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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. ZA WARUDO Can'r possibly go wrong!
  2. I know I didn't want to give it away that easily. Nonetheless I can't see nintendo promoting polygamy unless done very discreetly; cmon they started off as a card company to making awesome games with a rich history in our lives, why not be the first major company in the public eye to make eroge/dating sim games. That is unless you count Harvest Moon/Rune Factory(?) along those lines. Yes I remember the "recent" Persona games but technically that's just a bonus/annoyance to some.
  3. So... "Just Good Friends Harem Ending"
  4. Girls simply like to have fun on their terms..? also I don't see why not; especially if there's a chance she tries to pushes it beyond merely 'dreams'. Whether that's a good or bad thing is a whole other matter.
  5. What the hell indeed This reminds me, is this worse than EA shutting down game servers of not only some 2 year old games of theirs but also their most recent stuff such as for Madden 09..? I'll get it for the novelty of it, still have the original classic poem in my ole library.
  6. Nice to see progress though
  7. So we're going to see more hypnotizing neck jiggling in the reboot..?
  8. OH SHIT I just realized why I got so into a certain series and didn't bother me why it didn't have ships instead... and were only a prelude for what I will face later in life.
  9. No Super Mario RPG though maybe it would be nearly impossible, if not expensive by now to get it. The Adventures of Batman and Robin Scrolling beatem-up Contra III Kirby's Dreamland 3 Super Metroid is a given Brain Lord is a rather challenging RPG Breath of Fire I & II (if you can find them cheap) Demon's Crest Earthworm Jim Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures Pocky & Rocky Pocky & Rocky 2 Lost Vikings Lufia & The Fortress of Doom Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (was actually not bad) Secret of Mana Secret of Evermore Starfox Super Ghouls n' Ghosts
  10. Helps if you gave something for them to work with Nonetheless I'm feeling generous as of late Do add to this if I'm missing a track or two. Personal fav
  11. I think I almost did on Link's Awakening as the very concept of suddenly finding your self in a land where you tried your best to bring peace only to see it all disappear like a nuke just struck it makes it seem pointless. Doesn't help that it shows certain scenes around where it all fades to white before Link is thrust back into reality out at sea once again. I don't remember if this occurred in the original version but in the DX version, if you managed to beat the game without losing a life and completed it entirely you'll see an image of Marin, the girl that sings the windfish song, in the sky before fading away to a seagull which flies away afterward.
  12. Give me a couple of days, unless some one else does it better. Seriously though some one take up the banner should I suddenly go on vacation Considering some one very dear to me not only gave me a full digital copy of "Blood Lunch" but also a hard copy in paperback format I fully intend to enjoy it.
  13. Well it certainly not a tea party but hey the image suits it just fine for now.
  14. Had all of my saved data on PCB inexplicably erased all because while I had it paused and tried to alt-tab so I could read a message sent to me, mid screen-switch I accidentally dropped my headset onto the keyboard. It pressed some keys and essentially frozed PCB, thus forcing me to quit it manually. Next time I ran it, all of my records had disappeared. It didn't even remember me having access to extra and phantasm mode... Was mad for a couple of minutes till I realized I could perfect my records. Still... son of bitch...
  15. If not me some one else will call out on you every time you decide you wish to shoehorn your ideals and try your best to prove something you're not. You've shunned the community to prove a point that you feel you don't need to be criticized, nor deserving of any one else constructive criticism. You're pitifully mistaken and so much more. You handle criticism poorly, that's been rather obvious and you're easily antagonized for it. In the field of memes, that's the name of the game. Trolling or not, it's only when you take things too seriously where it befalls upon you as "trolling" when in reality, I've been trying to temper you one post at a time. You set one finger on that message box in any place that, for fun, rib one another such as 4chan/SA and other places I won't mention in particular, you'll be eaten alive. If you are this easily angered, you have no business making memes nor demand respect when you have shown none. Once again you're welcome to block me, but some one else will do the same thing I've been doing so long as you continue with the same egotistical attitude you've shared more often than I care to mention. I'm not asking for any apology, just show some, "restraint" when you react to another person's critique and try to understand the others members here rather than shunning them away as if they mean shit to the forums. Be it a 2010 registered user or djp himself, just take it easy~!
  16. I've also seen some reports of it being ported to WiiWare though with "updated graphics and sounds". I prefer the original though.
  17. It's called making an example out of you and purely for quality control as well as truncating the would be ignorant masses. I'm not surprised you didn't catch the political meme, but I did find it amusingly fitting. Seriously give it some thought and perhaps you'll understand why.
  18. ¿Por qué no te callas?
  19. I made a whole thread about DOOM last year... The DOOM Gaming Showcase Thread http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25226&highlight=DOOM+Showcase If ya got something new to add to what I've already posted I'd appreciatte ya adding to it.
  20. This could be said of a lot of games in retrospect. Castlevania/Metroid/Metroidvania, Megaman, Devil May Cry/GoW, Resident Evil/Silent Hill/other horror titles to name some...
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