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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Congrabbalations to Marcellis for his debut mix. Please leave additional comments in the Review thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=279439#279439
  2. Contact Info * Remixer name: Another Soundscape * Real name: Mattias Häggström Gerdt * E-mail: anothersoundscape@gmail.com * Website: http://www.anothersoundscape.tk * UserID: 12912 [ edit ] ReMix Info * Name of game(s) ReMixed: Jade Cocoon (Tamamayu Monogatari in Japan) * Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Syrus Village * Additional information about game, if it has not yet been added to the site, including composer, system, etc: (source, wikipedia) System - Playstatin, Composer - Kimitaka Matsumae, Genre - RPG, Developer - Genki, Year - Flag of United States November 30, 1998 Flag of European Union April 27, 2001 Flag of Japan February 7, 2002 * Link to the original soundtrack, if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site: Sadly I cannot find the psfs anywhere so I uploaded the song in mp3format that I got a hold off.. * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. This is really a soundtrack I respect. I played this game for half a year when I was about.. 11-12 and I never forgot the great music and atmosphere. I looked for the soundtrack for almost 3 years without success and then finally found it. Now I wanted to pay my respect to Kimitaka Matsumae's perfect soundtrack. I was trying to capture the feeling from the original game with the percussion and ethnic elements and then went overboard with loads of synths and som phat drums. Since I love to fit different styles into my remixes I went even more overboard by finishing off with a more slick general rock (no guitars though) version of the theme. Everything was, as always, done in Reason 3. I am really proud of this one and I hope everyone else will enjoy it too. Kind Regards, Mattias Häggström Gerdt (Another Soundscape) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Jade Cocoon Original Soundtrack - (03) "Syrus Village" Very nice source tune choice. I'm gonna have to check out the rest of that soundtrack. I was disappointed that there were no PSFs out. Nice intro; good choice of instruments for a pleasing texture. Melody came in at :33. Good expansion of the bassline writing compared to the original. Joined in by a countermelodic synth at :56 that was a bit overbearing for my tastes, but was used well. Drums brought in at 1:29 were a weak point; the tone lacked a lot of punch and sounded generic, plus the pattern sounded plain overall. There's something about the production that makes this sound lossy and distant like a much lower encoding, especially during fuller sections using the drums like 1:41-2:26, but I can't put my finger on it. Good change in the dynamics at 2:26, even despite using the similar textures as in the beginning of the track. Same lossiness issues when the drums returned at 3:11. The woodwind lead and drums during this section don't fill up the space enough, IMO, making this section feel emptier than I think was the intent. It's a good contrast to the beefier 1:46-2:26 section, but I can't help but feel this could use one more part or some rebalancing of the sounds to flesh things out further. I'd really prefer this was tweaked on the production side before it went up, but even in light of the flaws there, this is still a safe enough pass. The arrangement is really cool stuff, and Mattias continues to be one to watch as he only continues to refine his sounds and improve his craft. YES
  3. Derek, if you have a new copy of the mix at/under the 6MB/192kbps limits that deals with the volume, attach me a copy in an email. Since it hasn't been long since it was posted, we can replace the existing version with a new one provided that the arrangement itself isn't changed. In the meantime, I'd suggest something at least more semi-permanent for hosting of the higher encoding such as Google Pages. Putfile, Rapidshare, Getfile, Nowfile, Wutfile, WHOAfile, et al. are all poor hosting choices.
  4. I only saw this now. Did you get this? If not, I can hook you up.
  5. If you have a personal request rather than a general one, look at their profiles and send them an email. http://www.ocremix.org/remixer/joshuamorse/ http://www.ocremix.org/remixer/po/
  6. It's definitely a faux pas to ask an arranger to heavily redo a track, especially an older piece, like zircon mentioned. I wouldn't expect anything to come of the request, to be honest. The best you could hope for is someone else deciding to do it, which is doubtful, though more unlikely things have happened.
  7. An updated version is in. Could we have some new comments regarding the volume, especially from the 5 conditional YESs? Still seems rather low to begin with but it may be serviceable. After 3:00, things picked up a lot more though some of the big drums sounded lightly distorted. Not a huge deal, IMO.
