to see through the pain, to see the truth... (yeah I'm just pulling it out my ass...)
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/07/13/e3.wii.reut/index.html Made me smile I still love my slim PS2 but this along with news of the upcoming games...
  10. Got mine mainly due to some German friends. With my hair practically absorbing all light from being pitch black and thick along with the pallor of my skin considering I'm of hispanic/spanish descent, I was dubbed Schwarzwald. I decided to put a small quirk into the name for the forums and stuck with Schwaltzvald. I also get called for the name from the anime Big O also from my German friends as I never really got into the whole baggy shirt/pants hiphop/rap schtick that came over the years. I pretty much dress in a formal/casual style, with token silk-lined wool trench coat... Edit: Holy shit I'm the first hit on google along with a couple of links consecutively
  11. okay that royally sucks, you haven't upgraded your clones I take it?
  12. ditto.. the two acted like a venus flytrap, lure in unsuspecting prey then boom.
  13. How were you trapped by player rats? One was specifically using jammers and knocking out your targetting system, another draining your systems of capacitor power and the others were just hammering you away..? Hopefully you were insured... if ya need any help I can sell you stuff half-priced if you can wait for a couple of days... (just a couple of more days till my ISP is online...) Later if you want, we can form a gang and go after them player rats...
  14. I like them The close up versions are not bad but I prefer the one I'm using now.
  15. In case you haven't found out... The movie music's title is named Texas Faggott Back to Mad. The credits music's title is named Castle in the sky By Dj Satomi
  16. Final Fantasy II - Castle Pandemonium. Requesting a remix of that track
  17. http://free.grisoft.com/doc/5390/us/frt/0 I love how whenever I play Starcraft, Quake IV, or even EVE Online I don't notice a thing whenever it runs/updates itself.
  18. How about beating the shit out of the only villian to ever successfully go through with plans of global destruction/domination. Giving closure to all the characters at the end. Just being able to say you've beaten FFVI
  19. I must have missed this post. I don't know whether it actually came from either titles you mentioned, but the supposed full version I've heard came from a special megaman tribute on newgrounds titled Rockman Neo. Try contacting the author there. try looking for video game parodies or something and in the megaman section its one of the first flashes there. it has a thumbnail of Dr. Wily shrouded in shadows with his face showb and his hands resting on a cane or something.
  20. It is funny lol. Alot of what ya said had merit, but I'm surprised you left out the atrocious battle system Q64 had. Good god... Huge ring marking the field, both the enemy and you had a particular set area to "move"; be it moving closer or running. More often then not the monsters/enemies had a bigger distance to reach you unless they were stationary types. Yeah you had powerups that allowed to move more but they didn't last for long. There was this sorceress named Shilf at one point that seem to attack with wind based Doughnuts of Doom at you randomly along with homing arrows; which oddly enough are much more easier to dodge than her donuts. Nonetheless despite that along many other issues that were mentioned in your blog, I still managed to enjoy it and actually finish the game. I also have Goldeneye with all the exra stuff accessable too back to FF1 though, though actually FF2... What the hell does a guy have to do to get or find a "good" remix of "Castle Pandemonium" from FF2 damn it? In before "post n requestsn section"
  21. posting from work. I've left a skill in training that will take me a week to complete. It will be perhaps after july 6th or 7th due to finalizing the move to a better place
  22. Can't wait for the complete version as this versions is quite good. Captures the spirit of the opera's plot. It's practically perfect, though personally felt that the metal was.. soft. idk if it's just me that for a metal-ish piece it didn't leave much of an impact on as other metal remix songs. Loved the orchestral aspects but felt the metal was soft. Overall it's good
  23. Despite being a pain, Death is more often then not fun to fight. From the first castlevania to Portait of Ruin, I've almost always looked forward to fighting him. Heck when he double teams WITH Dracula in PoR it was Twice the fun especially when they started to feel like a nasty bastard with nearly instant death attacks. Now if they would only up the deadlyness of Dracula and Death...
  24. That reminds me, has any one try beatng it with just four white mages..?
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