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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Have you tried Natural Killer Jackson?
  2. Rather odd feeling to know he was around my stomping grounds during his trip; in fact being near where I work to begin with.
  3. I may as well build a box myself because the choices they have, leave much to be desired imo... I've even already picked out a simple tune
  4. I'm probably the only psp owner that never bought a "protective case" and actually puts the 3k model in a pocket. Though I suppose the pocket being inside my trench coat renders any complaints on its size moot. Oh and I got big hands so that checks me off getting one... Also I thought the whole "lopus" thing died a while back...
  6. So you want a movie based off of tweets, blogs, forum wars, and memes..?
  7. Looks like another investment for me to look into.
  8. It's very good and I could try comparing but I'd say it's something you'd have to experience yourself. Plus there really isn't a game that I can think of that would be a fair comparison to DS. I could say Devil May Cry compared to God of War perhaps but I can't think of anything close to the feeling of Demon's Soul's as it feels like a true, western Fantasy; perhaps D&D-ish in a very good way but without the dice business. Expect it to be very challenging, as you will die a lot. In my opinion they did pretty well bringing a realistic feeling towards the game but at the same time kept it fun as well.
  9. Oh yeah I forgot about those cables for the psp. The PSPGo got a different variation of it so make sure you get the right version.
  10. You can play the classic PSOne games on both the PSP and PS3 but unless the official PSP game specifically states otherwise, then no you can't.
  11. So hey how about making some crummy pages on tripod and angelfire huh? Surprisingly though both are currently owned by Lycos... wow...
  12. Plenty of nostalgia for me, heck I remember a friend showing me where he got a bad midi of one-winged angel off one of those sites.
  13. If ya got a PSP you can get the earlier games D:Afternoon of Darkness and D:Dark Hero Days. I will say though while D:1 & II have a similer feel, for some reason 3 kinda feels different. It's something you'll have to experience to understand, though chances are I'm the only one that gets that kind of feeling between the games.
  14. I haven't even come close to finishing Demon's Soul's as I'm taking my sweet time just exploring as well as somewhat grinding a bit. Seriously I think the last boss I've defeated had been that fire-breathing spider; man what an asshole that thing was. That and Disgaea 3 been eating up my time.
  15. OH YEAH IT DID! ~ WikipediaIf only that caught on with the later consoles...
  16. As PC gamers are complaining, why shouldn't predominantly console gamers demand dedicated servers as well? At the very least they would alleviate lag issues for the 360/PS3 among other things.
  17. Picking from the article~ SPECIAL NOTE* For goodness sakes, CoD:MW makes the original Half-Life (in its ugly glory nowadays but with awesome content) look infinitely much more appealing. No amount of eye candy can make up for the bullshit thats occuring for CoD:MW. Then again I've always looked at the CoD series as mediocre at best.
  18. I'll put it this way, if I can find and put together a hyadain music collection, not much is beyond my reach. That said, Here you go Atmuh, enjoy
  19. It truly is quite subjective... Why not ask me? Unlike most I'm willing to share the wealth... In fact I encourage any one to at least try asking others, and if it helps I'm usually quite easy going to approach. If it must be, just pm me. In fact if you look closely at my sig you may see something under it... If you want something more complete then you'll have to pm me.
  20. EVE Online is probably one of the few games where griefing the "gold farmers" becomes a viable source of profit and some potential giggles; and they keep coming back, JUST LIKE ENEMY SPAWNS!
  21. I think it's safe to say they haven't lived through the horror of P2P FPS just yet; either that or haven't truly experienced a good time on a PC multiplayer game.
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