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Everything posted by darkmaster987

  1. True. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with the standards here other than the technically-oriented ones, and i'm glad I don't have to wade through piles of shit like on NG and youtube. but since torrents are p-to-p, we're talking about files that aren't actually on the site, I'd like to be have complete choice over the files O download. TBH I think i've had a little too much to drink tonight. I might well be wishing I hadn't started this topic by tomorrow.
  2. I don't want to sound like some sort of P2P activist here, but the original purpose of systems like torrents was to prcevent censorship from people who believe they have the power to decide what we have the right to listen to. And as much as I hate to say this, the numerous "purges" that have happened on this site are a form of censorship. You might say "they're crap", and sure some of them are, but the fact remains that they were considered *enjoyable* enough (if poor from a technical point of view) to be posted on here in the first place, and that plenty of members here weren't happy with some of the removals. I know personally enjoyed some of the deleted tracks more than some of the recent ones I've seen on OCR. Bittorrent lets you select the files you want to download, and if people don't want those specific tracks, they can easily choose not to download them. It's just the idea of not offering people that choice that really grates with me - as long as they're not hosted on this site, they're not using your bandwidth, so this amounts to deliberately going out of your way only to deny people the ability to disagree with you. :/ Yeah I know this isn't exactly new, but until today I'd always assumed that all the songs that had ever been on OCRemix were still available through the torrents. Sadly not so. And yeah this is a rant post....sorry bout that, but alot of this kind of stuff on the net lately has really been getting on my nerves.
  3. Singing Mountain actually.
  4. Another one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjNn6LWu3QA Do the chords and general structure of the first 60 seconds remind you of anything?
  5. Please try to get used to the interface of whatever site you host on so you don't make this mistake again.
  6. I'm disappointed that they ditched the first level theme from the original (Battle of the holy), which I thought was pretty cool since it was basically a remix of both Vampire Killer and Bloody Tears. Although now that I think of it, it would have been much more suited to a final area rather than an introduction stage.
  7. Very nice so far. Also reminds me a little of Chrono Trigger, especially at around 1:25-ish.
  8. This one might be pushing it a little, but listen to the first 15 or so seconds of "Dreamer" by Europe. Anyone else find it sounds a little familiar?
  9. Pendulum actually seems to invert this and use VGM an an influence. The intro to "Granite" is a (blatantly) remixed version of the start of SMW's castle theme, and "Showdown" is practically a remix of Flash Man's theme from Megaman 2.
  10. Incidentally, Michael Jackson is apprently now pretty much confirmed as being one of the composers for Sonic 3: http://www.originalsoundversion.com/?p=6082 But without a doubt there's plenty of similarities between some VGM and other music. A few more examples: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Haunted / Mussorgsky - Night on the bald mountain Diddy Kong Racing - Everfrost Peak / The chicken dance (no joke) Banjo-Kazooie - Gruntilda's Lair / Teddy bear's picnic FFVI - Dancing Mad part 2 / Bach - Toccata and Fugue FFVII - those who fight further / Metallica - for whom the bell tolls There's over a dozen more too. Rare seem to be particularly bad offenders.
  11. I'm fairly sure the it's in the same key as the original...
  12. Ah, this I didn't know. Yeah, I phrased my post pretty poorly I agree, probably because I misinterpreted this as being another one of those "I'm too good, I don't need anyone's help or opinion" topics, which I've seen a few of on here over the past months. Apologies for that.
  13. Okay, let me ask you this: what exactly is wrong with showing off a WIP? Nobody's going to lose anything from it, and you'll probably gain some useful advice. There is absolutely zero logical reason why you shouldn't post it. Use your common sense please.
  14. Very nice, I'm liking it a lot so far except for the cutoff ending which I'm sure will be fixed. There's times where is almost seems to slip into lava reef/hidden palace zone...I can't tell if it's intentional or just that the two songs actually have much more in common than I thought.
  15. These sound a lot like General MIDI synths - you've taken two midis, converted them to MP3 and added reverb and tempo changes. :/
  16. ? This whole thread would be less confusing if you edited your first posted to be a link to the project page. Pokemon isn't really the first game that comes to mind when I think of potential remix album candidates, but it'll be interesting to see how this turns out.
  17. Concept is good enough, but you've got some really jarring wrong notes in there. The first is at 0:03 in the third chord of the main progression, and since it's repeated frequently throughout the song it really throws the whole thing off.
  18. Sounds good to me. Also, I believe you're the first (as in ever) to nail the arrangement of the middle portion of Magus's theme properly.
  19. Might just be me, but I really get a James Bond vibe from this...
  20. Is there any reason why narod.ru shows up in one of my blacklists as "malware"? I don't doubt it's a false alarm in this case, but I'm cautious about removing it since I know nothing about that domain.
  21. I can't fucking believe this. I'd have thought with all the servers Youtube have they'd at least be able to balance and manage the traffic load while they're performing maintenance... what kind of monkeys do they have running that place?
  22. I like it so far. The beginning of it sort of reminded me of chrono trigger.
  23. For some reason this song sounds like it's just begging to be mixed with Bowser's castle theme from NSMB...
  24. Seems your filehost nuked it, so I can't comment. Try to host a streamable version somewhere that won't delete your files automatically after X days/weeks. Youtube is actually quite good for this, now that their sound quality issues are sorted. Incidentally, I was always fairly sure the route 1 music in Pokemon was copied from somewhere else...
  25. The theme you've used is actually the Magus battle music; the music that plays in his castle is just the ordinary dungeon music. Sounds good so far, I look forward to hearing more of this.
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