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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. He was joking... or rather being sarcastic...
  2. Had FFVI really been that bad..? All I ever wanted to do was to kill and destroy everything; you don't see me crying about it! Get pissed off at being stabbed sure but who wouldn't? Let's see how you deal bringing ruin to the world and still not feel satisfied with it. It's like reaching that peak and... buckets! Lots of buckets!
  3. Oh this is just too delicious of a bait. Though I'd rather see it dropped in somewhere else though.
  4. I didn't realize we were having a serious discussion about the subject of Leona Lewis providing her singing talents. Well I've heard her music and for the most part she's alright. In fact this may very well be a good thing in terms of opening the franchise to a wider, (wider than the usual fans are), audience. If there's anything for me to be concerned, it will have to be whether this will delay the titles or not. I remember my preorder was set for late November, then amazon tells me to reset it for christmas/january, then amazon emails me again to say they will release in june/july of 2010. Is she possibly why or just the tip of the iceburg..?
  5. I don't see why you can't use it instead and make it yours now >:3 as for leona lewis... fffffffffffffffFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  6. That's what bothered me of the "official" track listing... While the youtube playist does repeat one track, it still contains a few tracks missing from the "official" listing... Edit: Don't worry I'll make the rest of the OST available for the rest of us...
  7. The official OST has 21 tracks. Hmm...
  8. Isn't it a given it's a couple of muggers that just happen to use the disguise as an ingenious, if not impractical, way to lose the police? The witnesses did nothing, they probably knew despite the get-up the focus will be on that instead of the actual mugging. Not to mention their faces were not revealed at all. What are the chances that the muggers even thought about that the event of being recorded it would spin off the parody vid that was just linked on this thread..?
  9. It's called Quake Live
  10. Hey fireslash looks awesome you setting up oldskool game servers. Though I've never got into UT, I hope ya and others will try other games as well!
  11. and seemed to rough him up pretty good though I doubt they got much. Doesn't help they had one other guy acting as lookout for them with his face shown on the camera... http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2009/11/11/2009-11-11_wanted_in_halloween_assault_not_so_super_mario_and_his_brother_luigi_in_cabbie_b.html I have to admit though I at the video.
  12. So I've finally finished "Koumajou Densetsu Scarlet Symphony" aka Touhouvania. All I really have to say is that I keep forgetting the different elements that exist within the game, such as grazing projectiles. "Gungir the Spear" attack kept fucking me up... and my score too...
  13. Considering the effort needed to make them custom-made and the precision required to make sure it doesn't sound as if I'm urinating on your car... yeah...
  14. I'll buy it for $5 though... We just need some one to break the coding and develope a DS system for it, then it'd be fixing an already broken title.
  15. This! Oh for the love of all that is awesome and good it's this~! EDIT* I see there's a weird filter that prevents allcaps on text. Is it really necessary? Next I'll be seeing words filtered out for PC use.
  16. I thought I was the only one who played painkiller around here. Got the "triple dose" pack awhile back. They BETTER at least consider continuing it due to the ending in BOoH. As throwaway as the plot/storyline can be, it at least gives more of an opportunity to continue the carnage.
  17. I'd recommend in terms of styling, that you do whatever you currently feel comfortable doing; keep it as a surprise for when you share it. Here is a playlist of the "Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap OST
  18. it did One more in the image
  19. Saturn, nuff said.
  20. A well done one, if short. Shame there are no more takers to try the other songs in the series; yet I'd hope.
  21. You should have come to me... or looked at my posts related to touhou... 500GB+ of albums and still growing~! Games are fun too, though I've still not tried the recent fighter title that came out a while ago. I've also placed a request here a good while ago as well but nothing came out of it. Perhaps this time something will. If a "sample track" is needed I can provide it. Also Akuma it helps if you make a statement as to what track you'd like to see remixers of OCR to attempt.
  22. Have you considered using pidgin temporarily until you get "live" Messenger working..?
  23. seriously though I wish to see what happens in coming months ahead.
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