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Everything posted by Genjutsu74

  1. Actually, some knuckleheads seem to think that Vesperia could be a prequel of sorts to the Symphonia series. I won't say why, just to avoid spoilers for anyone who hasn't gotten that far in the game, but I'm sure anyone who's played it probably knows what I'm talking about. I think they're nuts, but, then again, I guess I can understand why they might think that.
  2. I have to agree with everyone else: now that you've suggested it, this must be done. Fury Sparks, Staunch Opponent, The World At Your Fingertips, and Around the World are some of my personal favorites. Lots of good music there. Not quite as good as Symphonia's though. Vesperia was a great game either way. Can't wait for this project to finally get released. It's gonna be so freakin' epic!
  3. Well, it appears to be based on the first part, Dragonball, not DBZ. The first part had signifcantly less lasers and mountain-crushing, so, in that aspect, I guess it's not quite as far off as we're making it out to be. I guess I should be reserving judgement. Maybe it'll surprise like the first Mortal Kombat movie, and actually be pretty decent.
  4. Looks like balls(hurr), but really. I mean, REALLY. Did anyone expect anything other than crap? I'm just surprised that the movie's actually happening. It's pretty sad yet at the same time utterly hilarious that the guy playing Goku is actually the guy who most looks like his anime counterpart. I think?
  5. ...They're supposed to be a bonus with the preorder. You got screwed. And I've already gotten everything, including achievements, from the pub games, with a cool 42,000 gold to spare. As far as how...well...I think I was just really lucky with the spinnerbox. I didn't exploit that infamous glitch, however.
  6. Looking forward to this. First Fable was a letdown. I'm just hoping this actually becomes "Fable II", not simply "what Fable should've been". I mean, I'd still buy it. I've got it preordered. But this is a little worrisome. Considering everything the first one failed to deliver, that's not good. (Yeah, I know they're trying to get it added on later. It still sucks.)
  7. Proto Man Mode. Epic win.
  8. It probably had something to do with that spammer from last night. All the guy's threads were deleted, though. In anycase, this game looks cool. I'm waiting for them to add Link to the gameplay, myself. Soon as that happens, I'm downloading this stuff.
  9. Argh, this thread has made me lol more than it should be. Didn't really know much about him, but it's unfortunate, nonetheless. RIP, man.
  10. Haha, dunno why I didn't think of that. I actually beat it shortly after I posted(mostly because he didn't go nuts with Thermal Rays), but I'll have to remember Berserk. It's so easy to forget about all those status ailments, but they're alot better in this version.
  11. Hmmm, I had no touble at all with it. Of course, I had Rydia with Fast Talker, Rosa with Dualcasting, and Kain with Cry(lol). Just have Rosa cast Haste on everyone, Slow the Wall, Berserk Cecil and Kain(after Kain lowers his defense with Cry), and have Rydia spam either Leviathan or Flare(I didn't have Flare, I was like one level away). I didn't even have Throw equipped on Edge; he just got slapped with Berserk, too, and I still pummeled the snot out of him before it even got close enough to try to attack me. Oddly enough, I had similar results with Bahamut. Killed him before he even got finished with the first countdown, lol. It kinda feels like they slowed down the timer a bit. Either way, Dualcasting Rosa is freakin awesome. Right now, though, I'm getting my ass handed to me by a SINGLE Red Dragon guarding some Crystal Gloves in the final dungeon. Pissin me off man...
  12. pic not working http://www.nintendoeverything.com/?p=2084 This is nuts. Bunch a people thought the 'secret game' was gonna be Kingdom Hearts 3 due to the teaser from the previous issue. This ain't Kingdom Hearts. I'll reserve judgement til we get more info, but Sega kinda speaks for itself these days. I can't help but be reminded of Shadow the Hedgehog.
  13. Well, that's all well and good, but there's a significant difference: whereas RE4 and Okami were moving to better technology, Dead Rising is moving to a much weaker console. We'll have to wait and see what suffers most from it, but something's gonna be downgraded. Like Atmuh said, we need to see the game in action to know for sure(but, we generally need to for any game, right?). Still, this is pretty neat; I always wanted to play this, but fear of the RROD, combined with not getting my own 360 til well after the game was released made me overlook it. New weapons, enemies, and all that good stuff never hurts. I might grab this. My Wii needs something, it's been rotting in a corner since I got bored with Smash Bros. And outside of ToS:Dawn of the New World, there really hasn't been anything to look forward too, IMO. Also, gotta tone down the difficulty for the casuals, eh?
  14. I dunno if this is what you meant, but if FFXIII has a Star Ocean 3-esque battle system, this game will own my soul. Haven't they been saying that the battle system for the game is being called ATB? Which is, of course, the same thing it's always been called: Active Time Battles. Whether it means the same thing this time or not...I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  15. Wow, it's cool to see alot more people liked X-2 than I thought. As for XII, I actually think the game could've benefitted from becoming a little more linear(just my opinion). It's a good game with a good story, but all the sidequests distracted me from it. I'm one of those people that has to get everything done before I continue in a game, including any sidequests. There were so many sidequests in the game, all popping up throughout the main part of the story, that I kept running off to finish those instead of focusing on the main story. By the time I got to the endgame, I had spent so much time on the sidequests and grinding, that I couldn't remember what the hell was going on. I never finished the game. I think it would've helped if they had waited til the endgame to unlock a large chunk of those sidequests. At the very least, it would be easier to stay focused on the plot for people like me. Another weakness in the game, for me, was the characters, or, more specifically, Vaan and Penelo. They were utterly pointless! Ashe, Basch, Balthier, and Fran all were great characters who had good personalities and backstories. Vaan(who the game tries to pass as the main character!) and Penelo were just kinda there for the ride. Vaan had a bit of the revenge factor going, but that's about it. The game would've been much better if they had just gone with a four character party and cut out Vaan and Penelo altogether, in my opinion. Gilgamesh, however, was worth the price of admission, himself. 'MUHAHAHAHAH...OOF, AAAAIIII!' Classic.