  8. DO A REAL VOTE, JIZZYJON! http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - IceCap Zone 1 Wasn't feeling the stiffness of the piano to open things up, but the overall textures were good. Not sure why the string pad was so buried in the back from :46-1:16, as it barely filled the background at all. The beatwork pattern (1:16-2:13, 2:47-3:43) was initially cool, but got very repetitive and ended up dragging things down. Changeup at 2:15 was welcome, but the bowed string phrase leading to the transition sounded dynamically flat and had no power behind it. The production lacked sophisitication for the most part. The overall mixing here cames off flat in a lot of places. zircon had a lot of good suggestions to address those issues. Things sounded noticeable lossy with this encoding; why not bump up the bitrate? As underwhelmed as I was by the production though, the arrangement was nonetheless a lot stronger through more interpretation and development of the source material. At the end of the day, it's solid enough to get by. YES
  9. <djpretzel> what's the status on a louder version? <Larry> I mailed Chris yesterday <Larry> haven't heard back, but gave him the whole vote, relayed the issues on volume, told him (provided you also went YES) that if he wanted to just work on volume that was fine <Larry> but that it was also a potential opportunity to work on other issues if he wanted to <djpretzel> conditional yes w/volume fixed <djpretzel> also believe whatever encoder he's using has issues <djpretzel> 128... yeah <djpretzel> we could use 160 <djpretzel> and LAME preferably <djpretzel> essentially, if he sent any of us the raw WAV of the evaluated sub, we could fix it <Larry> he could probably fix it; it's just that he hosts on Soundclick, so they automatically force it down to 128kbps; they may reencode the files <Larry> I'll just let him know to use a better hosting source or attach That's the word from up yonder by the Pretzel man. Props to Chris to running the gauntlet and finally making it past those evil bastards!
  10. Nice work. Lyrics were really creative, and I noticed the autobiographical nature of 'em back when I heard the WIP. That chip-style solo from 2:08-2:20 was swanky. ... j00 stupid nerd.
  11. Ha, we've got a TON of those. If we ever get to a point where the queue is thinned down to almost the very end, I've got about 75 arrangements already where I would contact the creator and see if they'd like to submit it. There are so many strong tracks out there.
  12. In the event this makes it onto OCR, please don't post it until the radical dreamers project is complete. remixer name: OA real name: Andrew Luers email address: andrewluers@ gmail.com website: oceansend.com userid: 14963 [ edit] ReMix Info game remixed: radical dreamers song remixed: snakebone mansion original soundtrack: http://www.ocremix.org/songs/original/Radical%20Dreamers.rsn my comments: The Radical Dreamers soundtrack is a collection of a few songs with beautiful melodies, and then several really boring BGM tracks. Snakebone Mansion is firmly entrenched in the latter catagory, but I worked really hard to turn a generic "sneaking around" song into something a little sexier, a little darker, and more like a super spy or something. I learned a lot during this mix, and hope you all like it. The title is a play on words, some people might get it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=rd - "Snakebone Mansion" ( rd-06.spc) This is a classic! DON'T MESS IT UP! Alright, now that I've jinxed it... Opening is alright. The bowed strings at :07 sounded pretty rigidly sequenced, which hurt this one right out of the gate. I didn't feel the drum tone fit (but do I ever? ). Along with that, the texture, once things were supposed to be full at :15, was empty. There's a boatload of empty space waiting for something a lot more substantial than that lonely weak string at :30 to pad it out. You probably thought the bass & drums would do the job, but c'mon, flesh this out. Track switched up to some electric geetar stuffs at :46 that filled up the space much better. The bassline and drums still didn't fill this out enough; there was too much reliance on the guitar's effects to occupy the soundfield. Meanwhile, the strings were barely audible. The guitar playing was really stiff and robotic-sounding (and again at 1:33). Until zircon told me otherwise, I thought it was sequenced; not really much else to say on that level. :'-( Aside from some nitpicks coming out of the gate, the production was fine. I still feel the drums could have a sound that better meshes with the other instruments. But what's more mission critical is that you've gotta learn how to finesse things so that the note movements are smoother and more natural sounding. It's too bad, because velocity variation is clearly paid attention to in order to create a more realistic feel, like with the bowed strings. However, that's only 1 part of the equation. The arrangement itself is a solid enough pass, and has good energy and development, but the sequencing on everything is jarringly inhuman. It's almost annoying how many different parts you have at once all doing the robot, including the live guitar. You need to refine things to give it a smoother feel. It don't gotta be perfect, but it's gotta be way better than this. Definitely get feedback from someone you trust, then revise this and send it on back, Andy. NO (resubmit)
