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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Nothing wrong with using in-game voice samples. Much like any idea or technique though, don't overdo it. That's not from a "this is a violation" point of view, but rather a "keep it tasteful" point of view.
  2. Nah, you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I don't know your friends, how long they've been dating, or how strong their relationships are. Nonetheless, moving from long-time friends to dating isn't as common as you're making it out to be. I can get into it later, but there are always extenuating circumstances that can explain what the dynamic was before they became more serious (e.g. how close and knowledgeable of each other they were as friends, how aloof the guy was, either party having hangups or low standards that would encourage them to settle). I was friends with The Lady for 4 years before we ever went out, but it's not because I was pining at her for 4 years. Once I realized I was down, I stopped functioning as her friend and immediately switched gears. I also didn't say that pursuing a friendship under non-romantic terms is a perfectly valid way to lead to dating. It's valid in the same way that you could learn to fly a plane through watching action films. Could you potentially do it? Maybe, but highly unlikely. Would I recommend you do it that way when there are clearly better ways? No. What I'm saying is that because you don't want to DATE to get to know people, trying to learn more about the person "your way" through being their friend is currently your only option, and thus, by default, your best one. But it's a statistically bad option, and you should change it. Part of it may be (and I hate to play psych but am gonna try to infer something anyway), is that you don't wanna come across as a dog and like "all the other guys". In a way, you're denying your attraction. When you're saying "I don't know if I'm interested until I get to know them", that's inadvertently a lie. What you really mean is "I'm interested, but I don't know if I'll still be interested once I get to know them." That's more forthcoming. After all, there must be a reason to justify using a friendship explicitly to research them. Well, congratulations, it's because they passed your physical attraction test, and now you wanna worm up in it. As a male, being the friend of a girl is only OK if you don't have any interest in dating her. When you have no other motives or expectations, that's when it's truly all about friendship. Since this isn't your case, no matter how you want to spin it, I'd recommend you don't attempt to go the friend route. If you simply ASK a girl for her home phone number, the acceptance or rejection there removes ambiguities in a lot less time than if you're trying to be buddy buddy. And let's say you do ask for a date and get it. When you go out, there are a myriad of things you can learn about the girl's attraction level to you not only through the success or failure of conversation, but also her reaction to the venue as well as her body language in that date setting, things you can't learn with that level of accuracy by being buddies. Nothing you quoted contradicted anything I said about Ladder Theory being accurate. When I'd heard of it, it was a great supplement/verification of what I already knew.
  3. Based off what you said, yes, you did miss out on being slapped by your girlfriend. But the injuries that rack up in cheerleading still made it the right choice, IMO.
  4. That's correct. Check out the judges decision on it.
  5. Don't be stupid. Ladder Theory just explains some aspects of attractions and relationships, it doesn't tell you HOW to actually do a good job in a relationship. I never even heard of Ladder Theory until 4 years after getting my shit straight. Nonetheless, it's great, and pretty much all true, albeit stating things in a different way.
  6. The only think I don't like about Kwed's layout is that there's nothing designating game arrangements from demo arrangements. But yes, everyone should be going to RKO and DLing everything they have.
  7. I offered it in the first post; I knew it would be fun! Yeah, Off-Top has that advice thread, but watching most of those guys in action is like the blind leading the blind.
  8. Please Banhammer, don't hurt 'em! Happy Birthday, Ryan!
  9. Nah, I'm right. Besides, we're not really discussing the same topic. The only thought I had walking away from your blog post, Doug, was "Man, he sure knows how to pick 'em."
  10. It was an interpretive, well-put-together arrangement. The rules haven't changed much. I'll just attribute those last two comments to some sort of Hispanic racism versus trackers and Swedes.
  11. Doesn't matter what it is, I read them all. I don't mind when we receive lengthy submissions letters. Nah, that's a bad reason to NO a submission. Like zircon said, personal preference is just one potential bias we have to put aside. That's what intense physical attraction is. When you first meet someone, you mentally size them up. There aren't really many exceptions. If they pass your physical attraction test, they're potential dating material. That doesn't mean you'll necessarily try to move forward with that (especially if you have no other info to go on). I'm just saying that based on physical looks only, you quickly lump the person into either yes or no on whether they're potentially date-able. You're doing this whether you realize it or not. That's fine, that's what you should do. I certainly haven't said otherwise. You yourself just don't want to use dates for that; that's also fine. Many people though will ask girls out just off the physical attraction test, using dates as a forum for learning more about them and deciding if it'll go anywhere. To many, beauty is a very compelling factor; enough so, that they don't need more info than to pursue something romantic. They'll fill in the blanks later. There's nothing wrong with being friends when you're not compelled to want a romantic relationship with that person. But once you truly know you want to pursue a relationship, you have to drop the pretense of friendship now that your feelings have changed, and you ask the person out on a date. That's where most guys makes the wrong decision and stay the friend, not wanting to rock the boat. Under no circumstances should you continue playing the role of the friend and suppressing your own interest after you know you'd want to date the person. When you act as a friend despite wanting more, you're basically saying to a girl "Don't think of me as a romantic interest. We don't have those kind of interactions."
  12. Happy birthday to former workhorse judge, Brandon "Harmony" Bush, the crooning-est black man alive, and my twin brother in the community! He's now reached the age of OOOOOOOOOOOOOLD!
  13. Bah. Also, here's to older women! Happy birthday, Jill! Looking forward to the album!
  14. I just got my copy of our interview in the mail this afternoon, Dan, thanks a lot for sending it my way, I really appreciate it. Maybe one of the Js can host my scan of the print article. I'm definitely looking forward to the full transcript eventually going up!