  16. Great to hear you're doing better. Don't know you personally, and don't post here often, but I've always enjoyed your music(particularly "Beginning of the End" from VotL), and hope you make a full recovery. It'd be great to here some more mixes from you, but your health is more important; worry about that first!
  17. It was called Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, for the DS. Never played it myself, so I'm not gonna comment on it. As for X-2...was I the only sicko that enjoyed that game? Seriously, it wasn't that bad. Yeah, the girliness was a bit much at times and the story was less than memorable, but the battle system was probably the best the series has seen. It took the job system from FFV, made it more flexible by allowing you to change jobs during battle, ramped up the speed a bunch, and made everything more fluid, so that it felt like it was more real-time than turn-based. I kinda wish all these remakes would actually modify the gameplay a bit to play more like X-2. As for the main topic, XIII...wow. This is great news for me, as I really didn't want to drop $500(or whatever it costs now) on a PS3 to play this game. Of course, there's still Versus, but that one seems further away anyway; by then I might be able to throw some money at a PS3. As for all the fanboys crying foul at Square-Enix for "selling out" or "betraying the fans" or whatever, get over it. This is a unique move in a sense for Squenix: they're actually acknowledging the American fanbase. While the PS3 is obliterating the 360 in Japan, it's quite a different story here. They're now giving American and European fans the choice of buying the cheaper, (arguably)more popular system and still being able to play FFXIII. Besides, Square has a history of doing crap like this. I'm sure Nintendo got a real kick out of that conference. Sony's as strong as they are today partially because Square made a similar move before. In the end, it's all a business, and in order for Square-Enix to maximize profit, they need their flagship title on the most popular system.
  18. Got everyone in the database added to my friends list. This game is awesome. Can't wait to see how good I fare against real people.
  19. Finally got a Wii today, so I'm game for some Brawls. Added myself to the database, will be adding everyone soon. Lucario's fun. CPU's are alot harder. Fun fun fun. EDIT: Thought I was posting in the Brawl thread. ' Too many windows open.
  20. I would just like to point out that the remix in that trailer is the same remix from the Mario Raceway Stage in Brawl. FYI. Anyway, looks good. I like the 12 racers on track now, too. I'll be picking this up at some point.
  21. It looks pretty neat, not utterly mind-blowing, though. Part of it's the sound & music though; as Dhsu stated, it's just MP3 rips, and they don't really fit. Plus, there are some much better tracks from Halo than the one used there... Looks like it's worth a play, though. Nifty stuff. Also, never compare OCR to Gamefaqs. That made me lol.
  22. Wario Man + Super Mushroom + Wario Waft = ??? Seriously, that is EPIC.
  23. Eulogic for prez Seriously, when I get this game, I'll probably spend the rest of the day at the sound test. Best. Soundtrack. EVER. EDIT: Also, that unknown Pokemon Theme, if I remember correctly, is a very heavy remix of the Pokemon League theme from Pokemon Ruby/Saphire/Emerald. Just so you know.
  24. By the way, figured I'd post some vids of some of those characters. WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD! SPOILER:Ganondorf's Specials and Final Smash!:SPOILER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cNl0PljSB8 SPOILER:Lucario's Specials, Final Smash, and basic gameplay!:SPOILER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZh2oWZacm4
  25. Because asthetics have always been more important than gameplay. ' That may not have been what you intended to say, but I just found that quote...interesting. Anyway, spoiler tags cuz some people actually seem to think they can avoid these details for a month: [LOTS OF CHARACTER SPOILERS] Falco seems to be a Fox clone, no doubt. But Wolf actually seems to play quite differently. There are some similarities, sure, but he's much less a clone than Falco. It's more like Marth & Ike. Toon Link appears to be Young Link all over again. I like the super down stab though. Plus, his arrows & boomerang act alot differently. Ganondorf has many drastic animation changes, but he's still mostly the same. These changes are seemingly there simply to disguise his clone status. This is quite frustrating; there's no justification for Ganon remaining a Falcon clone. Lucario looks epic. No doubt I'll try to main him when he's unlocked. He has a couple similarities to Mewtwo, but it's only a couple; Lucario plays completely different overall. I love his vB atk, which appears to be Me First. [END NON-DOJO SPOILERS] Is it just me, or does Sonic seem...dull? It's just jump & spin. Maybe he'll be better when I actually use him myself, but right now, he just seems boring. I still prefer the idea I had of him using the elemental shields from S3K. (And, yes, I realize that all Sonic really does in alot of his games is jump & spin. He still seems dull to me.) And, finally, I know it's been said, but the music is freakin' EPIC. I'd buy this game just for the sound test. I can't wait to hear all of the tracks. C'mon, March. It's too far away!
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