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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. 3. Acceptable Source Material 2. Submissions incorporating more than one source are allowed, but are not given special consideration or leniency with regard to the submission standards. Your submission must have a strong focus and direction. Medleys must sound like a single song, not multiple songs pasted together. I was expecting this to sound a lot more disjointed and a lot less cohesive based on the votes. I purposefully ignored the sources just to listen to this track as a standalone entity and get a sense of the structure and flow first. The transition at :58 was abrupt, but even then didn't bother me much, and the rest seemed fine in terms of flow, so that wasn't enough to reject this, IMO. Many of these apparent transitions (:33, 2:00 followed by tempo changes, 2:18, 2:50, 3:38) were reasonable to me and made some attempt to bridge from one section or one texture to another. Anyway, the issue with medley-itis to me isn't just a matter of laying out a medley to go source A+B+C+D+E, it's a corresponding lack of flow along with that structure. Clearly the other Js think this is the case here as well, but I didn't agree. Boy, the strings and brass though. I wouldn't be able to articulate the issues I heard, but Gario seems to have caught the "swell" issue that matched up for me, particularly from 3:54-4:15, and I actually felt the "performance" sound of those instruments fell flat. I also felt the brass articulations from 4:15-4:45 sounded inhuman and flat. Nonetheless, the orchestration is decent enough to get by. Listening to all of these Chrono Cross sources, I felt they pieced together with enough of an overall flow that I wasn't put off by the medley structure here. If I didn't know the sources, this felt enough like a relatively singular piece that simply had a number of compositional twists and turns. I will vote in the minority with a YES that's more borderline re: the production and keep this open for at least one more additional vote to close it out.
  2. Quick breakdown, since I didn't quite agree on some of the timestamping, but just had it over 50% overt source usage as well 5:30-long, needs 165 seconds of overt source usage for arranged VGM usage to be dominant in the arrangement. :24.5-27.5, :36.5-1:22.5, 1:30.5-1:33.5, 1:50-2:42.75, 3:43.75-4:22.5, 4:57.5-5:23 = 168.75 seconds or 51.13% overt source usage Arrangement-wise this was fine. Production-wise, it wasn't ideal, and I get the criticisms on volume disparities (which are legitimate) but wasn't personally put off by that. There were also some very soft click/pops and slight distortion spots, but nothing that stood out as strongly negative. That said, the orchestration was handled pretty well, and I agreed with the YESes that argued that he used his tools well and mitigated the realism issues. Pretty strong stuff to me. YES
  3. We forgot to locate the original writeups for that one; it's likely it's out into the ether and djp will add some new comments. But we'll get that up there. Good catch. That drama was squashed sucha long time ago.
  4. Both standalone parts need to be distinct/different enough from one another to merit being posted as two separate tracks; if not, consider submitting the overall piece as one track.
  5. This forum is to request VGM arrangements, not mainstream music arrangements.
  6. No worries. We can re-open if there are any strong objections and anyone asks. IMO, 6Y/2N is well over, so we're good to go.
  7. ESTHER'S DREAMS! Mellow VGM ReMixes & lullabies for gamers of ALL ages!! June 29, 2016 Contact: press@ocremix.org FAIRFAX, VA... djpretzel is the founder of OverClocked ReMix. His first daughter, Esther Fiona Lloyd, was born on December 19th, 2013. To celebrate, artists from the community came together for an album of lighter VGM arrangements, centering on themes of playtime, downtime & sleepytime. The end result is Esther's Dreams -- OverClocked ReMix's 59th arrangement album -- a free tribute to video game music that babies, infants, toddlers, kids, adults, parents, grandparents, and young & old alike can enjoy. Except for teens. ...Okay, teens too. Esther's Dreams features nearly two hours of music, including arrangements of The Legend of Zelda, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario 64 & more. We hope you enjoy it, and we especially hope that new parents get their little ones to sleep & play while introducing them to some of the best music there is - video game music! Esther's Dreams is available for free download at http://esther.ocremix.org. This album was produced to help promote video game music, the cuteness of babies, and the wonders of parenthood. Esther's Dreams was made by big fans, for lil' fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by any of the publishers or developers of the original games; all original compositions are copyright their respective owners. "The response to the call for tracks was tremendous, everyone was super-enthusiastic, and we received enough varied tracks to create three separate discs: Playtime, Downtime, and Sleepytime, with a mini-bonus disc of Sillytime," album co-director Kristina "Chimpazilla" Scheps explained. "We've got music for every baby mood!" 33 artists arranged video game themes as mellow music and lullabies suitable for your favorite young gamers and gamers-to-be, with 28 total games represented including: Animal Crossing Bravely Default Chrono Trigger DuckTales Final Fantasy series Gradius series .hack//Infection ilomilo Kingdom Hearts The Legend of Zelda series Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Pokémon X & Y Secret of Mana The Secret of Monkey Island Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure Super Mario series To the Moon Yoshi Touch & Go; and Zone of the Enders. "Thank you especially to the artists for their inspired work, baby photos (!), and for sharing pieces of themselves in their music," album co-director Larry "Liontamer" Oji said in praise of the contributors. "They've not only come together to do something cool for lil' Esther, her mom Anna, and proud papa Dave as OCR's founder; they've also come together to create music infused with the energy of youth, innocence, love, and family. From our VGM-loving family to yours, enjoy!" About OverClocked ReMix Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. ### Download it: http://esther.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Esther's_Dreams.torrent Comments/Reviews: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/43841-/ Preview it:
