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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Weird as I didn't have that problem playing on my friends' PS3 copy... Then again I've only started it. If this is truly the case when I get further in, then I can only blame SEGA...
  2. Gonna pick it up actually next month if only because I got to take care of something first. Nonetheless I find it enjoyable when ever I visit one of my friends who got it on the PS3.
  3. Well I'm sold, though no way in hell would I pay $200 for it. I'll get it another way cheaper...
  4. Sorry bro, needed to fix that for ya.
  5. If I can have it display my content just as how they changed the way pictures can be shown on a grid placing the images in thumbnails, I'd be set as I actually keep all my content organized. Except for the really rare stuff like the entire discography of Susumu Hirasawa or the entire discography of Danny Elfman in which case I'd have a hell of a time looking into my "Treasure Chest" folder.
  6. I don't hate on it, heck if it was priced at $50 or $75 I would see some value in having it handy; but aside from a niche perspective I doubt I'd see much use for it. Though the thought of streaming my petabyte-plus of media through my ps3 sounds rather awesome in my mind...
  7. Can I keep the drive(s) afterwards? Seriously though I can see you having some use for it as I personally don't. Either I have the content ready on disc or I gave a copy digitally.
  8. I'll get both
  9. Sometimes it's best not to remix a remix as it may come out worse than intended; not to say it's impossible but that could be one major reason. I like to think at one point most 'fans' here have listened to music like this and probably thought nothing more of it than it being stuffy, boring, uninspiring sounds of plucking strings in a wooden box. Years later we may hear the same thing but in a totally different sound format and think "HOLY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME!" and then scramble to different sources only to receive weak responses. Years later again some of us 'fans' will find ourselves doing This is how the 'fandom' occurred for some people here; at least for me it had been. Though I actually enjoyed the classics as a kid and simply hunted for rare stuff back then but that's another topic. I'm probably just touching the proverbial tip of the iceburg that is the 'fandom' here as far as I know. edit* Oh yeah the , a , finally a remix of a remix
  10. Based off what I've read on your FAQ, you ought to read up on the forums; both on the General Discussion and Off-Topic sections to get a decent picture of the "fans". Reading up on the other sections wouldn't hurt your research either... also click on my sigs for some giggles as there are some certain areas that fandom on a particular subject can become so incredibly massive that it's beyond what most could comprehend of possibly existing, along with the content that comes from said fandom
  11. Whatever happened to simply converting video files to file types comfortable to the user..? I do that for free for that matter; From Matroskas to flvs... Heck I occasionally rotate videos on my PSP nowadays.
  12. I've never felt any audio converters on the net to extract music from sites such as youtube to ever be as good as creating high quality files. Though that may just be the audiophile in me posting... What about the metal thread that's in gen-disc?
  13. Remember when I provided an actual copy of the tracks mentioned earlier on this thread..? yeah... Sorry to say I just dabble around with sound software and only have rudimentary knowledge of cleaning them up without distorting the original sound; I'm no where nearly as capable of the remix artists here. Plus I'm more of a treasure hunter than anything
  14. So... mp3 or another format like .ogg? Depending on my progress I may have it up later tomorrow as I'm trying to put together my first ever video on my youtube page. Man what a bitch it is to even get it together.
  15. That's ABII isn't it..? Nonetheless if it's desired I shall provide a 'sample' of the song for would be mixers... Curiously also in MP3 format or is there another preferred format..?
  16. I say give "Subterranean Animism" a try, as you may find it easier due to a gimmick behind the shots; in this case it's a lot of streaming and lines rather than bullets homing in on you. This is very evident in stage 4 and when you fight Satori. beware the cat though, bitch will fuck you up even if you do figure out her shots...
  17. Man I still remember the day I finally got access to Phantasm mode on PCB and tried to beat it... So yeah you can't really say you've beaten S&P without finishing it on hard mode. NO WUSSING OUT BY DOING EASY MODE!
  18. I've played the demo but for some reason I prefer the Evil Lord mode rather than the hero one.
  19. No offense but I would have donkey punched her for that... So yeah, games I'm looking forward to... -Bayonetta -FF13/Vs13 -Dante's Inferno -Sin & Punishment 2 That's all I can think of at the moment, although "Tale of Graces" seem interesting enough.
  20. So how had magfest been anyways? Never been to one myself so...
  21. I have my sources and no Google is not one of them Oh and this is how you make a signature at a restaurant
  22. Here some more if ya want Strike.
  23. I only have so much skill with photoshop man, but I'm glad you were able to make it work Oh yeah Edit* I didn't do this one but it's a nice find nonetheless
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