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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Ah no problem. Here some gradius then
  2. I take it you've never seen the old Zelda animated cartoons that coincided with the Super Mario Super Show's cartoons? Sure Link was still a bit of a douche but not as bad as the fan movie version it seems. Note I haven't seen the horrid movie and I don't wish to bother with it. ONE BIG QUESTION! DID THEY SPELL GANON'S NAME AS "GANNON"?!
  3. Although I have to say I would have imagined his voice would have been altered by his headgear rather than be spoken through so clearly.
  4. Are we talking about recent stuff or the classic stuff? When I say classic I'm talking just before the 80's
  5. I have just the movie to make you feel much better. Trust me it's worth watching it. After watching it, go play Dead Space or Resident Evil 4 to make you feel awesome.
  6. Oh I only say it in regards to FPS and RTS games that he ought to stick with the PC. I actually would LOVE to try playing the entire Touhou series with a controller and on the big hd screen if only to get back that feeling of the old shooter genre done on consoles like R-Type, Gradius and even that weird, oddly balanced euroshooter. I'm still steamed that 360 owners get their hands on the latest Raiden game, though I do wonder if they will ever consider porting over Death Smiles, preferably for the PS3... I just wouldn't recommend the console controller for ANYTHING competitive unless it's some certain games such as SSBB or other fighting games. I do wonder though how much better would I be if I used the KB for say... Blazblue. I know streetfighterIV is on the PC but it's a game I rather play on the consoles.
  7. I've actually made a good search on the issue and I've seen this particular comment in almost every page. I'd bet that's why you're interested in using the KB/M combo on the 360. I wouldn't spend $90 on iffy adapters if I were you Lithe; just stick to the PC if u want the combo for the fps and rts games. I know I do considering the crowd on LIVE.
  8. So technically this is CGI done right. awesome.
  9. I have to agree, heck here are some "samples" in case any mixer just needs something more "tangible" to work with. The things that are beyond my reach on the internet, are next to none~!
  10. Here ya go~!
  11. Aww you know that's not true, however it didn't seem to bother any one really and so I wanted to see how long till some one asks. congratulations on being the first! At the very least I do try to keep it related to the subject at hand.
  12. Well it looks like Australia got something out of the mess as the ban on Sega's Aliens vs Predator had been reversed as in it's uncensored. Whether the game sucks or not is not so much the issue but the fact that it had been released gives the Aussies some hope for the new R18+ rating imo.
  13. Good for them, shows some credibility, even if they apologized right as the broadcast was fading.
  14. Pretty much, heck Berserk - Chapter of the Millenium Falcon had this, and before that Devil May Cry 1/2/3/4. Also would you believe that I've NEVER played a GoW game..?
  15. Rather interesting that Protoman and Megaman are not affected by this virus yet Roll is...
  16. ?
  17. That stage pissed me off and made me laugh at the same time. Prompter threw me off more than anything. Made me wish I had BEAT or something to give me a second chance.
  18. Still on the subject of the latest episode, I'm surprised he left out the opportunities to ;
  19. Why not apply for one..? Go here if you're having trouble and it does specifically mention FFXIV Beta Test Application.
  20. Yeah I'm imagining they'll be transferring the latest build for the PS3 once it's ready for Windows... HOWEVER KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED FOR IT AND POSSIBLY BRACE FOR AWESOME IMPACT
  21. Have you signed up for the Final Fantasy XIV beta yet? http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/ http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/ Just caught my eye and took interest.
  22. No kidding, I knew he was dense but wow Keep it up Salluz, keep that low bar of quality going On another note, to salvage this waste of a thread... Any one capable of sharing a song that could convince me Rage against the Machine is any good as the knuckleheads here are making me hate them by their association with them.
  23. Totally expected him to hate it. Nonetheless there are some good laughs from it. Technically you can say the game does say that, thankfully finding a safe spot is not so hard so long as you clear an area and had not been connected to the internet by then.
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