  8. Preview Esther's Dreams: http://youtu.be/_RO1P0E2jAM Download Esther's Dreams: http://esther.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Esther's_Dreams.torrent Before djpretzel's daughter Esther was born, Dave's sister Emily emailed me wondering if I could coordinate a baby-themed album as a celebratory surprise for the baby shower. I loved the idea and the lullaby focus was an obvious choice. That said, I'm a relaxed kind of guy and took my time; being completely honest, I also didn't want to jinx anything before the little bundle arrived, but envisioning this being released after Esther's successful first year of life really resonated with me and gave the community ample time to come up with some fun and relaxed pieces. We privately shared the community's work with djp for Esther's first birthday, and now that Esther's two AND joined by bouncing baby Sarah, we're finally ready (and possessing enough free cycles -- barely, I've got my own daughter now too!) to release this joyous musical effort to the community at large. When I told Kris about the album concept, she let me know from the start that she'd be involved in a big way, and indeed she was the driving force behind making this happen, always asking for status updates and ensuring things moved forward. In life, the squeaky wheel gets the grease (live by it!), so be sure to surround yourself with good people who won't tolerate you being in a state other than motivated and focused. Kris's idea to segment the album based on energy levels was excellent, and I love how things turned out by going for three different discs, Playtime, Downtime, and Sleepytime. For those of you who are parents with young kids, please let us know if they work as good background or sleep-inducing music for your little ones. Thank you so much to Emily for asking me to make this happen, Kris for reminding me to make this happen, and thank you especially to the artists for their inspired work, baby photos (!), and for sharing pieces of themselves in their music. They've not only come together to do something cool for lil' Esther, her mom Anna, and proud papa Dave as OCR's founder; they've also come together to create music infused with the energy of youth, innocence, love, and family. From our VGM-loving family to yours, enjoy! - Larry Oji (Liontamer) I became a judge on December 13, 2013, and six days later on December 19th, djpretzel became a first-time father to beautiful Esther. During a flurry of new-judge chatting, Larry casually asked if a few of us could throw together some baby-friendly tracks for Dave, to celebrate Esther's birth. Larry was looking for about five tracks, to be completed within two weeks or so. Haha! This was just a few days before Christmas and MAGFest, so the response was lukewarm at best. Busy people, busy time of year. At MAGFest, halc and I hatched a plan to collab on a track from Yoshi Touch & Go that totally fit the bill for the baby concept. We got the track ("Baby Blue Sky") finished by February, but ours was still the only one. Fast forward: one enormous mass-email written by Larry, much bugging of Larry by me, and one full year later, and we had 32 lovely baby-friendly tracks we presented to Dave for Esther's first birthday! The response to the call for tracks was tremendous, everyone was super-enthusiastic, and we received enough varied tracks to create three separate discs: Playtime, Downtime, and Sleepytime, with a mini-bonus disc of Sillytime. We've got music for every baby mood! Congratulations, Dave and Anna, on Esther. She really is the most beautiful kid I've ever seen (besides my own kid, OF COURSE). We hope you enjoy these tracks, and we really hope both Esther and Sarah enjoy these tracks. - Kristina Scheps (Chimpazilla)
  9. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  10. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  11. 1) No worries, that's correct. The source tune for Virgin Mojito's was exclusive to the international version of the game (no subtitle). Most of BD's songs would fall under the original JP release of the game (Flying Fairy), though the game association for any ReMixes of it would likely be the international version that most artists played. Sounds complicated, but everything's OK. 2) Will get those lyrics fixes later, thanks for that!
  12. As soon as the boomy backing parts arrived at :22, I was full agreement with the others Js that this was too compressed. Same with the beats coming in at :40; everything's too boomy and sizzling there and pushing out the audibility of other elements like the airy vox support. I also agreed the panning was too wide; maybe outside of headphones it wouldn't sound like a dealbreaker, and one could make the case that it's not here, but it's a case where I'd argue things are too wide. Arrangement-wise, this is an easy pass, Tyler, so if you could tone down the compression on the beats and give this piece some more breathing room, this would be a shoo-in. I love the style here, it's just a matter of the mixing choices being too aggressive at the expensive of clarity and balanced levels. Normally I wouldn't add on a 4th vote to a unanimous NO vote, but seeing it was Tyler and loving his work, I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be a YES. Tyler, definitely please tweak this and resubmit it; it'll skip the normal wait time due to it being a resubmission, and we can get this posted as long as the mixing clicks better. Keep being awesome! NO (refine/resubmit)
  13. I agreed with the others on the production being cramped and the mixing indistinct, but though it was a dealbreaker. The overall fullness of the track means the panning issues I'm having don't sound horrible, but IMO some of the panning was too wide and was needlessly disorienting. The industrial style metallic percussion was a nice touch. Frankly, the synth from 2:53-3:12 sounded pretty atonal and awful, with very stilted timing, and was basically a dealbreaker by itself. I'll live with this being posted, but this deserved another production pass by Anthony. NO (resubmit)
  14. Yeah, the vocals aren't horribly performed, and I didn't hear anything majorly out of tune and cringy, but there were definitely a lot of brief, noticeable flat spots that added up, and the vocals are so dryly mixed that none of those flat spots are covered up or mitigated. There's a lot going on in terms of treating the instrumental and giving the sound of that aspect more depth, that I'm honestly surprised the same attention wasn't given to the vocals to make it all gel together. I had to check this out since it's Stevo and I was surprised at NOs, but I see where they're coming from. Some vocal auto-tuning, chorusing, and/or other post-production could push this over the top, but the vocals really shouldn't sound this dry; even if there were 0 flatness issues, the dryness was a significant issue. Strong arrangement otherwise, Stevo, so I really hope we get v1.1, please! NO (resubmit)
  15. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  16. Not a problem, just PM me with the details, specifically when the album release would be and the info about when the mix was subbed.
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