  15. Lemme clarify. If you meet a girl, you want to pursue a romantic relationship from the start, and you try "friends first", that's stupid and only works in films. It's stupid to suppress what you're actually after and have the girl classify you as "just a friend." That's basic Ladder Theory and wholeheartedly against a "friends first" philosophy. For the following, keep in mind this is because you're honestly not interested, not because you're bullshitting with "friends first" and hiding your interest. In zircon's case, and also my own, if you meet a girl and you're not pursuing a romantic relationship with her, then it's more than fine to be friends. But if and when you realize that you now want to pursue a romantic relationship, AND you get legitimate signals from her that she wants the same (very rare, and usually something guys don't realize is required for this to work), the friend dynamic from you then needs to be dropped in favor of dating. I don't know of anyone of any age who finds someone that way. No, dating is just the courting process after you've decided to pursue a romantic relationship. It doesn't matter when, where, how or how often you've met the other person. Not to sound insulting, but meeting and talking for the first time as a date is a blind date, clearly not understood as typical dating, but a subclass of dating. Ok. Yeah, I think the nature of the submitted music has the potential to change. Many people born in the late 80s and early 90s probably got started in the 4th generation of consoles, while some younger kids that you may hear in the next 2-3 years started gaming in the 5th generation of consoles. Still, with retrogaming so strong nowadays with it going legit, I don't think people getting into ReMixing the classics will die off. Retrogaming covers this somewhat, so the more melodic older stuff should still get some attention. Also, every time I have even minor doubts about the resourcefulness of the community, they collectively come out with some good interpretive material. So on that level, working with music into the 6th generation of consoles and beyond shouldn't be a problem that dramatically messes with the amount of ReMixes we'll receive. It'll be prohibitive to a significant amount of musicians due to a lack of MIDIs compared to older games, but I think we'll be OK.
  16. Oh don't worry, it definitely validates what I was saying. Gotta get that 1-on-1 time in and learn about one another in person. I dunno what other method Jeremy is suggesting for effectively doing the same thing.
  17. Hookups aren't more common, they're just less taboo, so you hear of them more. Are you saying people typically don't go on dates nowadays? Because that's the only point I made. No matter how people meet (a hookup, a class, a frat party, a mutual activity, a dating service, a club), most couples end up getting their true start at learning about one another with actual dates. Andy and Jill's relationship progressed because they visited one another and went out in real life, not because they can use IRC. The internet was just how they happened to meet each other. But none of that replaces actually spending quality time getting to know about the other person. If you can't do dates, then guess what? You're doing it all wrong.
  18. Was probably previously incorrect information on Wikipedia, or it could have been the B-Type for another release. It's fixed. If you don't see it immediately, it just needs to cache.
  19. Gonna need a Magic 8-Ball for that... [/shaky shaky] "Better not tell you now"
  20. Yeah, I would have mentioned that a game series was the clue. The hints gave Rockman away of course. Cool puzzle, Don!
  21. In terms of tempo, structure, and mood, "Icy Peaks" was a lot different compared to its source. I didn't get that from this piece at all, which is why I NOed.
  22. Name: DrumUltimA Real Name: Doug Perry Email: drumultima@comcast.net Website: http://drumultima.livejournal.com ForumID: 3877 Name of Game: CHRONO TRIGGER! Name of songs: World Revolution, with little bits of Last Battle, The Chrono Trigger, Fanfare 1, Robo's Theme, Ayla's Theme, Chrono and Marle, Kaeru (frog)'s Theme, and Battle with Magus So here it is: "Lavos is Inconsistent" Lavos is inconsistent when it comes to being good--because he's bad! This mix is supposed to illustrate a battle between Lavos and Chrono and his friends. They start off fighting as you normally would, and then Lavos tricks everyone into becoming friends. Then he eats them! I guess with this remix I concentrated a lot with sounds--what I could make, what I could do with pre-existing sounds, etc. Oh yeah, and as always, if this gets rejected, please leave the URL posted. http://drumultima.googlepages.com/lavosisinconsistent.mp3 Enjoy! -Doug --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "World Revolution" (ct-313.spc), A bunch of 'em The production felt a bit rough. Would love to hear better separation of the parts for some increased clarity. I think it would benefit the complexity of the textures. Wow, the sequencing and tone on the guitar synth at 1:09 (and again at 2:01) was awful. The cymbal shots starting at 1:25 sounded gratuitous for some reason. Not sure what the point was of the building dissonance via the bubbly synth from 1:37-1:50 or using it again from 5:34-5:48 to close the track up. 2:23-2:44 felt aimless to some extent; not in a good way. Cooler stuff at 2:51, especially the harmonization and countermelody brought in around 3:03. The drums brought in at 3:18 were OK, but I would have pulled back the cymbals myself. Everything still has a cluttered, lo-fi feel to it. Went off the rails a bit at 3:48 when the two different sections of "World Revolution" worked in tandem, and everything was cluttered and clashing until 4:15. Pretty unwieldy, and there were plenty of moments like it that dragged this down and undermined the flow. Good recovery at 4:15 with a piano take of "World Revolution" followed by the synth version. More dual theme stuff at 4:46 that felt like it merely got in the way. Wasn't really feeling the changes in the percussion from 5:12-5:28, seeming busy for no particular reason. Overall, I'm liking the concept, but the execution falls flat. On the production side, the sound balance needs some work done. On the arrangement side, despite the good interpretation ideas, I'm not sure why all these jarring moments were there, but they added up. Whether it was dissonance or the drumwork being too loud and busy and preventing the textures from gelling, there were a lot of things making the structure feel sloppy and unfocused. And no, I don't think the name of the track justified it. The other votes will be interesting. I think you should go back and fine tune this one, Doug. The potential is clearly there. NO (resubmit)
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