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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. What the whole thing with Lumine and Sigma basically gone for good isn't enough..?
  2. I don't think I've ever had the opportunity to play it. Is
  3. I'm actually not familiar with MDK2, or maybe I am and just don't remember it...
  4. You sure have a very puritanical view on what's pr0n. Must be talking from experience on your end because the last time I've ever visited gamefaqs have been five years ago because I couldn't figure out Silent Hill 4 at the time. Nonetheless, be it Bass or Roll, so long as the game is awesome along with the music, it can do no wrong. Co-op sounds something a rom hack would do, but it's great to know there's a chance of it happening; hopefully it will work flawlessly. as usual, have some megaman,
  5. Good ole Actraiser's Fillmore 1-1 stage music
  6. Oh yeah... good times...
  7. I don't see why not... I'm also looking forward to some awesome music as well. Oh yeah...
  8. To be fair the speed run record for the original PS1 version of Silent Hill is 35 minutes and 29 seconds which was recorded onto VHS tape... About four to five hours ought to be fine... Hell the speed record for Resident Evil 2 (a favorite amongst gamers to my knowledge) is somewhere above an hour and thirty minutes.
  9. Sometime after seeing , I wondered if this is how Drillman should have been fighting back in MM4. Perhaps keeping the explosive drill bombs as well while ninja diving between the ceiling and ground; not to mention manipulating said ceiling and ground...Skip to 3:45 to see what I mean.
  10. don't . .
  11. I feel very satisfied about my findings and that I managed to get the music ahahahahaha.
  12. Is that a cannon in your pants or are you just happy to see me..?
  13. I'll give you that.
  14. I take it no love for lead female characters? For some reason anything remotely good that I can find on MM9 either involves just her or her within a group image with the others. I wonder why... This image however I'm using it for laughs
  15. Yeah that's what bothers me about my source... I'll just have to wait...
  17. Made a search but didn't find a thread about it. So Castlevania: Rebirth is essentially a remake of "Castlevania: The Adventure" on the Gameboy released way back in 1989. Supposedly there's enough changes to the game that makes it a fresh take on the installment but still maintaining the story line it had involving Christopher Belmont. As an extra, assuming my sources are spot on, the following link I made contains the actual sound track for the game. As for the soundtrack it sounds as if they used the same guys who worked on the Contra: Rebirth sound track. One track in particularly named "midboss" had a riff that just made me think "CONTRA"...
  18. Hey Overcoat did you get the music tracks in the link I sent ya?

  19. Oh I've been doing a good amount of that for a good while...
  20. Are you on dial-up?
  21. Hey I wouldn't mind being corrected this time around, unless I'm actually right in the sense that the inducting process is going to take six to seven months.
  22. It's also available on the PC but nonetheless there's really no reason to attack a person's taste; even if they essentially represent the cancer that's killing gaming to begin with.
  23. is relatively , Nazrin's theme's Though I'm quite partial to Tatara Kogasa's theme. Aside from one mix that did join the ranks of OCR I have great doubts any other track will be remixed by OCR for a long time.
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