  13. Superpwnt. I say that because some others have been having the same problems. It might just be a Firefox issue.
  14. Yeah, not to slight Derek & Jeremy's piece, but I was disappointed in the lack of reviews as well. Can't help but think that if this was labeled Zelda 3 (the other corresponding game in the arrangement) then this would have gotten more attention. That's just the nature of the unwashed masses. I really hope more people, especially lurkers, can come on board and comment on this one. It's definitely a unique piece relative to others on the site, and AeroZ's a name to watch.
  15. Bleh, not one of my favorites. I always remembered that one as 96kbps, so the 192kbps version definitely threw me off; why did Sonic Blade never submit that higher encoding. In any case, the rest are definitely not from here, so the trail ends there. Man, that virt mix sounds dated as hell. Hitting that VGMix thread mentioned earlier would be a much better bet if you haven't done so already.
  16. Dunno any of them, but I can definitively say that none of the tracks are or were (as in removed) OC ReMixes, including that Metroid one you were suspicious about. The quality on most of those is so lousy (sorry to bag on them, I'm sure the nostalgia factor or what have you is high) that they're likely VGMix1 pieces if they were ever hosted anywhere large.
  17. I'm suspecting too much direct sampling, but don't know the soundtracks (or arranged soundtracks) well enough; I can ask around - LT THE LEGEND OF ZELDA - SWELL SESSION REMIX. * Your ReMixer name ---- Swell Session * Your real name ---- Andreas Saag * Your email address ---- andreas@swellsession.org * Your website ---- www.swellsession.org * Your userid (number, not name) ---- http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=20700 * Name of game(s) ReMixed ----- Legend of Zelda, LOZ Twilight princess, LOZ Ocarina of time, LOZ A link to the past, LOZ The Wind waker. * Name of individual song(s) ReMixed ---- All the intros + various bits. * Additional information about game, if it has not yet been added to the site, including composer, system, etc. * Link to the original soundtrack, if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. This mix was made in collaboration with the swedish nintendo magazine called +N. http://kotaku.com/gaming/literal/kotaku-magu-paper-mario-papercraft-263773.php It's a tribute to the Legend of Zelda series. It was made by Swell Session, an artist from Sweden who has previously released a lot of electronic music and toured in Japan. It can also be found on http://www.myspace.com/swellplusoneremixes The mix has created a bit of a buzz already and we thought that it would be a good idea to post it here too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are some funny comments over at Kotaku regarding this mix. Lots hated the approach. I thought this was a cool track myself, but standards-wise we have a problem. Intro seems fine. It's certainly different than anything we normally get, but it's produced well. The choir vox sounds pretty cheap, but that could be a result of it being chopped up rather than sequenced, I couldn't be sure. At least it's couched well in the soundscape and works in tandem with the chiptune-ish sounds in arranging the familiar melody. Some seemingly pitch-shifted direct sampling of the Wind Waker "Staff Credits" theme mixed in starting at 1:23, finally heard at length at 1:51. Rather sloppy work fitting it to the tempo of the beatwork, I thought it was awkward the whole way. Some really badass Zelda 3 arrangement showed up at 2:15 with a different choir, but it sounds like it was direct sampled from something else. If this was made for the arrangement, then it's badass, but the odds seem low for a mix of this nature. The fact that the choir's badass here but lame in the beginning doesn't sounds like something not chosen, but inherited. BUT...they're badass enough where it could be the vocals of frequent collaborator Elsa Esmeralda though (e.g. the intro vocals of Andreas's "A Heart to Cover For" remix), or the same choir patch or vocalist(s) from the end of Andreas's "Masa's Theme" remix. Bottom line, I'll need to know more information. I'd prefer a smoking gun, but based on the material I've heard from Andreas's site, this may not groove with the site standards. OC ReMixes are contingent upon building the major majority of the arrangement on your own, not by direct sampling. I'll have to reserve judgement until I know more sampling details from the artist or another panelist.
  18. I'll come back at you guys with comments either tonight or tomorrow night. Thanks for the progress so far.
  19. If y'all wanna get this all out before August and the game's 10th anniversary, those remaining tracks have gotta get a move-on. Looking forward to everything!
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