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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Eh currently an accountant, though with things getting ugly I haven't had much access to things as of late. Not to mention our second exodus to 0.0 space with stuff... However its just within the corp I'm in, not in actual contact with the total alliance's assets
  2. That's all well and good Zipp but can you do something about the slab of concrete I see on that site..? It depressing, gun-steel grey is one thing but a slab of concrete ugh...
  3. Same name as I do on PSN and here, "Schwaltzvald". Thing is, my alliance already has penetrated 0.0 space, and truth be told, its a hell of a lot more fun than Empire Space. The only thing though is that in my case, I'd have to be aware alot more than usual if I were in ES... A small militia of neuts caught me by chance and killed my Rokh Nonetheless I'm getting better at being resourceful
  4. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUuuuuuuu THEY SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED ME ARG!! D;< I'm always on a search for a "decent" challenge as always managed to find the fun that most don't seem to. That and I've received little traffic on SF4 as of late Cmon I'm no tourney level but I like a good fight once in a while; I don't even know how to do supers or set ups properly yet ... PSN: Schwaltzvald
  5. I hear it's coming out by tomorrow as an open beta... Any body gonna try it..? Especially considering from what I've read it would be free once complete. IMO from what I've seen, its very nostalgic but seemingly without the hassle of punkbuster fucking up; updated or not... hopefully...
  6. yeah I still play, though currently my alliance is at war so yeah... Been real cautious along with giving the enemy the slip
  7. Considering it was done by the Follin Brothers I'm not surprised but it's still awesome I need to play it again for nostalgia's sake
  8. HAHAHA OH WOW!! :lol: That better be out of a hundred or we have some problems. As for the site, looks neat but imo the colors a bit off putting; feels like im looking onto a grey slab with stamps plastered on it. I mean on seemingly a lot of reviews you got all this grey space at the bottem left side. Do something with it.
  9. Vega been getting more and more awesome than I had imagined, also Viper 's pretty sweet too.
  10. Yeah... I'm not about to subject some of my sensitive equipment to roaches :lol:... Seriously though I've had many battles in the past with them damn zergl-er roach waves and finally got fed up with it. Only infestation up here in GB here are cats or the occasional spider-cricket; aka the cave cricket but they rarely are a nuisance compared to the roaches.

  11. Haven't noticed any horrendous load times, though I did install it on the hard drive... Overall its smooth for me on the PS3 as it sometimes makes me want it to take some time so I can get a drink or a snack.
  12. Where exactly do you live in College Park..? Up here in Gaithersburg that same price of $1150 can net you a 2 bedroom apartment with den, though it moves ya farther away from DC...

    Bad enough they're forcing the "smart trip" card around here to where paper transfers are no longer valid with the exception of the all day pass... I've been noticing rents been getting uglier where you are; whats the current going rate on a 2 bedroom/den these days..?

  13. How many are on PSN for SF4 along with the 360 version..? I'm kinda surprised there's no listing just yet for either one here. Im still going by the name Schwaltzvald, so can I add any one on the PSN..? Edit: What about small tourneys inside OCR like the ones on the seemingly short-lived hamachi ones..?
  14. Let's see some translated Romancing SaGa 2 shall we..?
  15. THIS -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzZSQDa7tfo&feature=related no not really, (but awesome album nonetheless), most already voiced similar thoughts for me such as Mega Man 4, Ys ect. If there has to be one that was not mentioned but I feel is underrated, it'd have to be Super Ghouls & Ghosts on the SNES. I'm probably the only one that liked it enough to want to hear some remixes from it.
  16. I got to remember to pick them up later on... thanks for reminding me!
  17. Pre-made achievements are for the casuals, real players made up their own achievements and recorded them on the old VCR that once in a while would "eat" said recorded achievements. I remember I would try to turbo-turd out at least 5 chaos emeralds in 2 acts if I could help it on Sonic 2
  18. Don't hate the games, hate the fan-base. Besides I'm still waiting for Splatterhouse 3 damn it...
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_ySO8LPkaM&NR=1 Guile vs Mike Haggar..?
  20. Vega's been fucking awesome for me but I have issues pulling off super combos for some reason or another; Balrog's not bad either. Gonna have to try online more when I get back from work.
  21. I know what you mean as I'm enjoying it, but man are some of the assholes in the first streets of rage kicking my ass... Or maybe I just suck at side scrolling beatem ups
  22. To my chagrin, Dan is in. However my interest in mastering Vega and Balrog along with C.Viper makes up for it.
  23. Best Buy = $30 Walmart = $30
  24. shhh anytime someone mentions the R and E words, especially both in a post, the ugly from the anti-rom/emulation crowd comes out and gets agitated worse than a severely queasy lactose intolerant guy that ate a block of cheese... Plus that's my fall back whenever "official" products are unavailable.
  25. Getting the PS3 version, can't wait to feel comfy with the dpad once again
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