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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. It does say PS2 at the end of the vid. Who know's how long the PS2 will truly last..? So long as more titles keep coming I don't see it entirely dead just yet. Especially considering if it truly had died already, such a huge backlog lost because of incompatability... Hm.... Well just going to have to wait and see when it does die...
  2. Almost forgot. for the PS3. The game play makes me think of a cross between Shanoa's/Soma Cruz's glyph skills/Soul Collecting and when using said skills they are summoned practically as you use a skill/attack as a "shadow" of sorts emerging from your character. Kinda like that shadow boss in Castlevania: OoE. I'm sure some one else could give a better description.
  3. hey man check my posts when you can :)!!

  4. ah yes the Megaten series, sadly alot of it is either watered down for the US or just never ported. Spinoffs however have been coming in by the droves more or less, in particularly... Persona: Revelations has been remade for the PSP, and rumors are abound for it that it will be the version that should have came over in the first place. Digital Devil Survivor coming out eventually for the DS. has already been out for a while, good story but gameplay wise may be too reminiscent of old gaming days (random encounters galore) is coming out in may for the PS2Anything Megami Tensai/Shin Megami Tensai just ask me if you like. Hell I even have you as a friend on my PS3 but you never accept my invites for text chats As a side note Amazon has a special preorder where if you preordered that game they throw in a Raidou Frost Doll as an extra, much like the Social Link package Persona 4 preorders had. Got a special some one who'd want it
  5. Yeah oddly enough Amazon has it on preorder and "supposedly" will deliver my copies of FF13 & FF:Vs-13 by December 8th and 18th of this year respectively; while wikipedia has it released in Japan by the winter of 09 where as NA/PAL regions are TBC..?
  6. I meant in terms of the general public dismissing it, I actually enjoyed it Also edited my earlier post to add in the fourth video... Second edit: To me it seems there's a greater effort needed in defeating enemies, like stringing combo hits for more damage, reminiscent of Valkyrie Profile and Disgaea in some ways... However in a 3d free movement environment with out turns so to speak of...
  7. Looks like it, then again I seem to be the few that actually enjoyed FFXII/Quest 64/Psychonauts and other titles that others have deemed bad but are not. In the end the best judge on whether it's fun for you or not is yourself . Edit: If it turns out just like "Eternal Sonata" where the 360 got the original version where as the PS3 got the enhanced with bonus stuff, including extending the game play for the same price, I'm gonna laugh real hard.
  8. Demo Gameplay: Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zySU8m15mFg&feature=channel_page Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tcN_Gq9nvI Part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YUauFz6I9A Part 4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcIZoVsv24g Part 5 (Last Part) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsJlJFzeOmg Looks pretty good
  9. I believe it was provided already but.. SMB3 - World 3 overworld OST LoZ-Great Fairy Fountain theme imo I can hear a resemblance but... edit - god damn it beaten again >:L Cloudy GRIMDARK weather here fucking up my timing...
  10. when you fight Valentina, just skip over to 2:06 to see it. edit: damn beaten to it already...
  11. So... since the original story with T2 having given a vague/strong impression supposedly preventing the mess thrown out and continued on with 3, it seems like another Terminator movie is coming out. However this one seems promising. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg9ooaozu-8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_hIIDEQY3w&feature=related Still some room for more of it..? I'd say probably... Then again I never watched TSCC tv series so I don't know if it follows that at all.
  12. Fuck'em, just stay with dsl.
  13. wait till you hit the lvl 5s then the sleepers in the worm holes
  14. lmao, I've yet to meet a successful blasterokh pilot so.. trying being the first eh?
  15. Beware being webbed/scrammed/jammed as if that happenes ur screwed. Plus I'd recommend making sure u maxed out the Caldari BS skill as well as all shield related skills; not to mention navigation skills so you can maximize your flight speed via MWD as well as punish those that dare to stick around.
  16. yeah I recently lost a rokh so I've been just biding my time to get another one rebuilt.
  17. I thought it had more to do with "some" of us being very smug about the PC shmups being only available on the PC platform rather than Mac... not my fault the touhou games only ever work on windows, or most doujin shmups for that matter...
  18. Gundemonium recollection also has that bit of bullet time, though imo it's not as generous as the previously mentioned titles. Looks quite promising so keep up the good work
  19. Sad thing about it is that Mephisto who just got a PS2 won't even touch it with a ten foot pole...
  20. I still fucking loled I do miss the old days when it was cluttered yet functional at best though...
  21. I should try this as the the component cables I got for the PS3 also seem to work for the PS2, or so said the box it came with it... Okami in hi-def... mmmmmmm
  22. Such tears are incredibly delicious at times... But in all seriousness, I thought it had to do with Microsoft not wanting to play nice with the developers on distributing online content for the extra stuff that comes on the PS3 version... Nonetheless this thread's been making me more and more happier with my purchase long ago; aside from what I've already got on it doing so.
  23. I know how ya feel, hell the shmup scene's always something of an underdog in the gaming arena against juggernauts like action/rpgs/jrpg/sports games. In terms of continuing gaming inbetween responsibilities that at one point I didn't have, I find myself often diving into niche titles to little gems inbetween like , the as well as the recent . The "hardcore gamer" title is something of a word becoming vague over time imo as any one can be excessively good at any game after some time over a number of games; in which some may regard as a hardcore gamer, in particularly in competitive gaming. From the bhopping fraggers on quake/tf games to shotokan whoring kens/ryus/akumas along with Sagat on Sf4, every game genre has their "hardcore gamer"... gaming for a living, may as well be a new career rather than hardcore gaming; especially if one actually depends on being successful in them earning cash wins.
  24. To a degree it has a heavy amount of Japanese culture to it, however it shouldn't be too much of an issue imo. I will say though between 3 and 4, 4 seems to have more dialogue; especially considering it's a mystery rather than "HOLY SHIT WE'RE DOOMED!!" scenario) Still they're good titles once you get into them.
  25. This I can agree on... Nothing like watching some one who played all the street fighter games using Ryu only to keep messing up the hadoken or the Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku and start mashing the buttons out of rage...
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