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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Seriously though every time I pass by it at the store, first would come the voice of desire, demanding I get L4D2, then suddenly another one I've dubbed "Practicality" with its sidekicks "Apathy" and "Cheapy the Cheapskate" pretty much reminding me that not even the "PC Game" discount all PC gamers usually get compared to console enthusiasts isn't enough to get me to drop $50 for what, imo, should have been an add-on/mod/expansion pak rather than a separate title. I still remember you Opposing Forces and Half-Life: Blue Shift...
  2. The excuse would be, "It's a monster girl so it passes" I kid you not. Suprisingly "monsters" are actually excused from the whole furry schtick.
  3. What would you guys say if I told ya that I actually skipped out on purchasing L4D2..?
  4. I used a font called "kunstler script"

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  5. Hey Coop it isn't 4chan, /b/ or even some of the lesser imageboards that eat this up and flame/trollbait what have you around here; then again I have seen a thread like it come up and last for about a hundred posts before going down in flames. I'd think you're more likely to have a serious discussion over at PPR though on the issue and more likely to get better answers than say some of the quasi-political pundits we have around. You're well respected around here that aside from a couple of jokes, you're more likely find a serious discussion. Give it a shot. Oh yeah I loved "Swat Katz" back in the day, still watch it from time to time on Boomerang these days.
  6. Just upload the raw files you had before you messed around with it in your attempts in mediafire or sendspace. I got Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio ($99 at the time of purchase) which is what I usually use to work with audio files, not to mention foobar2k is awesome in working with obscure sound files.
  7. I started to notice them, so much nostalgia being blasted towards me.
  8. May he rest in peace, knowing how much of a great impact he's left upon the mediaworld.
  9. Granado Espada? After hearing that it's an mmorpg I pretty much figured its ost would be rubbish; is it any good?
  10. The only serious downside from owning either system is that the games, regardless of either 360 or PS3, will cost you around $60 each, and that's just for the regular retail bought "new". How the flying fuck we accepted that no body knows... IW even tried to foist that shit pricing on PC gamers on the pc version.
  11. eh you ain't missing much, not to mention you can just mooch off one of your buddies right? I'd say go for whatever console works for ya on a practical/financial/personal interest scale. I will admit there are some fun titles I'd love to try if they weren't just on the 360-live. Nonetheless I refuse to buy something that I'd would find little value imo; like MW2.
  12. This was already a given in my case though this was only slightly before I actually played the games. The only I can say that the chance to play "Chaos Legion".I have the entire set on one of my special discs.
  13. Tales of Vesperia is also on the PS3...
  14. Both, but if not, I'd lean towards the PS3 if only because personally my PC pretty much does what the 360 does; where as it can not play PS3 titles...
  15. blew my fucking mind. Not only is the entire scene awesome but the track brought tears to my eyes. ITS THE MOTHER FUCKING AFTERBURNER THEME! remixed for that stage. Also find myself preferring to mix it up between the Scarburough Fair and Durga/lightning side.
  16. I almost wouldn't be surprised if this is true.
  17. I approve of getting some of these songs a remixing chance. I have the PSP version and it deserves some good remixes.
  18. What format are they? Working with audio files is one of my talents.
  19. They're not gone, as they're used during invasions among other things.
  20. So I just breezed through the demo and I have to say it was great! Music's fantastic as well as the puzzles!
  21. I can't say I've played Spirit Tracks but I'm envisioning these "evil trains" something like this.
  22. I think other than that LA thing, I would have to say some sound tracks during gameplay that I've heard for the first time that caught me off guard as being awesome yet bringing a tear or two in my eyes. For example here, though it's a cover of the track still awesome in my book. Although this did it to me when I started listening to it the first time while getting off the train and started walking home. Made me think of a staff roll call being played as if I just completed something epic and simply coming home after all that had occurred. It's as if I was part of a cinematic movie that plays while the credits rolled on...
  23. Give them some time considering you rarely will see a remixer come to one of the threads and exclaim, "I WILL MIX THIS HARDER THAN THE FIST OF AN ANGRY GOD!" One day we may see one...
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