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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. The production of the piano was decent, though, to me, it's lacking. The sequencing sounded mechanical, but the soundscape is airy enough where that issue was mitigated some; to me, the timing of the piano chords shouldn't sound so blocky. From :48-1:36 & 2:00-3:00, the countermelody essentially became drowned out; while it wasn't a dealbreaker issue on its own, it's an issue for most of the song. This could use some volume and balance tweaks to ensure the countermelody isn't washed out by the other sounds in play. Just for clarification, I see your notes about feeling the encoding may have reduced the quality, but I don't believe 320kbps vs. 192kbps or VBR1 would be a factor in the critique. Melodically, this could have taken more risks, but the overall sound of this was decently personalized. By 1:36, the track was feeling repetitive; some sort of dynamic contrast through different instrumentation or textures would help. Right now, there's a gradual escalation through the additional padding/vox over time, but the overall flow of this piece still comes across as too static. 2:35's synth-led section was something new for a few seconds before the finish, but there's the potential for more. Watch the cut-off ending as well, that's just an needless error that should be corrected. Keep at it, Alexandre; you show potential with this one and it's clear you have the right ideas in mind as far as giving a track your own personalized, expansive sound. NO (resubmit)
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  6. The timing was noticeably blocky, which interfered with how delicate the arrangement was intended to be and doesn't let it age too gracefully, but still a solid concept. I can't say I've heard this theme taken in a slower more emotive direction by anyone else, so I love that David brought something new to the table.
  7. Those string articulations... Well, what can ya do? When you hear of the phenomena of ReMixers wanting their first mix pulled, it's understandable, but I like that it's here so that other aspiring artists realize that God-tier artists start off as beginners just like everyone else. Wing's more than made up for this one. Love the source tune though, and hope others try it down the line here.
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  9. Hahaha! Yeah, I don't get why this was called a medley, when that's not the structure of this at all. From 2:22-2:49, you had the Side View Screen theme on top of the core Interior Screen theme, but that's about the only time anything major was going on other than the Interior Screen theme. This ain't a medley, so don't call it one. Anyway, ignoring harping on specific words, Chimpazilla's right that there wasn't much variation or development of this arrangement once you heard the first iteration of the theme. She's also correct that there needed to be additional substance to the writing, as these textures were relatively basic. I liked the backing organ/string writing behind the theme as an expansive element, but other than that there was very little interpretation beyond adapting the theme to this instrument set. I also agreed with her that this doesn't sound bad in terms of the sample quality and overall mixing/production. I felt some of the higher bowed string sequencing sounded too stiff, but it was nothing that drew out a pointed criticism with a timestamp, just a feeling that the overall sound had some (relatively minor) hitches with timing/realism. Decent initial take, Timothy, but there needs to be more variation and dynamic contrast within the arrangement. It's not enough to repeat the Interior Screen theme this many times w/o any meaningful differences; take the writing/arrangement in some other logical directions. NO (resubmit)
  10. Agreed with Gario that this should have sounded less static, but the good easily outweighs what needed work. Fun stuff, Gian! YES
  11. Thursday, September 29 to Sunday, October 2 Renaissance Waverly Hotel & Cobb Galleria, Atlanta, GA http://awa-con.com OCR returns to Atlanta for our FIRST-ever panel at Anime Weekend Atlanta! Held at the Cobb Galleria (right by the Cobb Energy Center where VGM concerts perform in ATL), AWA is the the southeast's largest anime convention! Let's hang and talk nerd music, with an official OCR panel Friday afternoon AND a nerd music panel by Ongaku Overdrive on Saturday night to keep the conversation flowing! 2 PANELS! #1: OC ReMix: Video Game Music = The Greatest Music! Panel Date/Time: Friday, September 30, 2:15-3:15 PM Location: Room 103 (Galleria) Panelists: José the Bronx Rican Liontamer Theory of N #2: Nerdy Music for Anime Fans and Gamers Panel Date/Time: Saturday, October 1, 6:15-7:15 PM Location: Room 104 (Galleria) Panelists: Kent Ward (Ongaku Overdrive) Liontamer (Larry Oji), OC ReMix community manager & music judge None Like Joshua (Joshua Frohling) Theory of N (Dustin Lagaly)
  12. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  13. Yeah, I'd say they're a match. Ask David Wise on the Tweeter.
  14. No unofficial fan creations, period. Any game created by fans would need to be endorsed/released/pulled into the fold by the copyright holder in an official capacity, e.g. Street Fighter X Mega Man. If that's not the case, the game is ineligible for OC ReMix for a standalone mixpost. The best chance a "fan creation" game would be approved for representation on OCR is if the game is original IP and has a release on a notable platform or otherwise has built a meaningful following. It's not enough, for example, to put up a free game on Kongregate if it has no following, but it is to get it approved and sold on a commercial platform like Steam or iTunes. We use our discretion and common sense to make those calls.
  15. We're not asking for any specific type of mixes. We work with what's already available and make themes from those.
  16. Nice work, @Torzelan! (And badass stuff from @N-JekteD!)
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